Just so I know whats the score in this one. How many nazgul down?
Why don’t you ask Tharudan, Elatar or Mahrcared?
Mahc is not dead yet…but the count is two naz…Ji and Ren…
jaz cardo
Then I have some work to do . . .
The 2 weakest Nazgul, tsk tsk.
Weak or not, IYO nazgul they are. Now are any nations out or is that a silly question?
Don’t make me 585 your pops it’ll make me mad. You don’t want to wake the dragon.
Before the Maethelburg-less Woodman comes in with another stupid Bastardization of the text, Khamul is dead. Eh, whatever.
I repeat Khamul, Dead.
Hows Maethelburg?
Maethelberg looks fine from where I’m sitting . . . pretty trees, green grass, freshly whitewashed walls. People will tell stories about how pretty it looked for centuries to come.
And they’ll be able to start telling them fairly soon!
4 captains, 1 lord and 1 regent have failed to destroy the 2924-3024 bridge.
impressive. very impressive.
The populace doesn’t support such actions.
The young beorning kinsman walked around the tower, fleetingly touching the walls, before continuing on his anxious way.
“Strange”, the young beorning mused aloud. “These walls feel remarkably substantial and sound, given the harping of the Mouth of the South”.
Waulfa, eyed the beorning wryly before commenting, “Hold, my young apprentice. Do not descend to the maledicition and petty fabrications of the darken. Instead derive satisfaction from the passing of a third of the Nine. And if, in the chaos that lays ahead, the walls of Maethelburg do fall, then hold to the truth that it has cost the Dark Lord three of his most trusted lieutenants.”
Pushing himself away from the table, Waulfa reached for his sword before walking over to the window. Beyond the walls of Maethelburg a dark host encamped. Banners of the Witch-King, Cloud-Lord and Fire-King fluttered in the twilight gloaming. And in the distance, the darken menace of a mountain worm sailed the greying heavens.
With indefatigable determination, Waulfa simply bade the young beorning, “Come…”
You do get points for referencing Jimmy Hart.
However, Maethelburg is done.
The young beorning made as if to follow. He stopped transfixed as a fleeting shadow crossed his vision. Frozen in terror his shouted warning choked in his throat . . .
So, how do we like the more aggresive elven nation? just warming up. A warning to the unwise…
Aggressive? Eh, I’m not really seeing much, here.
To the Duns…
You were right in your decision to go DS for the reasons you listed in our private email conversation 7 or 8 turns ago. I was wrong when I tried to defend the opposite viewpoint.
Live and learn.
don’t be so vague. you didn’t get my artifacts nor 3116 and 3716(the bad guys got them), so you invited me to service myself(keyboard tough guy).
bad guys, darren the easterling wants to reconsider his choice of allegiances(if you have a pair of towns, and a few command artifacts). thanks for the lecture on your being a “tEaM” player. guess i shouldn’t expect a christmas card from the duns either, pity.
lol I does not happen a lot. But, once and awhile. It sounds rocky on both sides of the shore.
Well since we’re airing this here, here are the facts:
In February (about 7 turns ago) the deal was struck for the Easterlings to go FP. That included a MT, two towns, two NG command artifacts and use of a conjuring artifact for three turns to get Conjure Mounts.
On turn 5 I received the MT from the Eothraim as promised. I also asked where my character should go to get the command artifacts. No response.
On turn 6 I again asked where I should go to get the artifacts. Again, no response.
On turn 7 I asked one more time shortly after turns were received. NG responded that he would get me the hex prior to turning in orders. Again, he didn’t deliver.
Now after three more turns have passed I finally said that I either needed the artifacts or I would simply pull back my forces from attacking the DS. I said I would forego receiving the two towns.
NG reads this and completely goes off the handle (sort of like he did on this board with the Harad at the beginning of the game), spouting that his nation is fighting off all the DS armies and needs the artifacts to retake his kingdom, etc. He then proceeded to spout some personal remarks, rant some more, more personal remarks, rant some more.
I responded that I didn’t need this sh!t, pulled my turns, withdrew from the boards and told him to f#$@ off. I believe my exact words were something to the effect of “f@#$ you and good riddance.”
Needless to say, in a “game” I don’t need the aggravation of dealing with someone who makes promises, goes back on them then personally attacks the person he was supposed to deliver to when pressed. As a result the Easterlings are a lone nation until either NG is taken out, the player drops, this nation is taken out or I drop. The latter is the most likely first occurrence. Take that info and do with it what you will.
Darren - Easterlings