Grudge team seeks 1650 opponent

We would like to play with the gunboat neutral split instead of the standard WC split. Forts still on 1910 and 4217. Commitment to switch sides and rematch is requested.

We’re looking for turn 1’s to be due no earlier than mid-January.

Contact me via PM on this forum or via email: Drukarzun[at]aol[dot]com.

whats the Gunboat split ??

Rhu/Corsairs: DS
Duns/Harad: FP
No Easterlings

Hey Mike,

Can your team stand another game right now? Don’t wait for 118 to end; it may never. <g>


Actually 118 isn’t or wasn’t a team game – although i would gladly have any of the current players in 118 on any team or grudge game – I was just interested to know what gunboat neutral split was as i never played a Gunboat game and have often thought about joining one !! Actually the idea of starting a team with the people from 118 is very interesting might ask them to see what they say – only thing is there are only 6 of us in that game and i don’t know if everyone could swing two nations – know i can’t right now with playing 6 games – wife would kill me if started any more !!
