I’m looking for opening move ideas for the Free People vs. the WK/Rhuduar scenerio. Assume a 12x12 grudge game. Any suggestions?
Go on the offensive and never give them the chance to breathe. Focus on the major towns and bypass, as far as possible, the lesser pop centers. Largely ignore any counter offensives. So what if you lose a few pops, those troops are not defending the DS major towns. If your offensive stalls go into a caontainment mode for the WK (not Rhudaur) and send your resources elsewhere. The WK finds it easier to defend than attack. Good luck.
Are the Duns FP as well?
I think the best bet is to have Arthedain recruit cav and try to “contain” WK strikes out of Angmar while Cardolan, Dwarves and Noldor roll over the unfortified Rhudaur. Then, move in force against the WK.
The biggest problem will be dragons that show up after GT5. It will be important to do some SERIOUS damage to Rhudaur before then. That kind of damage can’t be done Cardolan vs. Rhudaur. This is why you need the recruits from Imladris and Khazad-dum.
This means the Dragon Lord will be alive in Mirkwood longer than usual, but if you let Rhudaur and WK hold the west slope of the misites when dragon start showing up in hordes, they’ll be near impossible to get rid of.
And the best defence in Angmar is don’t let the free onto your pops. Block, block, block. They can’t take what they can’t land on. (Easier said thar done!)
Regards Herman
12x12 game scenario. Duns are FP.
It seems that the Rhu are the usual first target. Has anyone given any thought to striking the WK first?
Yes. Again, strike for the Major Towns. There are two major towns that are most exposed, one WK and one Rhu.
Let me make a suggestion: Rather than discuss you strategy (in apparent detail) in public, why don’t you ask advice from Brad Jennison, who apparently beat you in your last game?
I respect Brad Jenison’s knowledge, he can post to this string if he wishes.
My target audience is larger and to those players who think outside the box and have some new ideas. This post is meant more for brainstorming than actual strategy to use in a particular game.
So, why don’t you provide us with your ideas?
I would demand the immediate and unconditional surrender of my opponents…if that failed I’d go to plan b <I haven’t made plan b yet>
My ideas are unproven in this era as I’m a relatively new player. I don’t count my time I played with GSI before all the data was available. Back then, we didn’t know all the artifact powers, how to recruit dragons, and all the encounter answers. The strategy is quite different now, more mechanical.
From what I’ve read to date, it seems the basics for FP are recruiting, attempt to delay the DS’s agent game by acquiring the agent artifacts ASAP, and attempting to delay the curse squads by aquiring the curse artifacts. Militarily, the FP are to exorcise the WK/Rhu/Drglord to Mordor, and then crush Mordor like an egg.
The DS team has more flexibility for general strategy as their positions are more flexible. They can focus on character strategies as well as military. Also there is more ideas for strategy written on them.
I was querying for FP strategy that might be considered unconventional. I do have some ideas and will try them in my next game. I will let you know if they pan out or flop. But I am interested in hearing feedback.
If there where any bright new ideas I suggest you would be foolish to put them out here for all to see.
Agree with Vandal. Most players ignore appeals for help on this forum. For good reason. At least some of those appeals are “false flags”. As, apparently, was this one.
Let me just say it matters not who has the artifacts whatsoever as you will find many who have won with none.
A good team, who work together, have a strong leadership and keep the enemy on the back foot, never letting up, are all you need.
Tactics are just part of it, the ability to hold your nerve, not give up and grind the enemy down if you have to, means more to me
I’m curious what Noldo 88 means by some appeals for help being “false flags.” Please explain if you are willing.
Also, I don’t understand why someone would not want to post ideas or seek help on this forum. It seems the ideal place to do such things.
If you posted your tactics here how could you use them again?
I assume “false flags” would refer to a post tailored to mislead your enemies in a current game or to encourage poor play in general. For example, I might hint that I am playing in game 52 as the Dwarves and ask about the best way to build a navy to take out the Long Rider’s capital. I would be secretly hoping that my opponents would read this post and think I was trying to take out the Long Rider. The less useful form might be to post replies to other people’s requests for help that are deliberately poor strategy in hopes of lowering the general quality of play. Better yet post poor advice to your own false strategy question. I suspect this second form is of significantly less utility (and hopefully significantly less practiced). Certainly its often hard to tell how many of your opponents read these posts at all.
As alwys CJ, you are right on target.
Thinking about the name “David Thomas” I am reminded of the Olde moniker called “Facade”. In his day Facade was one of the best. Brad will be happy to know he beat Facade like a teathered goat.
Wow! I must be pretty naive. I never would have even considered the possibility of providing false answers to requests for help in order to mislead others. Nor would I have thought to post a false thread in hopes of misleading my opponents in a current game.
I hope such practices are limited to a corrupt few.
In the Real World you get sent to the Principal’s office when you lie cheat and steal. Myself, considering this is a fantasy simulation and no one really gets hurt, don’t mind being corrupt for the 1 % of my time I spend on it. I conform nicely to society’s expectations the other 99% of the time.
In the Real World you can trust me with both your money and your wife, Neither is safe in Middle Earth.
David Thomas, facade, goat. You got me Ed. I’m beginning to like you.
Nimdraug: You’ve sneered at me publically before, I never understood why, but that’s your right. Be warned: I answer the questions here to the best of my knowledge and experience. Others, well…