I’d like to propose a four nation gunboat variant (apologies in advance if this has been proposed or done before).
If four nations are too many for someone, they can always form their own mini team and divide their nations - just as in the regular gunboat variant teams may be shared.
I’d propose dividing the nations along semi-geographical lines because it contributes to the suspension of disbelief necessary to understand why some nations may communicate better than others.
Here’s a first draft attempt at geographical distribution:
Dark Servants:
North and West - Witch King, Rhudaur, Dragon Lord, Long Rider
Central - Fire King, Ice King, Dark Lt’s, Dog Lord
South and East - Corsairs, Cloud Lord, Blind Sorcerer, Quiet Avenger
Perhaps Dog Lord and Long Rider should be swapped?
Free People:
North and West - Noldo Elves, Arthedain, Cardolan, Dunlendings
Central - Woodmen, Sinda Elves, Dwarves, Eothraim
South and East - Northern Gondor, Southern Gondor, Haradwaith, Northmen
Potential rules changes I’d recommend with this:
A diplomacy round on turn 1. Some of these teams will need to know if economic aid is forthcoming and be able to offer artifact swaps and other aid on turn 1. Although the offers would be unable to be confirmed before turn 6, it would add some acceleration to the variant.
Move the Ring of Impersonation to the Sinda Elves (this is to balance some of the artifact synergies created by the DS nation distributions).
No Missed Turns - if someone does not submit a turn, the game is suspended. After 24 hours the position is advertised for replacement. If it is not picked up within 7 days, the position is killed and the game is put up to a vote - continue or concede. The side with fewer concession votes wins - if no concession votes, the game continues.
I think I’ve provided enough information for everyone to disagree with something
I’d be happy to sign up for any of these teams if such a variant gets off the ground.