We think that game 3 is going to end soon and we’re looking for some more
1650 opposition (possibly 2950). We are only interested in playing 12v12
games (ie no Neutrals - only aligned nations) and we’d prefer DS although
we’re happy to win with FP again. (Your call which you want to lose with)
That should raise a few temperatures…
if you are more interested in the WOTR game, you could wait a little until we (i.e. the core of players from the DS team in 223) get a new team together and kick some serious GM a** …
We should be ready next week, and you could even play the DS!
I must warn you though that Paul Sacco is on the team and thus all of your wives will support us, naturally.
We’ve played FP the last two times so would prefer DS and we have some interesting ideas in 1650 that we’d like to try out but will play FP if we have to.
As for 2950 - not so sure, some of the guys like it but others aren’t such a fan. Or did you mean WOTR variant? We’re not a a big fan of that but I’ll ask again.
Game 3 should last around 0-2 more turns and then we’re ready to go.
Yes I was talking about the WOTR variant - I liked it a lot and so did my team, but we could talk about implementing the changes proposed by Richard lately.