GB 94 - Diary of QA/IK/BlS


When this game started we all agreed to make a diary, but its seems like I’m the only one actually did it in dept :slight_smile:
So to punish all of you who didnt keep your word, I now bring the full turn-to-turn story from the view of IK, QA and later on BlS, covering 13 word pages :slight_smile:

I still like to switch turns if anyone is interested in sharing. Happy reading…

Turn 0:
IK: Ok setup. Virsh received +10 stealth, will be useful later on, but no artefact spells. So what to do with starting armies? Largest threat is a Eot HC assault on my capital, so I decide to move entire army up to block/take at 3020. Plans are to retire Abdahkil and make 4 emis and a new 40 agent. As the military aspect is pretty important early on for DS and I didn’t start with any locate spells, I decide to use Hoarmurath and Khathog for combat purpose in the start.

QA: Ok setup. Adunaphel received +10 to emis, but didn’t start at capital. Decided to make a 10/20 C/A instead with first slot. What to do with my armies? I think I will try an ambush on 2635 with the LC from 2135 and move out a blocking army from capital to block possible SG army landing at 2734.

Turn 1:
IK: Khathog learned summon storms and joined the entire capital army at 3020, which is undefended. Seems like NG tries to save Minas Ithril as he has gathered all armies here, hope DS have plenty of armies here. Downgraded taxes to 39.

QA: Removed some ports, moved 900 LC to 2337 and 900 MA to 2834 which will stay to block possible armies. Uhhh, Harad have armies in all visible southern centers including 2833.

Turn 2:
IK: Yes, best news is DS capturing of Minas Ithril. Captured 3020 and blocked a small Eot army at 3119 patrolling the road. Another FP army has been blocked at 3118. Economy looking fine, with 60k gold in reserves.

QA: Harad awaited me at 2635 with an army and I was blocked at 2834 as expected. Harad seem to use navy commander to remove ports all over. New emis 40 created.

Turn 3:
IK: Uhhh Eot had 900 HC and 100 LC, but my challenge, downgrade and “Summon storms” spell wiped him clean only taking 30% casualties. Moved on to 3118 together with 1200 Hi from capital under Hoarmurath to finish off the remaining FP forces, where I meet a small eot army again. Map shows only DS armies at Osgiliath.

QA: Damn, plans vs 2635 went up in smoke as Harad had one of his HC starting armies defending. Even worse he captured my army commander  Harad also defeated me at 2834, but I moved in1700HI, 600Ar to 2935, from capital. Harad is playing quite well, I need more advanced plans to surprise him. Two new emis with one starting at level 48 !!!

Turn 4:
Confident that Gisulf would refuse challenge, I just issue attack and move with both armies, and blind challenge Machered with Khathog. But Gisulf decides to challenge Hoarmurath and of course gets wiped clean ??? I don’t understand this at all, had he challenged Hukor instead he might have taken out my 3000 troops instead, why challenge Hoarmurath, afraid of getting captured ? Anyway arrive at 3316 only to find it already taken by DoL. First three camps created. FP have arrived at Osgiliath with armies which is still MT/F.

QA: SG arrives at 3533 with 300HC/300LC, nothing I could do to save that. Failed with two 40 emis to create camps…great. My tactic manoeuvre to reach 2835 gets thwarted once again, as Harad blocks my main army of 1700 HI at 2836, while the 500 AR split off to block Harad at 2935 only blocks a small Harad army. There is no doubt a very skilful player behind the Harad/Noldo combo. I can see I must work very hard to make any progress here. Taxes raised to 60%.

Turn 5:
IK: From 3316 I have various options, but I decide to go for the Eot complex, hoping that Dol has made some impact or decide to sent some aid seeing my huge army at his center. I combine the armies under Hoarmurath and get blocked at 3214 by Uirdiks as expected, with 1100 troops. Created two new camps. Economy still good with 70k gold in reserve. FP armies defeated at Osgilath, seems like it has been threatened, as its still MT.

QA: SG destroyed 3533 as expected, but this turn all four emis succeeded in creating camps. On the military front I lost both battles to Harad. A new army of 2700 mixed troops is moved out from Vamag to 2337.

Turn 6:
IK: Incredible, from 3214 I actually manage to reach 3113 undefended through 3114 with my large army after defeating 1100 eot HI. Why on earth didn’t he block me outside ? This is very good news, as 3113 now will be destroyed. Duns moved an army to 3020, wonder if this is his cav army.

QA: Silence before the storm. 1200HI moved from capital to 2935 to stress Harad. The other 2700 mixed troops arrives at 2436, ready for the assault on Harad. Hopefully Corsairs joins me as well, so we can wipe some of his centers.

Turn 7:
IK: Yes, the dragons have arrived, first dragon encounter on Nimanaur. Destroys 3113 with main army and moves down to 3115 and recon, to find that 3116 is still NG town. As Eot had plenty of armies, my plan is now to move around and attack 2912 from the back. Another 1600HI moved up to 3020, which Duns just captured from me with cav, and he was blocked by DS at 3119. Now 80k gold in reserve, incredible I can make max sales each turn. Ohh no, FP icon at FK backup capital 

QA: JESUS, my 2700 mixed troops arrives at 2535 to find it only a Harad C/F, GREAT job Corsairs. Recon shows two corsairs armies at 2436, a SG army/navy at 2534 and Harad armies at in all both centers around. Glad I could join the onslaught.
At 2834 my 1200 Hi blocks a huge Harad army, probably filled with warmashines…uhhhh… good call I moved up and blocked. I guess Harad has abandoned his western position to focus on eliminating QA. Also Elladan shows up at my new camp at 3533, guess he plans an invasion to knock me out. Well two recruitable dragons has just showed up in my MM camps, so prepare for a few surprises Harad/Noldo, you will not get my capital that easy.

Turn 8:
IK: Nimanaur joins my main army moving to 2915, still Sinda village. 1314 HI moves to 2917 to find it a Dun camp. Map shows FK backup destroyed, and FP armies at Osgiliath again. This is not looking good, at least prices are still high, so I hope they can hold the gate…

QA: DISASTER strikes. Out of two recruitable dragons showing up, both of them moves on. Secondly Harad sends in another army to my capital, so I can’t even upgrade to city, while I block his huge army just outside my capital. That’s just ****ing great, there goes QA capital. Harad is turning out to be bigger pain in the arse that I expected, and then he has the devils luck as well. I would not be surprised if Clint is playing this combo. In the west I reach 2635 with 2700 troops, still Harad town being defended by a small Harad army. At least I shall have some payback destroying this town.

Turn 9:
IK: Main army of 2000 mixed troops takes 2915 and moves up to 2813, a good strategic place threatening a lot of places. Woodmen arrive at 2915 with an army. Also my 1400 hi arrive at 3116 to find it a DaL town, where he is recruiting. Hmmm, maybe Eot is being butchered? My plan to steal Dwarven ring of power from Bain failed, as Bain did not command his army anymore. Hmmm, where did he go…?

QA: Harad arrives at QA capital as expected with his huge army. I manage to get loyalty up to 94, but that is probably not enough to save it. IK sends 30k gold, so a reserve of 85k should be enough for now, even though capital goes. Camp limit has been reached, so now its upgrade time. 2635 is destroyed, by now SG arrives with huge army and Corsairs arrive with some troops as well. I hope these damn dragons soon show up again, because we certainly need them now if we are to turn this war around.

Turn 10:
IK: Yes, main army arrives at 2912 with only a small Eot army defending, with Khathog casting storms, there should be a good chance of wiping this MT. Other 1300hi army gets blocked at 3214 by an Eot army, but DaL is here as well with a small army. Finances look good with 95k in reserves. I have decided to ditch the plan to steal Bains com artefacts for now and instead focus on getting my agents up and going as fast as possible. Turn map shows front mordor under control.

QA: WHAT ??? Harad only attacks my capital with the small army, leaving him only with 3500 HI staying put, which surely is not enough to storm my capital. What on earth is going on, did he make an error or is he moving in more troops ? At 2635 only Harad attacks, meaning that he gets wiped. But where are the huge SG army and the remains of the corsairs army, hopefully he didn’t get overrun. #39 is held at Meriot in coastal waters 2134, but FP navy is present as well.

Turn 11:
IK: Yeaaa, second Eot MT wiped, 2912 is no more !!!
At 3214 Dal and I wiped 1400 eot hi. Cirdan has #9 at 2715, so the Noldo agents are coming down towards Corsairs, not good, but of course expected. IK has three agents out stealing and three more getting ready for thefts. Recruitable dragons have showed up again.

QA: GOOD LORD…Harad charge my capital and bring the castle down to tower and lays it ruins. He moves on to 2936 where he reinforces this powerful army with troops from 2835. Ohhh dear, Corsairs is dead meat when he reaches his capital. Luckily three recruitable dragons have showed up. I will go completely berserk if they all move away again. Thank god my new capital at 2135 is upgraded to city same turn, this will aid my course greatly. At 2635 I gather some 1700 HI, but are met by two Harad armies. Also I encounter a Harad navy at 2334. No navies at 2134 though, has Meriot and the agent artefact sunk to the bottom ?

Turn 12:
IK: The remains of my two armies in eot land some 1000 mixed troops gather at 3113, still ruins. At my new camp at 2912 Din Ohtar pays me a visit. Two thousand Hi are sent out from capital, which is upgraded to city. RoW possessed by Gildor at Corsairs capital, ohhhh dear. What a disaster, this Noldo dude is really getting on my nerve. 6k gold stolen from SG this turn.

QA: YESSSS, at last I get to recruit those damn dragons and in the twelfth hour, as Harad has moved his huge army to 2838 just outside Corsairs turn map, ready to storm his capital. My 1700 Hi gets defeated by 3000 Harad troops at 2635. But Corsairs has sent an army up to battle the remains. At sea it’s mutual destruction between Harads 10 warships and my 8 warships. On the downside my 48 agent gets captured on a theft attempt at SG camp 

Turn 13:
IK: Recon at 3113 shows that 3012 is now Town/Fort – excellent, extremely pleased that my allied are helping out as well with Eot. But RoC is located on Elladan - Jesus Crist – how can we have allowed Noldo to get all the major artefacts? 2000 fresh Hi moving up towards Eot.

QA: Its Payback time - 500 QA cavalry escorted by two deadly dragons, arrives for the rescue at the VERY final hour at the big pirate city, just as Harad is about to turn it into a big pile of ruins. I bet Corsairs are happy to see me there. Of other good news I see Corsairs win the battle at 2635 and advance into 2634. Also he lands with a navy at 2632, about time Harad takes some casualties. And then I get encounter for two new recruitable dragons, I wish I had that luck earlier, when my capital was at risk. My capital gets upgraded to keep, so I should be secure for some time now. Economy is actually good with 29k reserve and 6k deficit.

Turn 14:
IK: I gather 3000 Hi at 3214, with intention to strike NM backland. I see Gothmog and a Woodmen army at my camp at 2912. Economy is beginning to shrink, with 25k reserve and 18k deficit, good that my thieves are beginning to generate income. Map shows battles at 3026 between FK and NG I guess, I better send some troops down to aid.

QA: How nice….3000 Harad troops and a lot of warmashines gets hammered at 2438, Corsairs wipes 2632 and Thergor gets his first kill, as he takes out a Harad armycom at 2631. Unfortunately Harad wins the battle at 2634 against Corsairs, so he saves the town for now. I send out 1700 fresh HI from Vamag to 2335. Corsairs send out an army to 2636.

Turn 15:
IK: Yeaaaa, overrunning an Eot army and arriving at 3112 with 3000 hi and Smaug who just very convenient joined Hukors army. Facing an Eot MT with no fortification and defending armies under Woodmen and Mahrcarad. Ohhh boy, this shall be my third Eot MT razed, unless they have some very nasty backup in those armies. Also 1500 HI arrived at Osgilath, but as my main agent finally sabotages the Pelargir bridge and FK dealt with the intruders himself, I think he can handle 3028 himself. One bit of enjoyment was a failed attempt to upgraded relations with a 53 commander, resulting in a failed company creation. And of course Glorfindel has Tinculin down in corsairs land, this is really sad. I can’t believe that Noldo managed to get every artefact of importance for himself.

QA: Crap - Melezar with 58 challenge dies in an artefact encounter. But elsewhere there is much action. My 1700 HI arrives at 2436 and Corsairs stayed at 2636 where Harad arrives as well. At sea Corsairs has encountered a FP navy at 2633. I have begun formalizing a plan to wipe Harad capital, as the ultimate revenge. The next couple of turns, will show how that plan goes…

Turn 16:
IK: Yeaaa, killed Mahrcared in combat and wiped the third Eot MT at 3112. That should be the end of Eot presence in Mirkwood. A new NM and Woodmen army has arrived though…new food for Smaug !!! Agent squad land at 2835, finding two low level targets, in part of the masterplan to wipe Harad capital. Economy has begun to tighten up, now at 13k deficit and 20k reserve, with minimal prices in all products, guess its time to raise taxes to 60% again. I don’t know what’s going on with DoL, this is now second turn with no troops in his capital. FP have invaded 3120, and more FP icons showing up.

Yeaaa we are ready to rock and roll, 1500 HC with 36 warmashines and two dragons arrives at Corsairs capital. And my 1700 HI arrives at 2536 together with two Corsairs armies blocked by a Harad army. Its time for the kill…Economy is just running around with 5k deficit.

Turn 17:
IK: Ohhh dear, complete puke….
At 3112 Khathog dies in the battle even though its mutual destruction, dropping artefacts to the ground. And my Harad campaign fails as I fail to wipe take out a 30 Harad commander, even though I have two agents on him…Damn ****. 2500 new HI are blocked at 3121 by a small Woodmen army. Agent squad moves on to 2534 where they find three DrL mages, well at least it’s nice to see my allied participating in the curze business.

This is just great. My 1500 HC gets blocked at 2835 (Harad town) as IK fail to wipe the armycom and Noldo send his agent squad to my capital. The Noldo dude is so ****ing lucky, I can’t believe that he continues to ride on a wave of luck. He did in fact also upgrade capital to castle. What on earth do I do now ? He will certainly try and block me.

Turn 18:
IK: Woodmen is defeated at 3121, but 3120 gets taken, tower is gone and FP army have advanced into DoL capital and a new FP army at 3120. Ohhh dear, I hope not they have enough to storm it. Why on earth are DoL not hiring troops here ? Harad armycom wiped at 2634 and all IK agents gather here for a super company.

As expected my capital armycom is kidnapped, even though my capital is a C/K at 100% loyalty, these Noldo dudes are just tough. I destroy 2835 and create a camp there transferring all TI and staying put, to make more warmashines. Harad moves out to block at 2736 as expected, leaving his capital empty. Ahhhh…I should have charged it, with two dragons I would have wiped it. My other army of 1500 HI moves to 2535 C/F joined by three emis.

Turn 19:
IK: My 2300 HI encounters a NG army at 3120 and the other FP army has moved on to 3222 met by DS armies, luckily 3221 still stands. But new FP icons have arrives at 3119 and 3017, IK needs new dragons ASAP.
Down south another Harad commander kidnapped at 2634 and a HUGE showdown are triggered at 2534 as I move in 13 IK/QA characters including all IK and QA agents and 4 skilful emis. Thergors 75 double scout reveals a LOT of hostile and unknown FP characters including a Noldo agent, so no doubt Noldo have a squad here, it must be the powerful agent squad. Ohhh boy next turn shall be interesting it can either turn into a disaster or a big scoop. Hoarmurath locates RoW on the ground at 2635, what the hell happened here, a showdown with Corsairs and Noldo ?

My 1500 HI reaches 2534 which Harad upgrades to castle, but my army is met by 4000 corsairs troops as well, so we should have enough to wipe the center. I also see Corsairs arriving at 2634 with an army, so things are looking good. Next turn Harad should be down to his capital in the south !!!
Seeing that I had two dragons and that I stayed at 2835, I though Harad would see the danger at his capital and hide it with mantel of Doriath, so I decide to move the HC to regain my lost capital at 3034. But again Harad capital is left empty and a new Harad army is blocked at 2835 where I build a tower. Damn, that’s the second chance I had to wipe his capital which is not taken.

Turn 20:
IK: Ohhhhh nooooo, again my plans are thwarted by my puking unluck, it was the Noldo curze squad at 2534. This cannot be right, how the in heavens name can a 75 double scout fail to scout Non-agents like Elrond and Glorfindel ??? This is so ****ed up, this Noldo dude is the most lucky creature I have played against. If I had known this I would have massacred his curze squad, instead he curzed out Gorthog one of my best agents and all my actions towards his expected agent squad fails. At least my best agent who is unknown to Noldo wipes the scouted Noldo agent, which apparently was the company commander, as it strands his Curze squad at 2534 where all my characters stayed put. I better have some luck next turn, I or shall go berserk. RoC is with Elladan at 2634 and Gildor is dead as expected.
In the north my army wipes the NG HC army at 3120 and is greeted by a new large Sinda army and a FP and DaL army. At last a new dragon is encountered, which will go to Hukor at capital.

Ohhh yeaa, both 2534 and 2634 are wiped leaving Harad only with his capital in the south. The Harad campaign is overall going well as other DS armies arrives at 2730 and 2632. 2534 is recamped, where Elrond, Cirdan and Glorfindel shows up. My HC army stays at 3034, as I was certain Noldo would move in and hide capital, but once again his capital is empty. Corsairs armies gathering at 2735 and 2636, for the last push against his capital. Harad tries to destroy my C/T at 2835 but fails and he now has zero armies in the south. If he wants to save his capital, he can now only hide it.

Turn 21:
Yeaaa, the luck seems to have turned slightly. I manage to steal Tinculin and Noldos +50 mage artefact at 2534, and killing off a Harad guard as well, but in return he curzes yet another 83 agent away and moves off. At least his curze squad is paralyzed for the time being with 90 points of mage artefacts removed. We manage to defeat the Sinda army at 3120 and I gather another 2000 HI + Angurth in there. I gather all my agents and mages at 3123. RoW is still on the ground at 2635, within striking distance, and my double agent Cirdan also located on RoW location. Ohhhh boy, what do I do now. Noldo will no doubt send everything in to recover RoW. Do I play it safe and just develop my curze squad now I have Tinculin or do I go for the big showdown where I could either lose or win big time?

More DS armies in northern Harad and a new QA HC army being build at 3136 for the destruction of Harad. Harad seems doomed. Emis are now also working on the most western dwarven pops.

Turn 22:
Yeeeeee haaaaaa, its party time….
I decided to pledge my mothers soul and put everything on black and roll the dice. I sent in 14 heroes, a nice mixture of mages, agents and emis and won first round as I managed to pick up RoW even though Noldo tried as well !!! As expected Noldo arrived as well with a full gang of his seven most powerful agents, emis and mages and some Harad backup, but where the hell is Elrond ? Don’t tell me I scouted Elrohir and Cirdan, but not Elrond. This must be the showdown of the century; around 25 powerful characters, and all the nasty artefacts in play like RoW, RoC, Tinculin, Vilya…uhhhh I don’t think I have the nerve to open my next turn. I have a few jokers in my sleeve though, which I hope will make my day. In the mean time I also gather 1700 QA HC with 40 warmashines at 3238, ready to ambush Harad capital. Its judgement day…

Turn 23:
I must be dreaming, this is out radius, this cant be true. But it is, what stunning success. With a mixture of unseen luck and great decisions I pull off what can only be described as divine success. I think these feelings needs to be experienced, words cannot describe them justified. I think this is one of the moments that really define why I play ME. I guess Noldo didn’t expect me have transferred his mage artefacts to my main mages that fast and that I picked up some nice +2250 combat artefacts along the way !!! Here is what happened:

Gaurhir (154 ch) challenged and killed Elladan (who had RoC) and assassinated a Harad agent. Hoarmurath (175 ch) challenged and killed Glorfindel who was also company commander. Elrohir (who apparently was supposed to have had RoC ) tries to assassinate my 77 emis, but is instead killed himself in the attempt, handing over 6 juicy artefacts including Gurthanc, Elenya and Ring of Bleeding. The funny part is that I tried to double Elrohir with a 65 emis and failed, if I had succeeded, Elrohir would probably not have been killed in the attempt. So RoC must have been relocated to one of the Noldo emis, who doubled Gaurhir as expected.

My large HC army reaches Harad capital as well. Ohhh boy I would give my left arm to have seen this Noldo dudes face when he opened his turn….

Turn 24:
Yeaaaaaaa the success is complete. At 2635 I assassinate Cirdan and the Noldo emis with RoC, while Harad capital is destroyed !!! Noldo only escape with one singe emis, who lives to tell the frightening tales of the Nasgul ambush. So in two-three turns I manage to slay Cirdan, Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel along with some agents and emis and acquire around 12 nasty artefacts, including two spirit, three top mage and three top agent artefacts, a +20 com and the “safe at sea” artifact. I think this is among one of the most successful ambushes I have done in my ME career, I nearly get tears in my eyes…

In the north IK arrives at 2619 with 2500HI + two dragons, only to see it belonging to DaL.

Turn 25:
OK, time to rearrange artefacts, characters and companies. With all these mage and spirit artefacts, first priority is to build my own curze squad as fast as possible. My three best mages are Gaurhir with 53, Hoarmurath with 65 and Akhorahil with 50 mage skill. Damn this will take a long time to reach 200 total mage skill. To speed up time, I will name low level characters to challenge Gaurhir and Akhorahil up in skill. With the “safe at sea” artefact, I can make some nice surprise attacks on SG, so I move my HC towards Vamag where I still have my Vamag fleet stranded.

In the north my IK army arrives at 2421, which a Duns army is defending. Also the FP are working heavily on all my MM pops, they are really determined to remove our dragon capacity.

Turn 26:
We are back on the offensive. My agent squad arrives at 2430 Harad town, but nobody is home. Meanwhile I have studied the map and changed my military plans. My next main goal is SG, but the problem is that I cannot really get any troops into action, I only have my small fleet. But if I can capture Pelargir and rebuild the bridge, I could get all my HC across and attack SG supported with agents and curze.

At 2421 I fight 1200 Duns HC, but my dragon wipes him clean. A new FP army has arrived at 3120 though.

Turn 27:
My agent squad arrives at Pelargir, where Tarondor is present with 100 troops. But the best part is that the loyalty is down to 23%. NG must be in serious trouble. My plan is to sail in 750 HC St/St, so that I can destroy any defending army he may have or move in, so my emis can take the center.

IK arrives at 2622 also DaL pop with 1300 HI, but this time I’m greeted by a huge SG army. At 3120 FP destroys the DaL town. I send in a new wave of 2000 HI army which is blocked by a cardolan army. It’s nice to see my allied DaL and DoL arriving as well to protect the front gates of Mordor.

Turn 28:
Good lord, can’t believe I felt for that trick. NG had named a new character as “Regent Tarondor”, and in my eager I didn’t noticed in the scout report, so I targeted the wrong ID  Well, this will not save his ass, as my agents stayed put and the emis squad and the navy arrived as planned !!!
The front gate of mordor looks quiet after we wiped the Cardolan army.

Turn 29:
Yeaaa first part o the NG plan succeeded. Agents took care of the three NG characters, navy destroyed the small NG army while emis cleaned up. Pelargir taken and timber transferred in. 2000 QA HC in place to move across the river, when the bridge gets rebuild. “Regent Tarondor” could only fool death for a single turn  Now we go for phase two – Minas Anor.
Only annoyance is the assassination of an IK armycom at 3123 recruiting, so they have started targeting IK.

Turn 30:
More success, my Pelargir army (plus recruits) moves on to NG capital along with the emis and agent squad. Here I find 1100 NG troops defending a capital at 35 loyalty. The bridge gets rebuild and 2000 QA HC arrives at 2926 as well under Gargal who is now 80 skill. Also 1500 IK HC is moved down to 3028 to join the invasion as well.

Around Mordor Woodmen arrives at 3020 with an army and two agents show up at IK capital, hmmmmm. My three mages training for the curze squad are nearly ready. Just need two more spell learned, but they are stealing like crazy from me.

Turn 31:
Yep, the NG invasion is complete as Minas Anor fall as well to my emis raid, and two more NG commanders bites the dust. IK and QA combine 5000 HC and 64 warmashines at Pelargir. And my agents squad covers the IK capital and 3123 (from where I have had heavy thefts last couple of turns), so that the last mage can learn curze. I’m ready for a full scale surprise invasion on SG, with everything I have !!!

I now see three armies FP armies around front Mordor, where one is 1600 Woodmen HC which destroyed both the camp and tower at 3020. Hmmm, wonder what they are up to now…

Turn 32:
Excellent news as I see NG has been eliminated !!! There is nothing more satisfactory than a well laid plan which ends with the destruction of an enemy. Now I have SG on the menu……I bet SG got quite a shock when he read his turn. Agent squad at SG capital where I also find a DrL agent squad, but no targets. QA land 3000 HC with 62 warmashines at 2527 unopposed. Curze/emis squad land at 2327 where I find 1000 SG troops. IK land 1500 HC at 2626 apposed by a small SG army. And last another emis squad hit 2427, so I can clear the way to SG capital…

The only downside is that got an Armycom with 500 HC kidnapped at 2924 City/citadel, must be the Duns as he knew that I was there. Better cast a LAT on the artefact he was wearing, so I get the name. On front Mordor three FP armies are moving around evasively…and I move out a blocking force not catching any.

Turn 33:
SG campaign continue smoothly as QA arrive at SG capital with 2700 HC and 60 warmashines under 84 armycom unopposed after taking 2527. Another high rank QA armycom moves around threatening new build camps/villages together with the emis squads, while the IK 1200 HC arrive at 2424. Expecting Duns to hit Pelargir, I try and ambush with my agent and curze squad, but again no targets  I don’t see any hostile armies and 2223 has been transferred to Eot, so is the rest really just mobbing up ? The only real annoyment is that I located the agent “Ilfirin” (who wiped my armycom at 2924) also at 2227. How on earth could he know I was moving here with my main army. Did he do a scoutarmyfollow ? Well it’s still a 84 armycomm and I have a backup, so I ought to be OK, but I have an itchy feeling…

At 3120 I block a Woodmen army together with an DoL army and another FP army arrives just outside at 3219, hope not this is a huge HC army going for DoL. Good thing I have 2000 HC coming out from IK capital next turn, better give Dol some aid. What shall I do with my agent squad and curze, protect my main army at 2227 or go for the likely invasion on DoL ?

Turn 34:
OHHHHHHH dear, what a disastrous turn.
Almost everything that could go wrong goes wrong. I wipe SG capital, but both commanders get kidnapped removing 2000 HC and 60 warmashines, which was needed to take the Sind MT and 2223. Of course I also take the wrong decision with my agents/curze, so for the third round no targets at 2227 which has been pulverized. I’m being punished for my defensive play. I now hold all of the starting SG pops (except 2223), but SG encounters me with an army at 2425, where on earth did that come from ?

As expected a full FP invasion on DoL capital with three Artedain/Woodmen armies totalling around 6000 troops, but my 2000 HC gets blocked at 3222 (together with a DaL army) which Arthedain has taken with emis….that sneaky little rat. Good lord, I really fear for DoL and now IK is in danger as well. This is not good, not good at all…

Turn 35:
A mixed turn.
In the SG area SG fights back and retakes a center and wipes 1200 HC with his own HC army. Another Eot army arrives at another pop, so finally SG/Eot is fighting back. I only have 1000 HC in the area now….I really wish I had those 2000 extra HC which were kidnapped away. Time to start some new recruitment in this area, or he will retake it all again.

To counter the Duns agent threat, I rearrange my characters into a powerful agent/emis group, where Thergor receives RoW and double scouts with 116 skill !!! They move to the Eot MT at 2223, so I can remove this threat, but again no targets (really annoying )….except for the Drl agent squad showing up as well. Seems like the DrL player has exactly the same thoughts as me …

At least I have more luck with my curze team landing at 3121, which Gaurhir with 80A30S also is part of. First of all I successfully block the Arthedain/Woodmen attempt to reach my capital exactly at 3121 with 1900 combined HC (after taking 3222). Secondly a FP agent squad shows up at my IK capital, with Artamir and Shapechanger showing up. These are the ones who harassed IK earlier on, so time to get some payback !!! Also Meneldir is still at 3221 with his large army…I’m really worried for IK now, seems like he is planning to knock out IK as well.

Turn 36:
A VERY eventful turn.
First of all my worst fear is realized as I learn that DoL has collapsed, so we are now three nations down, what a strike in the face. When the BlS nation is offered to the remaining team, I quickly request the position. Luckily I get the position and find that BlS is actually in pretty good condition, with 5 cities, (three at/near 100 loyalty), including the Arthedain starting capital at 1407. So how on earth could he let DoL collapse ? BlS has a curze squad at 1514 with 60% combined chance of a kill. Also three emis are located at Cardolan capital where they were tried challenged by Tharudan and Dudonis. Seems like BlS has focused on emis and mages.

Anyway in the SG area I assassinate the SG armycom at 2425 removing the army and encounter the Eot HC army with 500 HC + smaug. I prepare to start new HC recruitment at Pelargir and 2327 where I move my last 300 HC army in the region. Sadly another Eot army shows up at 2924, which is down to 20 in loyalty. Also my emis/agent squad only gets 2223 down to two times marginal/rebellious, that’s just my luck 

Around front Mordor I curze out the prime FP agent at my capital and assassinate another woodmen agent at 3121 which I scouted. The FP turns out to have 2200 HC at 3121 and wins the battle, moving the remains around into 3222 together with General Melendir and his large army. I unite both my prime agent squad and curze team at IK capital to protect for the invasion I expect, but once again no targets except for Meneldir next to  Dammit, they now have free access to inner Mordor and to IK capital, I really hope my DaL and FK allied can counter these armies. At least I have 1000 new HC with ST armor/weapon ready to move out. I upgrade IK capital to City/citadel (100), just in case they decide to go for IK 

Turn 37:
Excellent turn.
I try out a blind curze hit on Tharudan around 1513 and succeed with only 60% chance, the best part is that the two QA commanders (including Gargal at 84C) is released along with a high rank BlS emis !!! So it was Sinda that nasty rat who nailed my QA armies in SG. Bls also moves 1200 HI into 1817 which I find to be a Cardolan MT.

In SG a new Eot HC army arrives at 2527 along with two Corsairs armies and SG invades 2626 with an army. From a recon I learn that SG has a city at 2624, so this is where all his troops are coming from, better pay it a visit soon. I start new HC recruitment at 2927 and 2327 which is being upgraded to MT. An emmie moving back to 2223 to finish the job now find it a dwarven MT. Dammit, he has transferred it to dwarves so he can start recruitment.

Around front Mordor I also curze out Meneldir, stranding his backup commander with the army at 3222. I encounter him with 1000 IK HC, which tried to reach DaL capital for the rescue. Apparently the other FP armies are being blocked just outside DaL capital at 3323. After a lot of defensive turns without targets, I go in the offensive and unite my agents/emis and curze squad at 1922 which I have learned is the new Duns capital. And finally I’m rewarded with not only one target, but as many as three targets…. and once again I’m joined by my mind-alike DrL allied. The good part is that Duns only has one (army)commander and 1922 is low on loyalty. Also I find a 70+ Sinda agent in here….mmmm jummy 

Turn 38:
At 1922 I slay all three targets, take the Duns capital with my emis and double the best of the DrL agents. I decide to reward the Corsairs/DrL player and transfer Gurthanc back to him, so he can rebuild his curze squad again. I move on to Cardolan capital at 1513 with the agent squad backed up by the BlS curze squad and find three more targets as well as an entire CL agent squad….how nice  My second curze squad move back to capital to finish off the remaining Artehdain army at 3222, and save capital in case he attempts to threaten it.

In SG area I suffer some setbacks as SG and Eot go in the offensive arriving with armies in several of my towns, retake Minas Arnor with emis and hit another town with emis. Guess its time to move in agents and curze full scale to clear up the mess once and for all.

Around Mordor the last FP presence is removed as Arthedain suicide against the walls of 3222 and DaL clear off the other FP armies next to his capital.

Turn 39:
CRAP, just as I was about to launch an attack on the Sinda MT at 2325 with 1500 HC and 30 warmashines, QA get two army commanders taken out at my new city at 2327. Thank god both armies had backups, so I saved the armies but I don’t have clue if the intruders are still present. Ohh dear, this must be the work of SG/Eot, so they have assassins capable of taking out 70+ armycoms, really bad news. Well I shall have my revenge soon, as I land with 1400 HC at the new SG city capital at 2624 defended by a small army. Also I finally find the Eot Capital well hidden in the mountain of 2523.

I land my agent/emis squad at 2223 where I find a high level juicy Eot emis, while SG/Eot land in a few more centers with their remaining armies. No more playing around, its time for punishment !!!

Turn 40:
An eventful turn with lots of action in the SG area.
I land with single agents and curze teams around nearly all major centers I have around SG and find targets in nearly all of them, good lord next turn shall be bloody. My main squad land in Eot capital at 2523 where I find two more targets. I capture the SG capital and get blocked by an Eot army coming out from his capital. Thank god my other HC army survives at 2327, but I arrive at 2325 to find that Corsairs had already taken it and to make things worse I see from my Sinda double agent that Sinda is present with his main agent squad as well….DAMN. To make things worse I get the last armycom curzed out at 2327 and Eot suicide against the wall at Pelargir, while a lot of emis show up. The curze squad must be SG/Eot as I saw Uirdiks show up next to 2327 last turn. So now I also have to deal with a curze squad from this player. This guy is really beginning to annoy me, I thought the SG area would be an easy task with all the guns I brought in, but he is fighting back excellent. Also I locate on the artifacts the assassin took from my armycom and learn the name of his two assassins. And finally I learn that the new Duns capital is at 1520.

Turn 41:
SG/Eot was hit hard as I took out 6 of their characters with curze and assassins and removed all armies they had in the region as well !!! I figured that SG/Eot would hit my city at 2327 to remove my recruiting army, so I set up a trap. I moved my army out and instead moved in a single agent with a +2250 weapon, while moving a curze squad next to. And SG/Eot sure as hell didn’t disappoint me, he arrives with both his curze team and his agent squad at the spot. I also scout the entire Eot emis squad at the former SG capital, so juicy targets here as well. My main agent/emis squad lands at 1520 the new Duns capital finding only a 60+ mage. I also land a BlS emis squad at the Eot capital and unite my remaining 1800 HC just outside Eot Capital, to finish him off. As expected SG/Eot take Pelargir from me (but he shall not hold it for long !!!) In the mean time IK is getting ready for a large scale HC invasion in Mirkwood….

Turn 42:
YEAAAAAAAAAAAA….its party time.
This is just brilliant, an almost flawless turn with so much destruction that the SG/Eot player really must be shaking his pants. If I was him I would run home to mamma now, because he has just received such a beaten that even Saddam Hussein would feel sorry for him !!!

At 2327 I challenge out his best agent and assassinate his second best agent, while my curze team successfully nails his best curze mage. At 2624 I take out an Eot emis/commander, stranding his entire emis squad…while I move in more agents to clean up :slight_smile: He of course takes the MT with his emis, but I move in 1000 HC, so its mine again next turn.

My main agent/emis squad takes out the Duns mage (gaining a lot of nice artifacts) and takes the MT, ending the life of Duns !!! Operation “Mirkwood wipe-out” begins as IK land 3500 HC at 2718 with 30 warmashines commanded by Hukor (level 94(134) com skill), ready to invade 2514, while my agent squad hit the Sinda capital at 2413, finding only a low level agent. My curze team sadly finds zero targets around 2414 to curze, but I expect the Sinda agent squad to hurry back for the rescue, so I think I will stay around 

Unfortunately I never learn the full effect of my Mirkwood invasion, as the FP concedes later in the turn….

Turn 43:
An excellent GB game ends which has given me some great moments. The end stats are as follows:

  1. IK 1950 (2150)
  2. QA 1600 (1800)
  3. Corsairs 1441 (1641)

Thanks to everyone for a great game……

Kim Andersen

at least we gave you a challenge in HA/QA land until my mistake with movement of the Noldo curse company that one turn. Else we’d have continued to give you a super hard time and life would have been different. But it’s a “coulda, shoulda, woulda” sort of sob story on my part. You took good advantage of my typo and the rest is HISTORY. Well played!


p.s. and as to “luck”… there surely is luck in the game, but as you saw, it evens out… A lot of our early K/A & Curse success was because of careful play & planning. Then I made an error and you capitalized and you got lucky on one of those turns and voila, the tide is turned.


thx you made the effort, it was interesting to read and a nice example how “luck” can be interpreted, like Dave said. I think I mentioned keeping a journal entry for every 5 turns before the game started, that’s what I did and I think its not too big an effort. I hope we can agree on that for the upcoming GB no-drop.
It also means that Ed Mills will not be able to join this game because he is afraid of people learning how he’s thinking - I guess we can live with that :smiley:

Okay we’re upto 6 duos filled so far. That’s only half-way there so more players please. I’ve emailed all the no-drop games so we’ll see what happens there.

30 word diplo and no-names in there (although I think that style and other things will give it away anyway).

Clint (GM)

As expected a full FP invasion on DoL capital with three Artedain/Woodmen armies totalling around 6000 troops, but my 2000 HC gets blocked at 3222 (together with a DaL army) which Arthedain has taken with emis….that sneaky little rat.

I take umbrage at your calling my brother Jim a sneaky little rat. He’s certainly not little. <g>


I loved your journal. I have never kept one long as when I tried I always wrote a big report. I think I like how yours was and it does not take long so I have learned how to keep a journal now :slight_smile:

T-10, not sure why I did not take your QA capital on T-10 but it seems that if I would have attacked and moved I might have beat your cav army with dragons to corsairs captial. If I remember correctly, I decided to refuse with main army as I expected a challange from you and since I had to sit there anyways if I attack it I decided to blow an army against the walls to seige it and next turn take it with main army and move. That ment for 2 turns you could not do nat sells, maybe a lucky bankrupt ect… Guess meeting your 2 dragons at Corsairs capital was great planning on your part…good job.

Your 2 big show downs with NE came about due to a typo (t-20) of NE curse squad moving to 2534 vs 2535, oh well it happens.

I will keep a better diary this next game vs the one I posted with bullet points on the other posting.

John (Harad)