Grudge teams

Are there any vacancies on any Grudge teams at the moment? :hug:

Or any players serious enough to join a new Grudge team?:woot:

Please post below or PM me details.

Thanks in advance,

Dave Griffiths :wink:

Or any teams that have a grudge, :slight_smile: prefering 1650

I have a few grudges, but I’m not a team… :smiley:

Your a one man roadshow Brad, or do I mean circus! :smiley:

Veo: you create enough grudges to be your own team. <g>

Griff: I thought you were boycotting until the DS central bank ploy was outlawed?

I admit to being a little heated after hearing about this 1 banker nation ‘exploit’ and then coming across it in game 51. :o

However I’m not a dinosaur and can listen to a reasoned argument/debate! I’m told that this new tactic is being investigated by Clint and co, and that there are possible tactics to combat it, if its not going to be ‘fixed’ (After a proper analysys, it might not need fixing) This may as some people suspect bring something new to the game and freshen up some more experienced players thinking…who knows! :eek:

Right now though I am looking to join a grudge team, Playing upto 3 positions each and enjoying the game as a commited team. I would also consider joining/forming a new grudge team to challenge those already playing…Anyone interested?

I thought your already in a Grudge team VEO? Or did I misunderstand:rolleyes:

Griffy he is on a grudge team, but hopefully that team will be defeated soon. Eh Brad?

Brad J

It seems I’m about as popular as haemorhoids!

I’m currently playing in a Grudge Game. Infer whatever you want from that, my belt size, ice cream flavour preference, hair colour (hair?), etc.

Its true, I’m as popular as haemorhoids!

Any takers to form a new Grudge team?

1650 or 2950 I’m not that fussy :rolleyes:

If you’re Cardiff based… :smiley:

Clint (player)