GM Message

LOL -- Actually, Brad, I won't join game 38 for two reasons -- but neither
is due to heavy troop recruitment. Glad you are paying attention to my
ideas though! (Oh, and by the way, I did finally let myself get sucked into
the all-Neutral 4th Age game too...more on that once the game starts,
sometime next week if all goes to plan...)

One reason is that I just don't do 1650 any more -- got OD'd on that when
it was the only game available, and specialize in 4th Age these days,
because I really like the variability compared to the same-old-same-old starting
situations of 1650 and 2950.

The other is that I LIKE 2-week turnarounds. Seeing as how, between ME
4th Age games and other games (HW), I am in like 9 or 10 games, all on 2-week
(or slightly longer for HW) turnaround, I never have to worry about not
having a game to obsess over at any given time. :slight_smile: I like having the
initial feeling and reactions when a turn come out in a given game, then put it
aside for a week while working on games that are actually due, and then
coming back to it the following week and reassess my initial ideas, work
through plans with allies, etc. A 1-week deadline doesn't leave that
flexibility, nor does it allow taking a couple weeks off with minimal computer access
at the holidays etc. I am glad there are 1-week games out there for those
who want a high-pressure game, but I like the mellow (okay, less high
pressure at least) schedule of 2-week deadlines.

-- Ernie III

P.S. -- And while we are plugging games -- only 15 more spots available in
4th Age game 45! Sign up soon or you may miss this one! :smiley:

In a message dated 9/3/2010 9:08:02 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

From: ME Games Ltd <>

1650 1 wk game (GAme 36) 8 nations available

Getting there folks~!

Ernie won't join because the 400 and 408 orders are allowed, but for the
rest of
you, well, that makes it so much easier to do your turns in a week (like,
noon of game day and then spend 6 days wondering why you're in such a long
turnaround game..??? :wink: ) without worrying about Bronze, etc..~!



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Ernie, I invite you to reconsider the 1650 "been there, done that" attitude and
give the 1 week game a shot. Really, it would take you what, 5 minutes to do
your orders even with max characters? Log in and check again sometime on the
weekend and confirm the ID of the dude you're handing Elenruth to and wham-bam,
thank you ma'am, you're done. Not only do I expect you'd actually enjoy
yourself, but I KNOW you'd add value to the 1 week community...

Alas, you got suckered into that All Neutral business..??? I beg you to keep
my mail and send me private updates....I may know of 1 other player (I was
tempted myself....) but I assure you, I'd love to hear news and notes and will
keep it all in confidence. I was the evil genius behind the first "All Neutral"
game, 1650, and it was a hilarious run (even though I was the Fire King and
after building an allegiance with Ice, Dog and North Gondor, I got totally
screwed by the Cloud Lord...alas, a tale for another day...)


From: "" <>
Sent: Fri, September 3, 2010 6:07:46 PM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] GM Message

LOL -- Actually, Brad, I won't join game 38 for two reasons -- but neither
is due to heavy troop recruitment. Glad you are paying att ention to my
ideas though! (Oh, and by the way, I did finally let myself get sucked into
the all-Neutral 4th Age game too...more on that once the game starts,
sometime next week if all goes to plan...)

One reason is that I just don't do 1650 any more -- got OD'd on that when
it was the only game available, and specialize in 4th Age these days,
because I really like the variability compared to the same-old-same-old

situations of 1650 and 2950.

The other is that I LIKE 2-week turnarounds. Seeing as how, between ME
4th Age games and other games (HW), I am in like 9 or 10 games, all on 2-week
(or slightly longer for HW) turnaround, I never have to worry about not
having a game to obsess over at any given time. :slight_smile: I like having the
initial feeling and reactions when a turn come out in a given game, then put it

aside for a week while working on games that are actually due, and then
coming back to it the following week and reassess my initial ideas, work
through plans with allies, etc. A 1-week deadline doesn't leave that
flexibility, nor does it allow taking a couple weeks off with minimal computer

at the holidays etc. I am glad there are 1-week games out there for those
who want a high-pressure game, but I like the mellow (okay, less high
pressure at least) schedule of 2-week deadlines.

-- Ernie III

P.S. -- And while we are plugging games -- only 15 more spots available in
4th Age game 45! Sign up soon or you may miss this one! :smiley:

In a message dated 9/3/2010 9:08:02 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

From: ME Games Ltd <>

1650 1 wk game (GAme 36) 8 nations available

Getting there folks~!

Ernie won't join because the 400 and 408 orders are allowed, but for the
rest of
you, well, that makes it so much easier to do your turns in a week (like,
noon of game day and then spend 6 days wondering why you're in such a long
turnaround game..??? :wink: ) without worrying about Bronze, etc..~!



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hmm, that's not how I would describe events, from the CL perspective. :wink: Had to admit though, Veteran Uthmag leading a battle against Veteran Shoglic on the high plains of Mordor was fun reading...


--- On Sat, 9/4/10, Brad Brunet <> wrote:
(even though I was the Fire King and after building an allegiance with Ice, Dog and North Gondor, I got totally screwed by the Cloud Lord...alas, a tale for another day...)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

If you had of joined us, we would have won and I would have glorified across the
land. Instead, you opposed us, I believe I ended up getting trounced and the
Witch King ruled the world. You could have been part of something, I would have
happily handed you the Transit portfolio, alas, spite and petty malice - "If I'm
not going to rule the world, that bombastic buffoon certainly won't either~!"
and we both got to sit on the sidelines as the First basked in the glory...

From: Drukarzun <>
Sent: Mon, September 6, 2010 2:10:18 PM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] GM Message

Hmm, that's not how I would describe events, from the CL perspective. :wink: Had
to admit though, Veteran Uthmag leading a battle against Veteran Shoglic on the
high plains of Mordor was fun reading...

(even though I was the Fire King and after building an allegiance with Ice, Dog
and North Gondor, I got totally screwed by the Cloud Lord...alas, a tale for
another day...)

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


--- On Sat, 9/4/10, Brad Brunet <> wrote: