On a rainy thunderous night, Gandalf wakes from his slumber in a sudden gasp. Like the wind had been knocked out of him from a violent punch in the stomach. He knew that could only mean one thing; the evil of Sauron was active in Mordor. To what purpose Gandalf wondered? A wizard didn’t need to sleep. Gandalf slept so not to frighten the mortals of the world in which he chose to dwell. He decided it was best to return to his dream state.
Deep in the tombs of Mordor an ancient spirit moved though the tombs of Kings. Nine mausoleums in total held the most powerful of the servants of Sauron. Nazgul they were called; feared by all, even the immortal elves and Astari. For this night Sauron’s spell had been finally finished and the dead kings arose to once again do his bidding. Other powerful creatures also answered Sauron’s call, the one called the Voice, and the great general Gothmog. Mordor once again stirs to return its Master to former greatness.
After many years of preparation by the men, dwarves and elves of the world, as they all knew it would come. Mordor became alive with activity and the hordes moved on Minas Ithil. The move was premature for Gondor. They were not prepared to defend the great city yet. Mordor was on the march, and the war for Middle-Earth (Game 61) has begun.
As spokesman for the Dark Servant team, we wish are goodie counterparts a good long enjoyable game.
Minus Ithil has fallen! The hoards of Mordor moved on to Osgiliath in attempt to catch the Gondor nation further off guard. One commander came to the aid of the city in need, Vaigag with a large army. Will the good nations lose another city to the followers of Sauron? Stay tuned.
In other news, a major sea battle happened outside the ports of Southern Gondor. It involved every fleet within 1,000 nautical miles. Parts of ships, bodies and debris are still washing to shore from all directions, even as far north as South Cardolan. Damages to both sides are still being calculated, and it is unsure what the long term effects will be as Sauron’s navy vanished into the depths. While the free won the battle, a lot of good men died that day, while the dark fleet appeared to only have skeleton crews.
Reports of scrimmages are breaking from all parts of Middle-Earth. The free nations are uniting against the dark threat, even as far north as Angmar. Reports of shadows and wraiths have been sited in the streets, dark forces and assassins. Nazgul have been sited in many parts of the globe, recruiting creatures from the bowels of the earth. It is a dark time in Middle-Earth (Game #61).
skeleton crews,
hah, i get it. undead. okay, bad puns aside…dark time in middle earth? hows that. i can see for miles and miles by the light of 2 burning harad towns. not exactly the beacons of n gondor you were expecting? another one gets it this turn, and even more the following turn.
okay, into character.
the free nations of middle earth strive for peace, but the peace we seek can only be found on the other side of war. so be it. to sail, to sea, to victory.( has a ring to it)
Been a while since I’ve read the forums, but I saw this thread and thought it appropriate to respond in kind.
I respect the “good game” mentality of our opponents, and wish you all the same. I may even be inclined to write some “news reports” of the battles from our perspective in the near future.
I agree, I would like to keep our game string above board, however don’t mind a little spirit and playful taunting. Since the majority of us were in game #38 together, I think both sides understand that it is just a game, and the real object is to have fun. I for one don’t plan to post anything harsh, and if I do so, please call me on it. I would love to read some news clips from the Goodies.
Looking forward to turn 3 posting this weekend, need those Dragons loose!!
2305, 1804, and 2006 you had better get busy both traveling to get more MT and busy trying to produce more. Our battle 2405 had better go your way. If it doesn't then 2305 is mine. It is a mathimatical certainty. The Rhudaur are in an interesting pose. Keep on and hope to kill before being killed or run home to protect what was once home?
It is interesting to see the other side of the coin isn’t it? What mess of the south. All those noble sailors on both sides. Gotta say though was glad to see the pounding the Harad got. So many harbors and so few commanders.
I think we have a game here senator
You do have some pressure on me up north now; everything but the kitchen sink, but it is already turn 3 and I haven’t lost a PC yet so I’m actually thrilled. You have 5 MTs counted as yours, yet you haven’t taken one yet. I think you still have some work to do up north, however I do know I started the game out gunned up here and expect some losses and a possible relocation. If you can root me out; you will have earned it. =)
Are we that predictable? Good job covering the Cardo’s rear end this turn! Capturing Ji was a cherry on the top for you all. I still haven’t seen the Mordor turns, but it is making out to be a good game. Too bad Erestor died this early, no ring for him. And Big Doug, unlike you to risk Guntram this early, easy pickens for Dancu.
Now I just need a dragon to show up to help me against that horde of midgets w/ beards. Little people are SUCH trouble.
Actually Guntram had a bonus to this and some extra that. The bangor is that he was wounded in battle so when Dancu smacked him down he stayed down .
Hey I got the upper hand now though for 2305. Unless you get a leviathen it will be MINE. :eek:
Heard you ran over two Cardolan forces. Not bad for Men at Arms huh? Let’s see how it goes now. Did I mention I’ve learned conjure Panzers? Watch out now doggie daddy
We captured Ji Indur and Thwarted Ji indur. Reminds me of the old days when we would name characters after dragons Cool Move for your Cloud Lord.
Vaigag, the hero of Osgiliath, proved too much for the hordes of orcs, goblins and trolls this day. Vaigag is quoted, “Osgiliath is battle worn and resilient and no orc scum will tread on its streets as long as I live.”
In the north, with the aid of the elves and the Dunlending mercenaries the Cardolan nation entrenched defensively against the massive army of Rhudaur marching south. The mass of the army is said to stretch beyond the human eye, and the baggage train stretches like a tail behind a comet, taking a day or two to pass a small outpost. It’s size could swallow small enemy armys without even a notice. As the Rhuduar marched south, Elrond used the mantle to hide the capital of the Cardolan. At the same time, the great Dun army marched north to protect Tharbad. The savior turned out to be Elladan of the Noldo elves, who protected the bridge. Without the bridge, the Dun army would be stuck on the wrong side of the river if one of the cities were attacked. Elladan, unhappy about his “unimportant” duty caught a glimpse of something moving around the bridge. As he maneuvered to get a better look, he found the great Nazgul Ji Indur and some other agents getting ready to sabotage the bridge. With great resolve, Elladan struck Ji Indur in surprise and injured another. The bridge was saved, and Ji Indur, the Nazgul of the Clouds was captured.
Other notable news of note, the great agent Guntram died in miscalculating the skill and speed of Dancu and died in a foolhardy assassination attempt. Erestor and Celehring fought in the circle and Celehring killed the great Noldo mage with little trouble.
The Great War is on, and scrimmages are abounding all over middle earth. This season saw no clear victory for either side as both struggle for supremacy.
Our great ond noble Lord Guntram wasn’t engaged in an assassination attempt. The cruelest of other Witch-Kings Minions was wielding a horrid weapon named Elf Hewer. We were under political presure to try and aquire this weapon to be diplayed at the Sinda capitol. But the poor Guntram being only mortal had used his valor and body many times in the glorious defense of Buhr Fram. It was after these many wounds he had taken that it was suggested to him to not test the evil Dancu and try to wrest the gorrid weapon from him. But Guntram was not a man to disobey an order regardless of his own level of fatigue and physical damage. Thu unholy might of this evil beast was too much for our beloved son of the Woodmen People. He shall be missed and his death avenged. Even now the war drums are beating and things have been set in motion. Even if the great wyrms should appear to do the evil ones bidding we shall clense the halls of Mt. Gundabad and bury our hero in its inner santuary and make this a mountain top retreat to reflect on all that is good!
Once again the Elves continue to manipulate and decieve the humans and other races. Our whole campaign is to bring freedom to the subjagated, much like the poor manipulated Woodman. Poor Guntram was simply a pawn to the Sinda nation. Dancu sends out his sympathy to the Wood Humans, while he did enjoy the blood letting, would have enjoyed the taste of Elf blood much more.