Gm17 1650 grudge

To Till and the German team, thank you for a well fought game and a timely concession. It has been a great amount of fun and hard work playing against you all. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all on the battlefields in the future.

Regards Herman (Woodmen Grudge 17):hug:

Merry X-mas and a happy new year to everyone. Thanks to the germans for 2 competitive games, better luck next time!

The Eoth came out of this campaign hurting towards the end, bloody Tormog camping in the capital was’t much fun. I’m happy to say that in 20 plus turns only the drag managed to get an army even near the eoplex, with most of the fight taking place on row 16, 20 & 21.

Dunland (Kerry Bridge), dwarves (John Briggs) and cardy (Keith Parker) get my team player votes. We were a bit quiet this game and these fellas did their best to keep us co-ordinated (JB and KP) whilst Dunland did the support thing.

Northmen (Mick Dunn), South Gondor (Adrian Sheridan) and Arthedain (Steve Latham) get my best played nations votes. The northmen were a sleeping giant, SG did the most damage and Arth was just looking scary.

Top enemy was the fire king, he always seemed to have a heap of armies defending mordor, i enjoyed the battles not to mention having so many spells cast against me.

the Eoth

To Till and team dortmund;
I agree with the Fire King comment from herr stags. Where did all those troops come from??? I only had a couple of encounters but losing 5k troops to 2 dragons really stuffed MY charge at the front gate. BTW i had about another 7K troops on the way.
If you could nominate two best enemies i’d go harad. Me and the Cors and NG kicked and kicked and kicked and the bugger just wouldn’t die :frowning:
Very enjoyable game. We were a bit off ours, we will be having a short break to regroup as a team and get our house in order.
I wouldn’t feel too bad at all, u guys lasted quite a few more turns both as DS and freep, than many of our previous games.
See u guys in the field :))

Adrian Sheridan
Sth Gondorks