Hail to those of the 2950 GB game 20. Now that the DS have their victory and the game is over, are their others that would like to talk about it?
I played the Long Rider/QA combo and enjoyed the game. I’d like to take my hat off to the Dwarf/Northman combo, who was the only FP’s that really gave me any trouble in the game. Even at the game start the NM, Dwarf/NM shut me down around the Sea of Rhun, I knew my Easterling ally was going to be hard press. This came true, as both the Dragon Lord and the Easterlings were knocked out. When the Dwarf came at me in the late game and all my forces were tied up from taking the Rangers and the Dun nations down, it made me scramble quite a bit. Also the NG/Dun player looked like he took the brunt of the DS might and hung on long; very well done there. Many turns my agents spent working on the Dun and NG, though we had a great deal of fun with the Riders and the Noldo as well. Killing Cirdan on turn 4 with Din Ohtar was a highlight picking up the RoC in the hex…though I almost lost Din O to a NM challenge from Bard I believe on turn 2 that was a scare.
It looked like the DS got 2927 very quickly from NG I wonder how this happened? Also it would seem the CL just went bankrupt? Corsair attacked the Noldo Bay PC’s? I tried to clean up over there to find it in Corsair WK hands.
I hope I helped out my Team-mates some as I sent out over 8000 mounts over the course of the game. Those that would like to share final PDF’s let me know.