I have some issues with a particular decision of Clint whereby he removed me from the list of participants in a new GB1000, without my consent, just because he thought I was taking too long even if there was no clear deadline given.
I am so thoroughly pissed off with this that I no longer wish to continue with this game either.
GB70 is a no-drop 1650 gunboat game with some very high level players and should be enjoyable. It is currently turn 6 with turn 7 being processed today. My position is a very viable one so no worries for anyone who steps in.
If you are interested please confirm to me via private message so I know the position will not be special serviced and let Clint know by email.
I think I recall that Clint is playing in G70 himself, so please direct all coordination in this matter to Rob.
Do not aspire to pick up Alain’s position(s) unless you consider yourself a grizzled vet like the rest of us. (No, I’m not kidding.)
Speaking of which, shouldn’t this go through the existing player pool for pickups? Alain may have jumped the gun on this post. Although considering the player list for this game, the whole pool may already be involved.
Ed, 70 is a 2-week GB game, processing on Fridays (today was process day)
Alain, I hope you reconsider and also get into the FA 1000 GB. You’re a great player (whether opponent or ally - I’m in both 70 & the soon-to-start 45).
Ed, if Alain sticks to his decision, you’d be a great player to take over his positions in 70.
Just back from holidays both abroad and at home.
I am happy to say that Clint managed to find a creative solution allowing me to play in the new game after all and I will be continuing with the gunboat 70 game as well.
Actually I prefer reasoned dialogue. Where “fits are thrown” it’s hard to find a solution that works. Where we have “continued fit syndrome” then eventually we find that I have no choice but to stick my ground, the players leaves and everyone’s unhappy. The player’s no longer playing a game he enjoys having put himself into a situation where an ultimatum has been set and we lose a valued player of the game. So it’s not the best form of solution…
Usually I try to find a fair solution that works for everyone and mostly I’m able to do that… In this case it was possible I’m glad to say…