Hello Everyone
** Webmail Server and One banker Nation Ruling (See end of document for
more information)
*** Untold War: The new module is now available, please ask or check out the
website to be able to download this file. The storyline follows the Untold
War of the War of the Ring, the battle for Mirkwood with the Silvan and
Sindar taking on the might of the Dragon Lord, the battle for the Misties
and Bain's and the Northmen's valiant efforts in the North. In addition
we've replicated the battle for the Gap of Rohan between the White Wizard
and Rohan.
Limited turn game of 13 turns with upgraded characters all in a restricted
www.middleearthgames.com/moduw.html for the module.
The following new games are filling up.
1650 2wk [Game 72]: 1 nation available. [28/9]
1000 Gunboat 2wk [Game 45]: 4 duos/singles available [27/11] We might go
with less players for this like game 46.
UW 2wk [Game 201]: Needs 8 players needed . [27/11] Fancy a new module? 4th
Game of this so far.
1650 2wk [Game 75] Alliance game: See rules below 9 nations available. No
sharing PDF/XML etc [12/11]
1650 Normal GB 2wk [Game 71]: 6 duos available, GB rules 7 with 30 word
diplo, Player pool. [23/9]
2950 2wk [Game 22]: 24 nations available. [02/11]
1000 2wk [Game 44]: 11 nations available [11/6]
Grudge Games we need opposition for:
Laurence Tilley (Midgard) FP 6players, want variant of 1st/4th choice
2nd/3rd choice of Neutrals 5th not played. 2:1 victory declared.
I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get MULTIPLE
free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
Middle Earth Games Ltd
UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880
Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST
UK Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)