In the darkest depths of Mordor, where the shadows lie, a new nation arises. Born from the freed slaves that once farmed Nurn for the Dark Lord Sauron himself, the Men who remained near the Nurnen, for centuries, were content simply to be free of the control of the fallen Eye. But lo, as the centuries passed, the bloodlines of several mages who once served Akhorahil the Blind began to assert themselves, and forgotten, forbidden talents were regained… For some reason, magic seemed to bloom within the women of the land, and as their powers grew, so too did they become the rulers of the land, and establish dominion over their men. And during this time, the shadows worked their wiles on the people, and ancient dark lore, thought lost with the fall of the Nine, was found once more.
Thus came to be the realm now called the Hags of Nurnen…Servants of Darkness, rulers over the plains, hills, and mountains of Southern Mordor. Taking up their dark heritage, the Hags prepare even now to assert their sovereignty in their lands – let none come into the region of Southern Mordor without invitation, lest they find themselves slaves, for the people who once were enslaved themselves, now rule over those weaker than themselves, and once again, the mines and fields of Nurn bring wealth to the rulers – the Hags of Nurnen.
Let those who would treat with the Hags as equals – regardless of allegiance – feel free to send their ambassadors to speak with us. Though we cannot promise to give too much weight to those who speak for the so-called Free Peoples, still, their ambassadors will be treated properly. Those who are already serving the Dark will, of course, find the warmest welcome, but we are most eager to speak to those who have yet to commit their lands to one side or the other. The Unfettered, especially, we seek to converse with, for their lands in Northern Mordor do seem to be those closest to us – their town upon the northern shores of the Nurnen has for some time been a place for us to trade. But all Neutrals are most welcome to come and see that even ine the depths of Mordor, Men (and Women) have built mighty works indeed.
The Hags of Nurnen await your ambassadors.
Ernie Hakey III,
P.S. – I don’t come to the Forum very often at all, but sometimes, at the start of a game, I remember to do so… But anyone wishing to contact me, whether for banter or serious discussion, will definitely have better luck emailing me, rather than waiting for me to respond to a post or PM here.