Green and Red Boxes

OK we have a deal then. I’ll vote for your posts too, but which way do you want me to vote? There’s something to be said for being the first 3-red-box-infamous-in-these-parts fellow. <bg>

For all you bean counters out there that want to come up with formulas for everything, I checked my ‘reputation points’ before and after Ed voted for me for president, and I went up 8 points – I guess he’s one of the beautiful people too.

Your rep hit was 12 points. Clearly, you are more pretty than I. Maybe it has to do with your ‘secret’ tattoo? Ta, off to the tattoo parlor. Must keep up with “Mr. Jones”.

Well I just voted for Vanya for starting such a great thread…I haven’t laughed so much for ages.


Well then, I just voted for you Ian. Just for being nice and kidnapping Uklurg without all the fuss. Maybe if the “little boy” DC can figure out how to use agents I’ll vote for him too… :wink:

Trap? You don’t mean that you were sitting on the Who’s Online feature for the last 48 hours, java on the IV, waiting for the amen choir to throw eggs at your bus from behind the bushes…? Ed, Ed, Ed…if you haven’t fixed your cable since the hurricanes you really should go rent a movie or something one day… :stuck_out_tongue:

Burgeoning Brad (wife likes this one…)

OK Ian, we all want to know, how many reputation points did Brad the Spectacular bestow upon you??? And regarding my game 68 agent play, I agree with Wayne Gretzky when he said you miss 100% of the shots you never take. My other current CL game, my kill number is about 120, which still yet is lower than I’d like, at less than 3 per turn over a 55ish turn game…

Well for those of you who are into working things out with equations Brad added 22 points onto my reputation score, from 25 to 47.

I have to say many thanks to Brad for taking the (presumed) loss of his army very well. Now where do we all think the Eothraim will end up this turn, cause Din is itching to get some real work done.

[i]Ok then… I give up!

How do you see what your actual score is ?


Arg its all over, fine, been there done that.



Here I go peeving off the administrators again.

Is there someway we can block this feature. I think it is childish and immature it reminds me of elementary school or to use a quote “the beautiful people”

Why do we have this system it just seems to me that all it is a way to make people feel bad about others. yuck

If this is not changed, please just set mine to the worst rating (permenately) that way I know that everyone hates me just like I always thought.

(eats a can of worms)

The stupid things board creators come up with never ceases to amaze me.

Where can you see your rep points? :frowning:

Click on the scales icon on any of your posts

Ah nice… would have thought that you could see your negative and possitive rep points… but then again who cares :wink:

“out to the garden to eat some worms…”…??? :wink:

As one who is supposedly deriving the “benefits” of such a feature, I would not even vote on it’s continued inclusion, be it Yea or Nay. A fun conversation is one thing, assigning actual “meaning” to such fluff is quite another.


I think it would be much more useful to show rating/points for specific posts rather than for the posters themselves. Kind of like the way of saying “10 out of 12 people approved/disapproved [or whatever] of this post” as everyone says both good and bad things from time to time. People that read these forum postings regularly know that Brad Brunet is one of the most helpful and thoughtful members without having to see how many green boxes he’s compiled.


That’s Brad the Spectacular to you, you little person you… :rolleyes:

The lovely Vanya is quite correct. The business does lend itself to juvenile monkey shines. Witness my own behavior. Plus it adds to conflict within the membership, as if we needed another excuse.

Well damn, I thought I’d sucked up enough that you would have voted for my post and given me 22 reputation points. <g>

Drew, it does show a rating for specific posts.:slight_smile:

Serra, it may be juvenile but then the whole of civilzed society might be juvenile. :eek: Rousseau made a convincing argument in A Discourse on the Origins of Inequality that the desire for Reputation is what marks the civilized man from the natural man and that the biggest root of evil in society is this ubiquitous desire for reputation that all civilized people supposedly suffer from.

The reputation sytem seems to me a simple reward/punishment mechanism meant to reward friendly and helpful behavior and punish rude unhelpful behavior. If Rousseau is right and Operative Conditioning really works (which it does) then the system should work [edited note: “should” in a theoretical sense]. But some people revel in having a Reputation for being Bad :wink: --in which case the punishment is a reward. Others will see it as a false measure of real reputation (perhaps because the system isn’t working for them :frowning: ). In any case, the system seems to reflect the competetive and petty nature of civilzed man. Maybe we don’t like it because we don’t like that our side ourselves. :eek:
