GB Combos

GB Games Updated 13/07/07

1650 - 31

FP Combos: 1/4, 7/9, 8, 2/10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17

Dead nations: 3,5,6,12,18,21,23

1650 - 53

FP Combos: 4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19

Dead nations: 1,16,17,18

1650 - 54

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 20, 12/21, 15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19, 17/18

Dead nations: 11,13,16

1650 - 55

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18

Dead nations: None

1650 - 63

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 CL town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18

2950 - 20

FP Combos: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24, 6/23

DS Combos: 11/21, 25, 13/14, 15/16, 18/20, 17/19

Dead Nations: 12

2950 - 220

FP Combos: 9/10, 3/22, 4/5/7, 6/23

DS Combos: 11/14/21, 13/18, 16/20

Dead Nations: 1, 2,8,12,15,17,19,24

Middle Earth Games Ltd



UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
US Fax: 1-503-296-2325

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I'm not certain what FP or DS combos mean. I understand "dead nations", but am curious what is meant by the combos and the nomenclature that they contain.

Mike D'Angelo


From: "ME Games Ltd" <>
To: "mepbmlist" <>
Subject: [mepbmlist] GB Combos
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:22:46 +0100

GB Games Updated 13/07/07

1650 - 31

FP Combos: 1/4, 7/9, 8, 2/10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17

Dead nations: 3,5,6,12,18,21,23

1650 - 53

FP Combos: 4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19

Dead nations: 1,16,17,18

1650 - 54

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 20, 12/21, 15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19, 17/18

Dead nations: 11,13,16

1650 - 55

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18

Dead nations: None

1650 - 63

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 CL town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18

2950 - 20

FP Combos: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24, 6/23

DS Combos: 11/21, 25, 13/14, 15/16, 18/20, 17/19

Dead Nations: 12

2950 - 220

FP Combos: 9/10, 3/22, 4/5/7, 6/23

DS Combos: 11/14/21, 13/18, 16/20

Dead Nations: 1, 2,8,12,15,17,19,24

Middle Earth Games Ltd



UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
US Fax: 1-503-296-2325

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


A "combo" in Gunboat refers to nation pairs (or
triples...) being run by a single player (or possibly
2 players "sharing" a combo). This is the
no-communication format where each human controls 2
positions - so basically, the Combo's are each
mini-teams who communicate amongst themselves. In the
recently deceased Game 220, I was the 9/10 combo, so
the Noldo and Sinda were allowed any orders between
nations and could assume the intel derived from the
pdf of one was "known" by the other.

The combo's potentially change during the course of
the game as nations/players die/drop, etc. For
example, I believe in 220, the combo's were 2/9 and
4/10. The 4/10 player at one point picked up #1 to
create for himself a triple, however 1 was available.
So he dropped 10, which I picked up creating 2/9/10,
then 2 got eliminated creating 9/10 as a "combo", a
far cry from the game start situation.

This is handy information as it allows you to target,
or defensively prepare for certain different types of
scenarios in the game based on various strategy




--- MCD Games <> wrote:

I'm not certain what FP or DS combos mean. I
understand "dead nations", but
am curious what is meant by the combos and the
nomenclature that they

Mike D'Angelo

>From: "ME Games Ltd" <>
>To: "mepbmlist" <>
>Subject: [mepbmlist] GB Combos
>Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:22:46 +0100
>GB Games Updated 13/07/07
>1650 - 31
>FP Combos: 1/4, 7/9, 8, 2/10/22
>DS Combos: 11/20, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17
>Dead nations: 3,5,6,12,18,21,23
>1650 - 53
>FP Combos: 4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
6/23, 10/22
>DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town
@3428 is a village, CL
>town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19
>Dead nations: 1,16,17,18
>1650 - 54
>FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
6/23, 10/22
>DS Combos: 20, 12/21, 15, 14/24 town @3428
is a village, CL town
>@3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19, 17/18
>Dead nations: 11,13,16
>1650 - 55
>FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
6/23, 10/22
>DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town
@3428 is a village, CL
>town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18
>Dead nations: None
>1650 - 63
>FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23,
>DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 CL town @3428
is a village, CL town
>@3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18
>2950 - 20
>FP Combos: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24,
>DS Combos: 11/21, 25, 13/14, 15/16, 18/20,
>Dead Nations: 12
>2950 - 220
>FP Combos: 9/10, 3/22, 4/5/7, 6/23
>DS Combos: 11/14/21, 13/18, 16/20
>Dead Nations: 1, 2,8,12,15,17,19,24
>Middle Earth Games Ltd
>UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
>US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound
Brook NJ 08880
>Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30
>UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if
main engaged)
>(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
>US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST
>UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
>US Fax: 1-503-296-2325
>[Non-text portions of this message have been


Thank you for your reply, Brad. Good gaming.

Mike D'Angelo


From: Brad Brunet <>
Subject: RE: [mepbmlist] GB Combos
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 11:32:07 -0400 (EDT)

A "combo" in Gunboat refers to nation pairs (or
triples...) being run by a single player (or possibly
2 players "sharing" a combo). This is the
no-communication format where each human controls 2
positions - so basically, the Combo's are each
mini-teams who communicate amongst themselves. In the
recently deceased Game 220, I was the 9/10 combo, so
the Noldo and Sinda were allowed any orders between
nations and could assume the intel derived from the
pdf of one was "known" by the other.

The combo's potentially change during the course of
the game as nations/players die/drop, etc. For
example, I believe in 220, the combo's were 2/9 and
4/10. The 4/10 player at one point picked up #1 to
create for himself a triple, however 1 was available.
So he dropped 10, which I picked up creating 2/9/10,
then 2 got eliminated creating 9/10 as a "combo", a
far cry from the game start situation.

This is handy information as it allows you to target,
or defensively prepare for certain different types of
scenarios in the game based on various strategy



--- MCD Games <> wrote:

> I'm not certain what FP or DS combos mean. I
> understand "dead nations", but
> am curious what is meant by the combos and the
> nomenclature that they
> contain.
> Mike D'Angelo
> >From: "ME Games Ltd" <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: "mepbmlist" <>
> >Subject: [mepbmlist] GB Combos
> >Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:22:46 +0100
> >
> >GB Games Updated 13/07/07
> >
> >1650 - 31
> >
> >FP Combos: 1/4, 7/9, 8, 2/10/22
> >
> >DS Combos: 11/20, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17
> >
> >Dead nations: 3,5,6,12,18,21,23
> >
> >1650 - 53
> >
> >FP Combos: 4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
> 6/23, 10/22
> >
> >DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town
> @3428 is a village, CL
> >town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19
> >
> >Dead nations: 1,16,17,18
> >
> >1650 - 54
> >
> >FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
> 6/23, 10/22
> >
> >DS Combos: 20, 12/21, 15, 14/24 town @3428
> is a village, CL town
> >@3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19, 17/18
> >
> >Dead nations: 11,13,16
> >
> >1650 - 55
> >
> >FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
> 6/23, 10/22
> >
> >DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town
> @3428 is a village, CL
> >town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18
> >
> >Dead nations: None
> >
> >1650 - 63
> >
> >FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23,
> 10/22
> >
> >DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 CL town @3428
> is a village, CL town
> >@3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18
> >
> >2950 - 20
> >
> >FP Combos: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24,
> 6/23
> >
> >DS Combos: 11/21, 25, 13/14, 15/16, 18/20,
> 17/19
> >
> >Dead Nations: 12
> >
> >2950 - 220
> >
> >FP Combos: 9/10, 3/22, 4/5/7, 6/23
> >
> >DS Combos: 11/14/21, 13/18, 16/20
> >
> >Dead Nations: 1, 2,8,12,15,17,19,24
> >
> >Middle Earth Games Ltd
> >
> >Website:
> >
> >
> >Email:
> >
> >
> >Post:
> >UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
> >US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound
> Brook NJ 08880
> >
> >Telephone:
> >Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30
> (EST)
> >UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if
> main engaged)
> >(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
> >US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST
> >
> >Fax:
> >UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
> >US Fax: 1-503-296-2325
> >
> >[Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]
> >


1650 - 54

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 20, 12/21, 15, 14 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19, 17/18

Dead nations: 11,13,16, 24


At 16:22 13/07/07, you wrote:

GB Games Updated 13/07/07

1650 - 31

FP Combos: 1/4, 7/9, 8, 2/10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17

Dead nations: 3,5,6,12,18,21,23

1650 - 53

FP Combos: 4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19

Dead nations: 1,16,17,18

1650 - 54

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 20, 12/21, 15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19, 17/18

Dead nations: 11,13,16

1650 - 55

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18

Dead nations: None

1650 - 63

FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23, 10/22

DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 CL town @3428 is a village, CL town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18

2950 - 20

FP Combos: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24, 6/23

DS Combos: 11/21, 25, 13/14, 15/16, 18/20, 17/19

Dead Nations: 12

2950 - 220

FP Combos: 9/10, 3/22, 4/5/7, 6/23

DS Combos: 11/14/21, 13/18, 16/20

Dead Nations: 1, 2,8,12,15,17,19,24

Middle Earth Games Ltd



UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
US Fax: 1-503-296-2325

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

No virus found in this incoming message.
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                 ME Games Ltd

UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
         Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
         Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
         Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
         Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)

Aaah game 220. If only whoever assassinated Dendra Dwar had known that was the only thing that saved the Dog Lord from bankruptcy....happy days...:slight_smile:

Brad Brunet <> wrote: A "combo" in Gunboat refers to nation pairs (or
triples...) being run by a single player (or possibly
2 players "sharing" a combo). This is the
no-communication format where each human controls 2
positions - so basically, the Combo's are each
mini-teams who communicate amongst themselves. In the
recently deceased Game 220, I was the 9/10 combo, so
the Noldo and Sinda were allowed any orders between
nations and could assume the intel derived from the
pdf of one was "known" by the other.

The combo's potentially change during the course of
the game as nations/players die/drop, etc. For
example, I believe in 220, the combo's were 2/9 and
4/10. The 4/10 player at one point picked up #1 to
create for himself a triple, however 1 was available.
So he dropped 10, which I picked up creating 2/9/10,
then 2 got eliminated creating 9/10 as a "combo", a
far cry from the game start situation.

This is handy information as it allows you to target,
or defensively prepare for certain different types of
scenarios in the game based on various strategy




--- MCD Games <> wrote:

I'm not certain what FP or DS combos mean. I
understand "dead nations", but
am curious what is meant by the combos and the
nomenclature that they

Mike D'Angelo

>From: "ME Games Ltd" <>
>To: "mepbmlist" <>
>Subject: [mepbmlist] GB Combos
>Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:22:46 +0100
>GB Games Updated 13/07/07
>1650 - 31
>FP Combos: 1/4, 7/9, 8, 2/10/22
>DS Combos: 11/20, 13/15, 14/24, 16/19, 17
>Dead nations: 3,5,6,12,18,21,23
>1650 - 53
>FP Combos: 4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
6/23, 10/22
>DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town
@3428 is a village, CL
>town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19
>Dead nations: 1,16,17,18
>1650 - 54
>FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
6/23, 10/22
>DS Combos: 20, 12/21, 15, 14/24 town @3428
is a village, CL town
>@3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 19, 17/18
>Dead nations: 11,13,16
>1650 - 55
>FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9,
6/23, 10/22
>DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 town
@3428 is a village, CL
>town @3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18
>Dead nations: None
>1650 - 63
>FP Combos: 1/4, 2/8 4017 Fort, 3/7, 5/9, 6/23,
>DS Combos: 11/20, 12/21, 13/15, 14/24 CL town @3428
is a village, CL town
>@3629 is a MT, 1910 Fort, 16/19, 17/18
>2950 - 20
>FP Combos: 1/7, 2/8, 3/10, 4/9, 5/24,
>DS Combos: 11/21, 25, 13/14, 15/16, 18/20,
>Dead Nations: 12
>2950 - 220
>FP Combos: 9/10, 3/22, 4/5/7, 6/23
>DS Combos: 11/14/21, 13/18, 16/20
>Dead Nations: 1, 2,8,12,15,17,19,24
>Middle Earth Games Ltd
>UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
>US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound
Brook NJ 08880
>Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30
>UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if
main engaged)
>(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
>US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST
>UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)
>US Fax: 1-503-296-2325
>[Non-text portions of this message have been


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]