Gunboat 84 Ends

Well it’s turn20 and the gunboat game84 ends with a FP 4-1 advantage.

I was playing the dwarves and northmen in this one and I would be really interested to hear from everyone else in this game. I’d love to know who was who and what they saw and did.

I’m in the midst of writing a detailed game report for the dwarf and northmen nations which I’ll post on this thread sometime soon.

At the end of the game I found out with the 585 order that WK, DrgLord, Rhudaur, DogLord, IK and LR were all out.

Would love to hear how and why…although me burning the IK capital might have had something to do with their demise ?:smiley: :smiley:

Dwarves and Northmen in Gunboat84

Noldo/Eothraim checking in. Wanted the game to run a bit longer as just got curse squad together. Had Noldo hunt down artefacts went for the major ones first thinking everybody else may be after the lesser ones, got ROW and found SE in hex after ROC left him to it lost one of the twins to the enc for Elenruth & stole blue ring from BS and got E Mere Vardo from enc. Funded the Eothraim for a lot of the game as pooled all 6k starting cav together and by about turn 4 was on Morannon after fighting off Dk Lts and Dog armies but not enough left to do any damage pushed into Mordor and fought everyturn until nothing left. Followed up a few turns later with 4k+ hi with war machines & met NG at Morannon we both destroyed it. Good to see FP armies in Mordor and lots of them. Managed to do a few buyouts with the Noldo ending the game with 52k timber.:smiley:

Kev Bond

Sinda and Cardolan here! Anyone interested in sharing pdf’s since I am very interested in strategies used by the DS and FP? I was blessed with an abundance of luck in this one btw! :smiley:

I will detail nation events after I get some sleep! I have some respect to pass about too.


All you GB 84 veterans:

I’d love to read any reports and accounts of your Gunboat gaming experiences in game 84. Please share your Gunboat wisdom and experiences with the rest of us Gunboat fans.


Arthedain and Harad checking in.

First off, thanks to the Sinda for that 20k gold on the last turn. Shame I wont be able to use it.

I’d love to know what happened in the wide world, since I couldnt see a damn thing and even the Palantirs werent giving me much luck.

In the NW, the WK came out and ran through my backfield with cav, took a little work but I brought him down and got my pops back. Was a little late heading into Angmar, nabbed a few of the WK pops in the “field” but everyone else grabbed the juicy MT’s. Also, there was a moment where the WK had Smaug in an army (thanks to a pop center report) Argeleb had to run into Rhudaur with his st/st HC to avoid that little nastiness!! :>

In Harad, I opted to put most of my force on the Corsairs. Bought all the timber I could handle turn one and made a ton of war machines. Unfortunately, I botched my movement orders an ended up in the dirt instead of on a nice juicy undefended pop center!! :> Managed to take Isigir and burn some of the towns along the bottom of the map. The QA and Corsairs took some of my pops in both north and south Harad but the timely intervention of the SG navy helped fight this off. FK showed up with a dragon, but I think I had enough troops in my armies to prevent him from taking some of the N Harad MT’s. I “liberated” 3028 on the last turn and was just preparing to head to the pass. Seems I would have found nothing there for me to burn!! :>

Corsairs bankrupted and looks like SG cleaned him up. I just laid seige to the QA cap on the last turn, so I dont know if he went out here or was still in.

My opinion on the positions:

Was alot of fun and alot to do for the first several turns. The downside of course is that once the NW is done, you have no idea where the Arthi armies should go to!! I was heading into Mirkwood and planned to swap a pop center in Harad so I could get them into the action in the south. Harad is tough and again, thanks to SG for coming to the party, it made it alot easier for me to fight off two DS with thier backup!

G84 4-22

Freep players in GB 84:

1+7 James Christensen
3+10 Kevin Bond
2+8 Brendan McGoldrick
6+23 Mark Stuckey
4+22 Fletcher Brown
5+9 Paul Young

Would the DS be willing to let us know what positions they played please?


Dark Lieuts & Rhudaur 84

Rhudaur is really a thankless task in GB, was pummeled into submission around turn 9, didn’t see much of the WK. When things got hopeless sent all Rhudaur could muster south and took Dunlending capitol. (He relocated to 2121).

Gothmog and cavalry tried to get into NG backfield but didn’t manage much before meeting up with NG cavalry and getting squashed.

Dark Lieuts starting armies saw off first wave of Eoth but Mirkwood must have been cleared early as huge FP armies started flooding out of the NW turn 7/8 onwards.

Dark Lieuts sent agent and emissary squad to Dunlending to make at least one FP nations life a misery in the hope that if FK/CL was doing the same to NG it would force him out.

Problem was laying camps early on was spectacularly unsuccesful led to no economy, high taxes, no new characters, and only small armies shuffling to Morannon for their inevitable comeuppance. Funding Rhudaur’s final push at Dunlendings capitol drained the DkLt treasury.

Eventually due to a burglary my PC was stolen and I ss’d my first turn ever in MEPBM. Such was the parlous state of the economy that missing one turn of sales drove the DkLts to bankruptcy on t16.

I knew the Dog must be introuble but was surprised that so many other DS nations were out as it really felt as if everything the FP could throw at us was coming through the North Gate.

This is the 4th GB (first as Rhudaur) I’ve finished and I’m yet to see Rhudaur make it very far, maybe a case for improving the game balance here.

Ian - DKlts & Rhudaur 84

Report from Sinda and Cardolan:

My overall strategy was to recruit troops as fast as possible for both Sinda and Cardolan, this seems to have been a common theme among the FP players judging by the number of huge & large armies in Mordor, Mirkwood and Angmar.

Early game in the north west I sent all Cardolan starting forces against Rhudaur and met the bulk of their starting armies at 1712, I was creamed and as Ian indicated Rhudaur moved to Dunland and captured their capital with the remains of his victorious army. Witch King took my town at 1510 and I liberated the Dunland capital and 1510 shortly afterwards.

Tharudan picked up the ROC and sabotaged the fort at 1910, this allowed Cardy’s second wave of troops to capture Rhudaur’s southern major town, while Dunland, Arthedain and Noldo mopped up the towns. Reinforcements were added for a push against Rhudaur’s capital and I managed a lucky threat against the capital with a ~65 ish commander and ~1200 troops, though I guessed he was eliminated and had minimal loyalty.

The Witch King wiped out several thousand Arthedain and Cardolan troops with Khuzadrepa, but recruits were on hand to push onto Murazor’s cities and these were taken by combinations of FP forces, though they all fell to Cardolan’s superior numbers. Dunland, Woodmen, Arthedain were all involved here.

The Sinda chose to concentrate on Mirkwood and moved the Rhun army west to Mirkwood, the northern army south to help the Woodmen if necessary and the Gondor army north while recruiting as many troops in Lorien as possible.

The Dragon Lord moved to the North Gondor town while the Dwarves, Woodmen and Northmen all tackled Dol Guldur and cleared it out for the Sinda to take around turn 7. All Sinda troops then moved to the Black Gate and cleared out the Dog Lord armies. Morannon was liberated immediately by huge armies from North Gondor, Dwarves and Northmen. My follow-up Sinda army destroyed Osgilaith which was held by the Fire King, but a wyrm on Minas Ithil stopped further progress.

At this time I was also recruiting heavy cavalry at Rhubar and these were sitting on the Blind Sorceror major town at game end. Tharudan and co. were picking off DS characters who were carrying nice artefacts and reduced fortifications on the Fire King capital, other Sinda mages tracked and scryed.

Sinda and Cardy economies were buzzing due to the large gains in Angmar and Mirkwood, so 20k gold was sent to North Gondor t19 and 20k to Arthedain t20. The Noldo seemed to hold every artefact I located, so i was quite happy that the FP trinket hunting was going very well.

I could see from the start that my FP neighbours were experienced and making good progress. Rhudaur had a tough time and I thought his coup against Dunland was well carried out and worth a shot. Overall it was an enjoyable game, thanks to my allies and the DS for a good learning experience.


Game balance of Rhudaur. There are clearly some nation combos that are stronger than others. Invariably 1/7 and 5/9 do well but I don’t think we’ve had enough play to start playing with the set-ups as of yet. Some games of GB ended due to lack of players I think - but that’s pretty much sorted now so I don’t expect that to happen in future.

Opinions welcome on what changes to the nations or the game format or should it be kept as it is?

Clint (GM)

Rhudaur always gets creamed in the Grudge 12v12 as well. It’s a matter of time. There’s ways of playing it and of opposing it but it does need a little “thinking outside of the box”. :wink:

Clint (player)

I played Rhudaur in GB36 and, yes it is a pain the *****. I dont think there is really anything you can do to balance the position. Its always going to get picked on in the NW. Using the Dark Lt as the second half, I think is ok. Its pretty much a jack of all trades DS nation and can support Rhu fairly well if you want it to. (and time it right!!)


SG Wood checking in,

SG had things easy all game. Literally had no agent or emmy visits til the QA showed up around T15. Did not lose one at start character, although Argirion was in chains about the whole game. Had fun building big cav armies and running em into Mordor and down into the south. The SG economy was huge by the end of the game. Easy to play the Woodman when you can get a 30k gold transfer anytime you need!

Unusual move by Corsairs added to their downfall to the SG. It was apparent that the Corsairs used orders to downsize MTs and to reduce their own fortifications. Maybe to increase production? Don’t know.

Timely intervention of a dwarf army took care of Dragon Lord’s forces and let Wood concentrate on 2305. The Wood force then slogged on over into the WK bread basket, only to find nothing but free armies. Helped out on the capture of 1804, although it wasn’t needed! Other than that, things were quiet early in Mirkwood. Wood then concentrated on making some good agents and emmies who were starting to roll when the game ended.

I was surprised to see that the kill leader was the Long Rider with 4. Does anyone know when the Cloud Lord went down?


I was surprised to see that the kill leader was the Long Rider with 4. Does anyone know when the Cloud Lord went down?

I guess that this only reflects the kill leader who had a VC of terminating characters, since the Sinda assassinated 7 and would expect the Cloud Lord and Noldo to have more.


The Cloud Lord Always has character teminations as a VC.
That is why the 4 surprised me, after 20 turns the Cloud Lord would normally have 10-20 kills even if played conservatively.

It is just hard for the Cloud Lord not to off lots of characters with the +20 bonus and pumping out 40 agents. I suppose if the CL concentrated on kidnapping, he could have 20 or so prisioners, but I did not see any evidence of that from the Woodmen or SG vantage.

If the nation went down early, turn 5 or so, that could explain it. That is why I was wondering when the nation went down.

1 & 7

Originally posted by Woody
[b]Dark Lieuts & Rhudaur 84

Rhudaur is really a thankless task in GB, was pummeled into submission around turn 9, didn’t see much of the WK. When things got hopeless sent all Rhudaur could muster south and took Dunlending capitol. (He relocated to 2121).
This is the 4th GB (first as Rhudaur) I’ve finished and I’m yet to see Rhudaur make it very far, maybe a case for improving the game balance here.
Ian - DKlts & Rhudaur 84 [/b]

Dear Ian,

I’m not in this game, but I played with you in GM 136 as Bls/WiK.
Nice to hear from other GM games ending.

I can only agree completely that if GB has any flaws then its the Rhd nation. In GB, Rhd is a dead nation, no matter how well it is played. Rhd is surrounded by enemies, and there is no way he can survive economicly the rough start he will get, in this type of game where his “only” allied is DaL. Especially not as DaL has major economic problems himself in the start, so before DaL can muster any supportive economy, Rhd is already shis kebab.

No unless something is done to strenghen the Rhd position in GB games, I dont think we will see any one surviving with Rhd. Maybe its the pairing with DaL thats the problem, maybe Rhd would do better if it was paired with CL !!!

Kim Andersen

The Cloud Lord Always has character teminations as a VC.
That is why the 4 surprised me, after 20 turns the Cloud Lord would normally have 10-20 kills even if played conservatively.

The Cloud Lord effectiveness is reduced a lot in GB since he does not have easy access to agent/stealth artefacts, though as you say it is surprising he had a max of 3 kills if he made it to game end on turn 20.
If the Cloud Lord was eliminated early then this would have contributed considerably to the large number of FP armies in Mordor and the early game end.
