Hi guys
The following new games are filling up.
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 52) 8 positions available (2nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 51) 17 nations available
2950 2 wk (game235) 24 nations available
Kinstrife 644 13 nations available
1000 2 wk (gme41) 16 nations available
1650 1 wk (game4) 16 nations available
Grudge Games we need opposition for:
I have the following drop-outs available - don’t forget you get MULTIPLE free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
GB 1 position
2950 None
1650 None
1000 None
Kinstrife None
Hi Rob
I see there is a gunboat drop-out position available. If it’s not in game 31, I might be interested in taking it over.
Assuming it’s not in game 31, could I see what state it’s in?
David Crane
From: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com [mailto:mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 09 September 2016 13:46
To: MEpbmlist mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [mepbmlist] GM Message
Hi guys
The following new games are filling up.
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 52) 8 positions available (2nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 51) 17 nations available
2950 2 wk (game235) 24 nations available
Kinstrife 644 13 nations available
1000 2 wk (gme41) 16 nations available
1650 1 wk (game4) 16 nations available
Grudge Games we need opposition for:
I have the following drop-outs available - don’t forget you get MULTIPLE free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
GB 1 position
2950 None
1650 None
1000 None
Kinstrife None
Speaking of Gunboat...
If anyone is interested in a 4th Age 3-way Gunboat game with a few special rules, I am putting one together, it will have 9 positions/teams, 3 of each allegiance, and I have 6 already taken, only 3 remaining. If interested, contact me (drakaragm@aol.com) and I'll forward details. I'll be organizing it and supervising setup issues etc. before passing along the setups to MEGames to implement, not actually playing in the game myself.
- Ernie Hakey III
-----Original Message-----
From: 'David Crane' dazedandconfused@blueyonder.co.uk [mepbmlist] <mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com>
To: mepbmlist <mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 11, 2016 4:32 pm
Subject: RE: [mepbmlist] GM Message
Hi Rob
I see there is a gunboat drop-out position available. If it’s not in game 31, I might be interested in taking it over.
Assuming it’s not in game 31, could I see what state it’s in?
David Crane
From: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com [mailto:mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 09 September 2016 13:46
To: MEpbmlist <mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com>
S ubject: [mepbmlist] GM Message
Hi guys
The following new games are filling up.
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 52) 8 positions available (2nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 51) 17 nations available
2950 2 wk (game235) 24 nations available
Kinstrife 644 13 nations available
1000 2 wk (gme41) 16 nations available
1650 1 wk (game4) 16 nations available
Grudge Games we need opposition for:
Ki nstrife
I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get MULTIPLE free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
GB 1 position
2950 None
1650 None
1000 None
Kinstrife None
Hi Ernie
I'd be interested, if we can get it started fairly quickly.
On 11 September 2016 at 22:44 "Ernie DrakaraGM@aol.com [mepbmlist]" > <mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Speaking of Gunboat...
If anyone is interested in a 4th Age 3-way Gunboat game with a few special
rules, I am putting one together, it will have 9 positions/teams, 3 of each
allegiance, and I have 6 already taken, only 3 remaining. If interested,
contact me (drakaragm@aol.com mailto:drakaragm@aol.com ) and I'll forward
details. I'll be organizing it and supervising setup issues etc. before
passing along the setups to MEGames to implement, not actually playing in the
game myself.
- Ernie Hakey III
-----Original Message-----
From: 'David Crane' dazedandconfused@blueyonder.co.uk [mepbmlist]
To: mepbmlist <mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 11, 2016 4:32 pm
Subject: RE: [mepbmlist] GM Message
Hi Rob
I see there is a gunboat drop-out position available. If it’s not in game
31, I might be interested in taking it over.
Assuming it’s not in game 31, could I see what state it’s in?
David Crane
From: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com mailto:mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com? ]
Sent: 09 September 2016 13:46
To: MEpbmlist <mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com mailto:mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com
S ubject: [mepbmlist] GM Message
Hi guys
The following new games are filling up.
1650 GB 2 wk (Game 52) 8 positions available (2nation game)
1650 2 wk (Game 51) 17 nations available
2950 2 wk (game235) 24 nations available
Kinstrife 644 13 nations available
1000 2 wk (gme41) 16 nations available
1650 1 wk (game4) 16 nations available
Grudge Games we need opposition for:
Ki nstrife
I have the following drop-outs available - don't forget you get MULTIPLE
free turns for GB and a single one for normal game for taking these up:
GB 1 position
2950 None
1650 None
1000 None
Kinstrife None