Hi Guys,
Just got word from the GM that game 96 has ended with a DS victory as the FP have decided to fold. The final turn still has to be run but that won’t change anything so I would love to start chatting about this game. It was a great game as far as I was concerned.
Playing Rhudaur/Long Rider I had a very though game in the first 25 turns or so. I put all my resources into protecting Rhudaur with the result there were no resources left to develop with the LR who had lost his Cavalry armies early in the game with Uvatha getting overrun in Harad on turn 5. WK offered little or no help that I can recall (though possibly he was attacking out of my range of sight) and I was attacked by Arthedain, Cardolan, Sinda, Noldo and dwarves.
I was EXTREMELY unlucky in getting no Dragons until well past halfway in the game. I just could not get hold of a recruitable dragon whatever I tried, and I don’t know how many times I cursed about not getting any dragons on my PC’s; and guess what on turn 22, just one turn too late to safe my Rhudaur capital, I find 3 who joined my army on turn 23! I tell you I was pulling my hair out at that time!
So it was only because I kept pouring in conjured mounts and leather from LR into 2008, buying steel for armor at taxes at 90%, blocking incoming armies and by some well placed assassinations by the LR agents that I could survive at all.
Rhudaur started beefed up in this game but it didn’t make much difference as I lost 1910 by turn 11. I lost 2008 to FP emis on turn 15, the very first turn I had to risk to leave it unprotected by an army. But I do guess I did make me hold out longer before I lost all PCs in Rhudaur area. I finally lost my capital at 2008 after what I dare call a very valiant fight as the very last original Rhudaur PC on turn 22.
Around turn 16 I decided to make a countermove with HC and I went to capture the Cardolan capital on turn 18, reducing fortifications with the LR agents before the attack. (Though I did loose all characters in that army and does the army by kidnapping/assassination the turn after)
Around that time also LR had finally built a small PC of the map and had started attacking the Northmen by surprise around that time too.
Turn 22 was nearly the demise of the Rhudaur as my capital was about to fall and I had just lost my back-up MT at 3329 to agents/emissary take over with impeccable timing by the FP. Only by pure luck did I influence 3624 under my control that very same turn having learned that the Dog Lord was eliminated.
It was a turning point in the game though. My multiple enemies had no targets to focus on anymore so they left the Rhudaur alone.
Nursing my wounds I build up a new army at 1812 a PC off the map for the FP and this time the dragons did come. Cardolan lost 1614 on turn 25. He then figured out the PC at 1812 but by the time he took it I had build up another one at 1120. Probably not knowing where I came from, he had lost all of his towns one after the other by turn 33.
I took care never to be on the other FP’s map to make sure he didn’t get any help.
Meanwhile on the other side of the world LR cleaned up the area around the sea of Rhun, 4013 finally fell on turn 29. I then kept the HC going and took on the Eothraim who probably went bankrupt on turn 34 when I sieged their capital in a failed attempt to capture it. He did surprise me with a challenge in his last breath.
Another army took out the Northmen capital on turn 36 together with the WK.
I had plenty of bad luck in this game and still I managed to get over it by never giving up even however grim the situation looked at turn 23 and that does give a good feeling.
I want to thank my fellow DS for doing the same because on turn 19 I found out that we had lost 3 nations (Dragon Lord, Dog Lord and Corsairs) while the FP still had all 12 nations alive. A player (I don’t remember who but probably he was FP) wrote on the forum around May last year I think that he did not expect the game to last much longer as the FP had lost no nations and the DS were down to 9. I am smiling as I think back of this. Never ever give up guys, at least not in a GB game as it can be turned around.
Look forward to hearing some other reactions.