Getting Galadriel's Goodies

I am curious about anyone’s efforts to steal the artifacts off of Galadriel and Gandalf. I have attempted, only once, to steal the ring form Galadriel. I used a DS agent A60/S30. The agent was killed by Galadriel in the effort.

My only attempt, an a57 was similarly squished like a gnat…

Hi Pearly

Maybe you already know, but since Galadriel has 100 ranks in mage, she will give that amount in damage to a agent failing an offensive move against her, that’s why she kills people. I do not think there is much more to it (besides the fact that you are stealing from a 100 rank character) The few times I had an agent who was actually good enough to try to take a shot at Galadriel, I was too much a chicken to loose that agent to get a +50 mage artifact.

With Gandalf, I have both stolen his ring and assasinated him (effective 100A/35St in the later case). I haven’t gotten around to kitnap him, I wonder what stories he will tell via the 635 Interrogate Hostage order (if any)

  • Jeppe

Thanks Jeppe,

I appreciate that. And no, I had not connected the 100rank to the 100damage.

So has anyone successfully stolen Galadriel’s artifacts? Or does anyone know if their is a reaction that will make her “loan” them?


I sometimes wonder if Galadriel is more a 2950 personality than a 1650 one, yes I know she is around but I hardly ever see her in 1650, which is where I play my games. I still remember my first game as sindar and I was expecting her to show up a fair bit in Lorien. Nup, not a whiff of her. Furthermore, damn Celeborn was more interested in visiting dwarves than his fellow elves! That really annoyed me at the time. Anyway, moral of the story is these colourful NPCs usually do diddly squat to help (I’m not saying they can’t help but usually not, give me those trusty eagles and ents any day).

As for Gandalf, like Jeppe’s experience, I have found pinching Gandalf’s ring to be quite easy just like any steal artifact order on a character not being guarded is quite easy. I am actually surprised to hear people have had trouble stealing Galadriel’s stuff for that very reason. Steal artifact is a much easier order than trying to kill or kidnap them, you don’t need much of an agent say > 45 do it IMO.

I have succesfully stolen both of Galadriels artifacts, but almost always as a free people. And yes, when the theft did not work I was killed. I have done it more than once. Character ranks were probably somewhere in the 50 to 60 ranks when I managed.


Makes sense that it would be easier as a FP: if nation relations applied, its a +25 modifier not a -25

Stags: Funny you mention that about Celeborn. In one game where I was Sinda, Bain met Celeborn THREE times within 5 turns (wonder if Celeborn likes short, grumpy, smelly, bearded men) making Bain a 92Com!! (I kid you not!)

IMHO the only really usefull FP NPC is Gandalf. His emi hikes are nice, and Celeborns com raises are nice too. But what does Galadriel do? Gives you sickness for mages and moral?!?!

To the ones that successfully have stolen artifacts: Is it true that Galadriel/Gandalf will track you down and reclaim their possesions? Have heard that “story” somewhere…

  • Jeppe

Once saw Gladriel disband an evil Rhudaur army at Goblin Gate. What the Lady was doing so far afield is beyond me. That was even better than Gandalf–he only wiped out half of a Dog Lord army.