Greetings MEPBMers

I am new to MEPBM and am patiently waiting for a game to start. I’ve read the rulebooks multiple times, read through a bunch of things on this forums and found a few other web sites. I have decided to start out with the normal games before I delve off into any variants.

I would be very interested in joining a team so that I could start playing grudgematch games. If there are any teams willing to take on a newb, please let me know!

Hey Jordan,

A word of warning - the game doesn’t necessarily play the way you might expect given the rules and order set. Don’t worry about grudge play at this point. Get in a regular game and get some hands-on experience.

Were there particular nations you were considering? Some of the nations are not particularly newcomer-friendly.

I’d like to second what the Bad Man said. In addition, dont start the game as a neutral. My opinion only, but it sure will help to have some folks on your team trying to help you along in the opening turns. Pick an allegiance.


Jordan. The two above me are idiots. I know because I’ve played on grudge teams with them for years. Don’t believe anything they say. You might consider posting your email address, I’ll send you a cool file you can read…while you wait, and invite you to participate in a really cool deal where we fly to Nigeria and make millions for nothing…okay, the file is real, Nigeria isn’t a real place…or something. Believe what you want, be prepared for worse than I’ll shoot at you, and if nothing else, the two guys above me are fools…you read it here first.

In the meantime, Tuor, you still owe me orders for Game 4. What? Read, post, consider and even have the audacity to contemplate being AWAKE without sending me your orders??? What the hell…


Hi Jordan

Firstly well done on your first post. You’ve only got about two thousand to go to catch up to Gixxx and a few other notable miscreants :slight_smile: and probably made more sense than their combined posts too :smiley:

What the others said, and I’d go for the 2 week random turnaround. For one reason or another many of the consistent players have sworn off the random startups (this is where you don’t have a bunch of preconceived alliances with other players), but merely throw your hat into the ring to see who turns up. There’s often argy bargy about which way the neutrals go, but I think secretly the real problem is that they are not playing with their regular allies so people that don’t know them are more likely to tell it to them straight and truthful :smiley:

When starting out the random startups are handy in that the teams are not typically nearly as coordinated, and they’re also more likely to contain new players. The grudge teams tend to wind up with the more experienced players (note experience does not necessarily = capability, they’ve just played odd games for much longer than anyone else :slight_smile:

The two week turn around will give you the best time allowance to discuss the greater nuances of the game, your plans, beer and girls - prior to deadlines. If you want any advice on beer or girls, or girls who drink/bathe/or look like beer, I will help. I wont guarantee any success, in fact it’s likely to end in tears, but may be fun along the way :slight_smile:

Another benefit of the random startups is that you should find several players who you do get on well with and can enter future games together.

I’ve nominated for the next 2 week turnaround. It’s slow filling but we’ll get there one day.


Winsten wun toof

Thank you all for the replies and advice!

Diehard and Tuor: the nations that I have signed up for are Dwarves, Northmen and Eothraim. I am definitely avoiding neutral nations for now.

Ruggha: my email should be visible in my profile? Is Nigeria close to Timbuktu?

Winsten: I have signed up for the current 2 week and 1 week games (Game 11, 13, and 27).

Am I right in assuming in can be many months before games fill up?

I would look at playing the Arthedain, Dwarves or Cardolan first. The Eothraim is a tough game for a newby.



Agree with Tim on the nations. Timbuktu is in Mauritania. :slight_smile:

Winsten: I have signed up for the current 2 week and 1 week games (Game 11, 13, and 27).

*Hi Jordan, may see you in game 11 then. It’s been a looooong time filling. BTW there is only one real game - 1650. Anyone purporting to be from one of the other games is either a Nigerian lottery agent or a virus, don’t talk to them, run quickly home to mum…

Cheers Winsten wun toof

Hi Jordan,

You could always try one of the variants such as Untold War or Battle of Five Armies that are shorter but very quick and action packed.

Where I’ve ever seen this names?
Looks like I’m playing grudge with all of them!
As a captain in the one or other game.-

Good guys, tough players.

Hey man, for questions use

Have Fun!
