Hello Everyone
** October 25th w/end US v Europe FTF (Face to Face) w/end of intense Middle-earth gaming in Cardiff and a team in the US. If you're interested then get in touch, the w/end is fixed cost and lots of fun. European team is now full, the US based team has 8 players so ideally could do with a few more players.
** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available. http://code.google.com/p/joverseer/downloads/list See below for more details.
The following new games are filling up.
2950 2wk [Game 26]: 17 nations available. [2/7]
1650 2wk [Game 91]: 15 nations available. [15/8]
1650 2wk [Game 27] Gunboat (normal): 9 duos available. 30 Word diplo t6/11 etc. [6/10]
2950 2wk [Game 27] Gunboat: 7 duos available. 30 Word diplo t6/11 etc. [22/8]
1000 2wk [Game 48]: 17 nations available 2/8
Grudge Games we need opposition for:
Paul Moreno (Bloodguard) Grudge 1650
Laurence Tilley (Midgard) 1650 DS 6 players
UW Robert Glass Team. FP preferred
Scott Moyes (solo player)
I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get MULTIPLE free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
GB 2 duos 1000 (l)(m), , 2 singles 2950 (m)(e), 1 single (m)
2950 None
1650 25(n)
UW (free game)2 positions
Bofa None
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