As for the FP in a 12x12 vs Angmar, I don’t think there really IS anything necessarily “unconventional” they can do. Of course, that depends on one’s understanding of conventional tactics. Hammer away at them, as per all of the above, frankly. The FP have to remove the DS pop centre presence from all but the south (Greater Mordor) in 12x12 asap. Dwarves and Duns should all take part, 2908 Sinda and, well, anyone else. Judicious artifact swapping to allow the “name” commanders to attack the armies while the Pelendurs of the world get to pull off the threats might help confuse early on. Split the cav from your forces and use the FP economic advantages to make more of it…and war machines (see News from Bree this week).
One game I forwarded the unconventional thought to…Ignore Angmar. Allow them to assume we’d come at them full bore so they maximize their recruiting and run blocking patterns, all the while the Dwarves and Duns (who can reach Ithil faster than Grasty…) bug off to cover for SG (who’s fighting Harad) in Ithil. When the FP can roast the North Bank of Harad AND pump significant troops into the Pass, just as Elladan or his brother knock off the Cloud Lord troops using all the FP artifacts at 3224, Angmar realizes it’s going to go bankrupt before their huge forces can no reach (unfed) the pops necessary to burn off those expensive troops… I was voted off the team…
In a normal game, a well organized FP squad is more “free” to pump everything at Mordor (Dwarves, Sinda, etc) hoping to crack the nut before the neutrals jump in. No such hope in 12x12.
Noldo88: I’m not sure I like being called a facade, but given your stance on “game” ethics (including forum posts), I can’t blame you for thinking we all share your “gaming” values. I think you are over analyzing my post.
My post was legit, I was seeking some out of the box ideas for Angmar. Those who are the elite of the ME system shouldn’t fear posting their ideas, because they already know they are the best in the game. They should be mentors of the rest, ambassadors of ME-PBM. If the best players ME has to offer do not become mentors of the new and inexperienced players in the game, ME-PBM will decline in the value it brings to gaming.
Player: I agree, I was thinking about the economics more than anything. In #17 we landed on the FK Capital on turn 2, and we batted the idea of diverting to lesser PCs instead; as we knew they would send everything to the FK capital to defend it. We could have burned an undefended town and camp while the DS team paid their troops to sit at the FK capital another turn.
There has got to be more to this game than “RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT” for the FP?
I’m in one game (#38) and information from this post will not effect it directly. I’m just trying to determine if ME-PBM is multi-dimensional as a whole for the FP side (xNoldo)?
There is the noun facade and the proper noun Facade. Mistook you for the proper noun.
The Noldo are so multideminsional you must set aside your preconceptions (including some things you learned on your mother’s knee) to fully appreciate it.
You seem to have rejected my good advice on Angmar. If I was to take your development to new levels, what would be in it for me? If you took bugle lessons would you expect them free? After all you are a real nice guy.
Using the Socratic method I will start on the first step: You are directing military operations against Hannibal, Sertorius, Frontinius or, even, Bin Lauden. What would be your mindset?
Originally posted by 88 Noldo
There is the noun facade and the proper noun Facade.
Actually, if memory serves correct, the proper noun is (was?) “facade”…no cap. We don’t want revisionism to seep in, do we?
Which reminds me of a point I didn’t make earlier: On a good “team” perse, there simply aren’t “regional” strategies…it’s all one war. If the FP send the Duns to Angmar, they’re not going to Mirkwood or Ithil, and NG’s in a head of trouble unless SG ignores Harad, then who’s helping Umbar? Angmar to Umbar in less than 3 dominoes… Much like making “just a litttttle change to the code over here…”, everything is interrelated when the big picture is taken into account.
Noldo88: I didn’t say I didn’t like your ideas, I have accounted for them.
My mindset would be one of containment then extermination. Much like a computer virus is handled. However in gaming situations I like to sometimes try something unconventional. It usually comes with more risk, however if executed successfully will yeild some greater rewards. Most of my experience with unconventional gameplay is in other PBM systems, so my intent of this string was to gain some insight for the unconventional in ME.
xNoldo = except Noldo. I understand they are multi dimensional, extremely so in fact.
Player: Point well made, the dynamics of the war as a whole was not taken in account with my original question.
Question: Would you commit the Duns to Gondor or North into Angmar? Or somewhere else?
Apreciate your comments!
Facade or umm… Noldo17
Originally posted by Noldo17
Question: Would you commit the Duns to Gondor or North into Angmar? Or somewhere else?
You want them to have their maximum effect. The majority of the time is to send them at Angmar, or split the Cav and send the foot north. This gives the FP the “on paper” military advantage", but guarantees a long drawn out slugfest (presuming competent opposition) as Dragons will mitigate the 3-2 nation advantage shortly.
If sending to Angmar, send everything and send the Dwarf too. Speed kills - kill the WK now otherwise the costs of “getting around to it” later are plain stupid.
But to answer the question, I would prefer to send them to Mordor. Move all Dun starting forces to whichever hex they can all meet, turn 2 reorganize and march one cav and one foot. Turn 3 the Cavalry can arrive in the Ithil Pass, turn 4 the foot. That’s some significant forces, and it’s not like the DS will necessarily guess “Where oh where are the Duns?” - it could easily take 3 turns for the Duns to hit Angmar if they were being slow about it and planning to be a follow-up force. No, Duns in Mordor turns 3 and 4 is my preference. Never done it…one day…