So anyone interested in running 3 nations for the price of one here? Seems a bargan, a good game what more can you ask for?!
The 1650 3rd test game is about to start. Ideally I'm looking for 3
players who are prepared to run 3 nations each (less is doable).
I need experienced players, that have time to check for bugs and feedback,
as well as work within a team. It's a normal 12v12 game (no Easterlings)
but with the following elements... (If you're interested then get in
touch, cost is 1/3rd the normal if you play 3 nations, turnaround is
roughly weekly, although that does get disrupted sometimes).
Extra rules:
Start on Turn 6 (so extra characters can be named etc).
DS: Get 2* +10 stats per nation (no stealth, only 1 agent per nation), no
stat above 40, only one of these +10 bonus can be added to a non-commander,
making him a 10 Commander (see FTF rules).
Get 4 locations of items of their choice (TC lists IDs please, and the
items that you want info on). 5 camps in the Misties, Loy 20. I'll
randomly allocate those amongst the DS.
FP: Get 4* +10 stats to the FP per nation. No stealth, only 2 agents per
nation, no stat above 40, (exception, one of those can be above 50, but
not the agent rank) only twice can you add the +10 bonus to a
non-commander, making him a 10 Commander (see FTF).
Get 4 locations of items of their choice (TC lists IDs please and the items
you want info on.).
(For the stats, just send in the list and I'll tell you if it's wrong!)
I think this is slightly in favor of the DS so I'm not putting
fortifications on 4217 or 1910.
Global elements: In both game though I'd want to list orders that I need
you to try. So each turn in your team they MUST be done (I'll list say 10
a turn, that shouldn't be too detrimental, as we have 53 types of orders
not done, 80 which were done.). That way we get to test the more unusual
orders such as Upgrade Weapons, Change Capital, Hide PopCen etc (as a team
you divy these orders out to each player, so that they can succeed, but
having some deliberately fail, at our request, will be good.). We'll also
ask each side to SS once - you choose the nation you want to SS...
We'd ask for more obscure things as well, so be prepared, it shouldn't
be too detrimental.
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At 13:42 27/02/08, you wrote:
Middle Earth Games Ltd
Website: <>
Email: <>
Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880
Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST
Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)