GM 35 Welcome to the Jungle

Dragonlord wishes to welcome everyone to the jungle. welcome my brother DS, Opens diplomatic relations with all the nuetrals and FP are free to jib me to your Hearts content



I call to your attention the state the rulers of your ancient Kingdoms have brought you to. Are the tribes of the East, the Duns, the Hillmen of the Trollshaw, the Harad and the Kin looking? See the Elves and the Dwarves conspire to rule over you. The North and the South Kingdoms, Arnor and Gondor, are about to embark on a campaign of racially motivated false pride propaganda whose only purpose is to bow the heads of Man to lesser beings as Rulers.



Freedom in the All Seeing Eye. True Choice lives with Sauron. He who Can Shall grant Power Eternal to those who endeavor to vanquish the Elves and their lackeys. So it is written, so it shall be.


More DS propodanda, eh?

All I have to say is that our horses are faster, our booze is better, and our women (or guys, whatever your preference) are prettier.

To contact the Dunedain, drop me a line at:

Mike for Arthedain

Greetings to All in Game 35,

The nation of Cardolan would like to begin talks with the Duns, the Rhudaur and any Neutral nation interested in communicating. Please, feel free to contact me via this site or at

Your help would be appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you.

Cardolan 35

Better to have FP Ladies as concubine than to have to marry then by being FP!


Mike and Mike. Clones ready to clone their brethren. Nod and smile, Yes Sir Mr Elf Sir, of course Sir, right away Sir… Arfanhil and Enion - you ready to change your names to Mike?


Hail and well met!

Celdrahil offers his greatings to the great Southron nations of Haradwaith and the Corsairs of Umbar. I should be especially glad to hear from you, and can be reached at jamesandrewknight <at> gmail <dot> com.

Indeed, I would welcome parlay with all of my neutral neighbours, should you be so minded.

In victory shall there be peace,


sheesh Mike do you play anything other than a power setup! You have me nervous clear over in Mirkwood!


Terry, it seems you missed Brad’s rather sad foray into humor a few posts up from here. You know…the whole Mike & Mike bit. Let’s just say he’s not burning any eyebrows off.:wink:

Anyway, there are two Mike’s on Free 35. Not sure which one is implied in your post.

I may have to start speaking up around here.

Cardolan 35

Well met all,

This is the Rhudaur, opening communications with all. Please feel free to contact me on

I’m the Cloud Lord. I’m not funny, I’m evil and scary. Shiver, quiver, pee yourself with fear. I’m coming and [Ji! Shut up! they can hear you for miles…!] you’ll never…eh? Wot? Oh, forget it…

Instead of anything useful, I shall instead post the following:

I’m Mister White Christmas
I’m Mister Snow
I’m Mister Icicle
I’m Mister Ten Below
Friends call me Snow Miser,
What ever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch
I’m too much!

Woof, woof!

Hey snow miser, dont you know Mother Nature works for the elves? That goes for your buddy heat miser too…

Brindur, did I just hear–“Phenomenal Cosmic POWER!–Itty Bitty living space”?

Rhudaur, come back to Arnor. We’ve got lots of love here in Fornost and want to reunite the kingdom.

Mike for Arthedain

The Corsairs stand ready to Assist in any epic fight!:wink:
Whoever we do prefer plunder and as much as we can get…:smiley:

CAll me:-

Corsairs - your email bounced. Typo of some sort?



Brad the Cloud

I can’t remember the last time an elf summoned a storm. Well, in any case, Celedhring prefers us, so there.

The Dwarves bid everyone greetings, especially those nice people that live in Rhudaur and Dunland :wink:

We look forward to cordial relations with all who have not fallen under the sway of Sauron.


P.S. Please, no Dwarf-tossing …

Hi Corsairs again try see if that works

I love this every where I turn there are targets (buzzzzzz) … Not matter which way go there are those disquisting sounds of joy! (buzzzing louder) What are these these buzzing beast beasts ??? Ouch!
No respect! Even the insects here bug me!
