gm 5


close the door on your way out. feel free stop at the toilet and get yourself a tissue. theres a cross in the front yard where you can hang from and moan in pain and sorrow at the hardship. the romans to scourge you cost extra.
your pretty factual. just a bit heavy on the drama. yes, i do need the artifacts to retake my soil along the old gap road, but i did make the field trip to the south. nice effort, you toss “rant and personal attack” in my lap, despite the language you sent my way. i am truely amazed when guys type words they wouldn’t dare mutter in person. enjoy the rest of your weekend.
as for my rant early in the game. sailors dead, harad free. i had nothing to do with either, but funny how it turned out.maybe the evils wont attack you, since you went through all the trouble of marching to the avenger capitol, and not getting it done. i think i took more real estate then you, i sent but 600 cav down there, as opposed to a few thousand from you. well, at least you have lotsa points when the game ends.


well, i’m not in this game, so my $0.02 is likely worth nothing.

I think the lesson here is that neutrals (or nuetrals or however it is spelled) will be more happy if they declare to a side based upon what will be most fun for them and the others in the game, not based upon a list of “bribes.” The bribes are of fleeting value as the ebb & flow of the war wages on. Yet you end up with the team you end up with. That lasts the whole game.

Declare to maximize fun and you won’t be looking back. Declare for other reasons, and hindsight is more likely to bite you…

No offense is meant toward anyone in this game.

I thought we were past this but its only progressed to the boards. If we need separation between the easterlings and NG so be it. I’m doing what I can guys. Easterlings I have made proposals via the group and hope you received them as well as a couple of suggestions.

NG you have to be specific with your needs. I can only pull together those nations that want to be pulled together or else whats the point.

Show of hands on the yahoo site please and any gripes there as well. We don’t need to air any more bad blood in public IMO its silly and has nothign to do with the game. I wasn’t around for all of this but I’ll do my damdest to correct it whether you to see eye to eye or not.

Answers on a postcard please to

Sad to say their are a some players with no class. You just happend to pick the wrong side to try and work with. You did your best. Now it’s time to join a real team. Beings NG is so full of it. As I found out. Lucky for Duns joining the DS. The fist clue should have been NG brown eyes. So far NG has lost all neuts in this game. Good job NG. I told the Free they needed to rid themselves of this player. For he will drive all the neut’s away from the Free. That’s just what has happend. I am sure this is not the first this player has done this. Most likely wont be the last. This kind of conduct will only hold the player back. Being mad at every one wont help.

interesting post, light on facts, heavy on fluff.
enjoy going through your entire life basing all your perceptions on a singular viewpoint, from the furthest point on the game map. clearly, the silliest part of your position(i’ll assume your the duns, you forgot to sign your name) is that your based your entire allegiance decision on a naval battle
a) that never occured.
b) that didn’t involve your nation.
c) which shouldn’t concern you, as you lack fleets, harbors or ports.
just think about that, genius. no, stop reading and think.
if there was a wrong war, at a wrong time, for a wrong reason, that was it. turn 3 you surrendered your neutrality and accomplished what? your not gonna win the game. your side might, but as a true neutral, you went evil for next to nothing. at least the easterling held out for some stuff, and some promises i didn’t keep. (there, i said it. clint, spank me hard. oh, i didn’t break any rules.)
taken to the next level, the harad has taken over by force nearly all of the corsair nation, who announced his silly defense pact with the harad. so much for getting involved in a another nations dealings, eh? but i digress.
thanks for posting all of the easterlings demands. theres nothing more silly then mentioning personal attacks, then admitting the use of profane language. what is a personal attack? sorry, i’m fighting to stay alive, i can’t give you the promised pop centers, the evil side burnt them. let me reduce my shattered nation even further to strengthen your position( hes a team player, just ask him). questioning his plan? okay, that can be called personal. what has he done so far with his nation. thats an impressive stack of pop centers he has taken. yeah, i was critical, the facts speak for themselves. snow whites cherry has deeper dwarf dents then eastern mordor from the vaunted easterling incursion.( snow white, the seven dwarves, the disney movie where the vestal virgin lives with 7 dirty miners…ah never mind. your still thinking why did i care about naval combat, i’m the dunlander). that plan to sack the avenger capitol, how’d that turn out? i hold more avenger lands then the easterling, and i’m N Gondor. ask the avenger, your on her side.
my favorite inclusion to your posting is " in a game, i don’t need the aggravation of someone who makes promises…" so, in his closing paragraph, its not my tone, tenor or inability to let darren curse at me from a keyboard thats the issue. its that his bucket of bribes was too light. yep, love your decision making process, and with whom you stand. in case you can’t count, the rhudar went evil, duns went evil, the harad went freep as did the easterlings, and the corsairs are dead. thats 2-2 and 1 dead. so in terms of math, its a push. Anybody think the easterlings and harad for the duns/ rhudar is a fair exchange? all things equal, thats a nice setup for the freeps. too bad all things ain’t equal. enjoy your soapbox, while your preaching, you missed a few more important things.
since you stated i have " no class". so the easterlings curse me out, and he gets the cloak of class? NICE. here on Earth, you should find a dictionary, and look up the term class. i hate when people you use words when the defination eludes them. ignorant.
the game will play out as it will play out. so if the evils dogpile the easterlings, does he get to blame me for his demise? i’m too blame for just about everything that happened, including that tree falling in mirkwood right now. i enjoyed your posting very much. good luck in this game, and future games. if you want to discuss this further, please send me a private message. no need to clutter the board with national stuff, when the evil allegiance can insult me. sorry, but in a few sentences, you made so many errors, i just wanted to school you. its call “contempt”. its about 5 pages after the word “class” in that dictionary you need.

thats N Gondor. rumor has it after five, you have to switch to your other foot for more toes, and you lose track.

Keep up the banter, great entertainment between game turns.

Since I am not in the game, I will keep my .02 cents out, but I do enjoy a good battle of words.



Doesn’t sound like there is anything wrong with the team he ended up on, just a bunch of sour grapes from another greedy selfish neutral. I don’t have a problem with anyone wanting to play a neutral that way (even done it myself I’m sure in the olden days), just don’t act like you’ve been backstabbed and pitch a hissy fit when you ask for way too much and not get it all. If you asked for specific towns but the DS took 'em in the meantime, what is NG supposed to do about that?

[Way to go Steve, still winning friends and influencing people I see. <g>]


PS Unlike Tim I’m like Dave and don’t mind throwing out my two cents. <g>

Hey, it’s old home week! Okay, Neutrals…Hmmm, yes, neutrals who want to be bought are less “team players” than those who want to play with a fun group. With acknowledgements to the ancient ones, your opposition are more likely than not playing better as a team than the me-firster’s nowadays. If you’re going for bribes as a neutral, get the goods before you declare and then declare AGAINST the team paying tribute…they deserve it more often than not… :wink:


Somewhere, deep in our minds there is a game to be played . . . neither the pen nor the keyboard will stay the demon’s wings. The hour approaches pounding out the devil’s sermon.

Hmm, interesting, possibly this thread is one of the few places you can misquote some of the most surreal lyrics I know and still make more sense than 75% of what’s written.

I don’t believe a word of it. But please do continue. Meanwhile we continue to beat the battle drum.

Well Simon you’re obviously not talking about me even though I was making a lot of sense. <g>


Lol, not the band I meant but very close and no not really referring to you just the thread in general.

[Way to go Steve, still winning friends and influencing people I see. <g>]


after the indirect action 239 has become, i need a little diversion. sadly, thats why i joined this game. figured a little frontline blood and guts stuff, pound into your enemy, less agent/emmisary work. fire up the board, and get a litle juice in the game. then the fire king split, and the train stopped here. knee deep in forum blood and guts stuff. eh. its all about entertainment. just an extension of the bi-weekly turn fee.

Tears smudged the blackened face of the young beorning kinsman as he watched the passing column of refugees. The final battle for Maethelburg had been grim and bloody… the mountain worm, the arraigned armies of darken despite…

The young beorning kinsman started as a bloodied hand rested upon his shoulder. Waulfa. Yes, despite the crowed proclamations of the darken, the champion of the woodmen had survived. With a grimness bourne of command, Waulfa looked upon the ragged column. “Sad days indeed, my young apprentice. But remember that this defeat was a costly one for the darken. For eleven passings have we resisted the combined armies of five of the darken. Wave upon wave. And remember also that the defeat has cost Sauron three of his Nazgul lieutenants. If such is the cost exacted for each defeat, then truly will we be victorious in the end…”

And during such times of high emotion do the barriers that seperate the worlds become porous. And sleeting through the veil of dislocation did words, unbidden, come unto Waulfa. Words that, somehow, seemed ‘right’…

With a low rumble, Waulfa growled, “I’ll be back…”

  • The chronicles of Waulfa.

“Its Rhudaur Camthalion, laid bare at last” Amroth said. “Time for you to go home young one, see there the banners of the Dunedain, Cardolan and our Noldor brethren. Bloody shall the future be, bloody and full of our victory”. Camthalion gazed off and turned, “What of the mighty army not 40 leagues hence? Have we enough my lord Amroth?”. Amroth waited before answering, “More than enough and more for the march to Carn Dum. The beginning of their end is here, go home and retake the forests, the men of the woodland realm have need of us now”. With that Camthalion spurred his warhorse and made for Lorien. “Better you’re memories are not about to be blighted by the slaughter we will wreak on the Witch Kings minions my friend” Amroth whispered to himself. Turning back to the gleaming masses patiently awaiting their masters command Amroth took in the majesty of his horde, "To war Elves and to the glory of Lorien. The cheer that erupted from the assembled elves would herald the coming elven vengeance…

Greetings to all,

I’ve just picked up a standby in this game… To war…

Guy Roppa

Nothing, but if you go back and read you’d find that I didn’t ask for those in the end. All I asked for was the command artifacts promised and I said I didn’t need the other terms.

As to being a “greedy neutral,” the FP needed allies in a bad way and came to me very early in the game with an offer, I didn’t solicit it. I countered with a very similar offer that was better for all involved and it was accepted. I was more than happy to wait it out for 8-10 turns before declaring for a side, but the FP wanted/needed me early and offered to pay for it. If being “greedy” is accepting what amounted to an unsolicited offer then I guess I’m guilty as charged. Greedy or not, an agreement was met and then not followed up on.

As it turns out, the FP have come through via another position and have done so in excess of the original promise and what was expected by me. As such this is all water under the bridge.


Well, not as well as I’d hoped. My war machines smashed the brothel by mistake when I captured the place and now I’ve got to go back to those stale camp followers. At least the place was a city/castle before I took it so most other amenities are in place :smiley:

i hold more avenger lands then the easterling, and i’m N Gondor. ask the avenger, your on her side.

Yes, you did take a few camps and a village or two. My taking of a city/castle and major town (3533 should fall this turn) just doesn’t compare to that. If you don’t think that what I’ve done is worthwhile, I could always give the QA back his/her cap :slight_smile:

The Worthless Easterlings

Always good to see infighting amongst allies. Or maybe they are not allies after all.


“As a result the Easterlings are a lone nation until either NG is taken out, the player drops, this nation is taken out or I drop. The latter is the most likely first occurrence. Take that info and do with it what you will.”

you didn’t drop, i’m still playing the north gondor, so i didn’t drop. you just attacked the avenger, what could have changed?

“As it turns out, the FP have come through via another position and have done so in excess of the original promise and what was expected by me. As such this is all water under the bridge.”

ah, i think i found the answer…the freep people have come through and done so in excess of the original promise. so, principles can be so annoying in the face of a greater bribe then promised. wait, the freeps deliever, then you attack the avenger. so much for that big lone nation/drop threat. well, who says diamonds aren’t the way to a girls heart. anyway, the best is the “water under the bridge line”, followed by another post from you 30 seconds later.

can’t make this stuff up. your an amazing piece of work darren.
really, its not about the bribe.
its not about the bribe.
its about the bribe.
take out the fluff, and truth is revealed. nothing wrong with being a points pig as a neutral, just don’t be so obvious, then deny it. please not another temper tantrum where you threaten to drop again, “the latter is most likely the first occurrence.”
darren didn’t get his promised toys, blew his stack and whined to the cardy player, threatened to quit, got his toys, and now hes ready to play in the sandbox again. after his afternoon nap and a diaper change, maybe darren can recite the “class” discussion again?


Now you guys, I’m going to say this only once. Stop it, its very kindergarden
and its already boring me to death. Both you guys have already had your
say… It aint funny, it aint clever and I’m trying to be diplomatic.

Guy Roppa