Gunboat 97 Ends

Victory to the DS

Picked up Cardolan and Sinda about t17 and Woodmen some turns later. I think the Noldo and Eoth put up a fight to a few turns ago but certainly many FP nations that were not eliminated seemed to be inactive for much of this game.

Anyway kicked a tenacious WK out of the NW and then Mirkwood and could have continued for a long while yet, but the result was inevitable with Dragon and Corsairs especially starting to make inroads into NW and Mirkwood.

Curious to know what went on in this game outside of what I could see

Ian Game 97 (1,5,9)


I was Corsairs and DrgLord…and then from turn 17 or 18 onwards, I was the Witch-King.

Usual story happened for the DrgLord, lost 2409 and 2715 early, but 2809 and 3822 didn’t get touched and I was able to give Mt’s down south to him. Also the DrgLord starting army was able to burn 2912 and 2514 before getting destroyed.

As Corsairs I quickly destroyed harad by getting his 3 MT’s by turn 8, with I believe LR armies getting his towns in the north. SG made a strong fight of it by landing lots of troops south but I eventually managed to destroyed that army.

Then I landed and took over N. Harad. To my surprise, I then found out that QA was out so I quickly over 2135 and 3034…alas the freep made life difficult as they took 3034 off me again.
NG also sent an army down south as well but went for several of my camps before I destroyed it…It seems the NG player was an Arsenal supporter !?! :rolleyes:

On turn18 I got the SG capital and from this turn onwards I started landing lots of troops in and around SG land. I got the Sinda mt at 2325 and 2223…although I think SG started SS or was out at around that stage.

DrgLord didn’t do too much as he was rebuilding for most of the first 15 turns. Eventually I got myself a sickness squad together. With WK I got a curses and a sickness squad together.

2809 still wasn;t revealed so I made it a city/fort and started pumping out 500hc per turn. I got Sinda towns, WM MT’s at 2508, 2609 and 2711 a town at 2405…basically I was making life pretty unpleasant in Mirkwood.

At the same time WK had retaken 2715 and was recruiting here as well. Eventually large Cardolan troops arrived from over the misties that curtained my fun. Agents and emi’s from Sinda destroyed my WK army at 2715 and retook it.

Wk was still in a decent state on turn17 when I took it. Arthedain was out and many Arthedain pop centers were in WK hands although it appeared that Rhudaur was out. The problem was freep agents. I just kept getting clobbered by Sinda agents and probably Noldo ones too. I could have easily out-recruited the freep armies but I kept losing armies to assassinations…eventually I admitted defeat and went over the misties and south to relocate. I gave a few MT’s and cities here and concentrated solely on 2715 and my emi’s and mages.

Once SG was destroyed, Corsairs had over 10000-11000HI waiting to kill the freeps. I keep seeing FK armies coming onto sg pop center although they were corsairs now so I figured NG was out too. So I sailed around to Cardolan. I landed the smaller force of 4000hi (due to lack of transports) at 1317 and preceded to take undefended Cardolan towns. The larger force of 7500hi troops landed at 1614 on the final turn…I also took 2209 and 1513 on the final turn with DrgLord and Corsairs armies.

All in all a nice game. Bravo to the Sinda/Cardolan player who seemed to be the only one left in the game at the end.

Brendan McGoldrick
DrgLord, Corsairs and WK.


I was FK/CL and then BS when they came up for grabs, I guess around T 17?

Anyway, opening was pretty straightforward…FK took Minas Ithil and then the IK grabbed OS. NG dropped the bridges and I spent a couple of turns trying to balance the FK econ while clearing out the east bank of anduin. I lost a ton of agents to Carrog of the Dark LT when he was guarding an NG pop!! If your out there…I’d love to know what that was about…imagine my morning when I open my turn and see a bunch of dead CL agents…do’oh!! :>

Anyway, when I got the BS he had a super economy going, and a curse squad almost ready, so I sent cash and timber to the IK at Os and he thankfully realized what I wanted and put the bridge up a few turns later. Of course, the FK army that had the dragons in it lost them when I landed on Minas Anor, so I had to hang out and get emmies together for that mess…

I went west and found the SG was pretty much already overrun as well as NG. FK armies eventually arrived in Dunland to find a few pops to burn. Also had a few pop centers in the mountains north of Mirkwood for the FK and was planning on heading in there in a few turns working my way up to Cardolan through Dunland when it ended!


I picked up the IK and LR very early, turn 5 I think. I took the ring of wind from the Noldo in a challenge and one more turn would have allowed Din O to get to 100.

I had a sickness squad that sat on Minas Arnor for several turns killing NG characters. The LR seeme to be too strong for the Eothraim and NM. Din O killed a lot of NM.

I raised the bridge at Osgiliath having received that timber from Fletch, although it took a turn or two to get a suitable commander there.

At the end I had 3 big armies moving westward, one experienced sickness squad and another training and half a dozen very good agents.

It was a good game.

Okay, confession of a DkL coming…

I played DkL and Rhudaur. Rhudaur got stuffed by t14. The Freeps went straight for me and left the WK alone and the WK let 'em! :confused:
He stood by while I battled on against superior numbers. A very bad show from that player. I would like to know who it was.

The DkL on the otherhand were doing very nicely :slight_smile: and were in the leader board for most of the game. Once Mordor was safe, having dispatched the Eothraim early on with the IK, I expanded into Enedwaith and by turn 30 I owned all of north NG, most of the Dun territory and 1614. By this stage I was getting very bored - I like challenging games and this was a breeze after turns 20-25, and needless to say I missed a crucial turn, got SS’d and ended up bankrupt on 112% on t31. :frowning:

Okay the confession…

I decided to turn Carrog into a real killer. At agent rank 34 he got his first kill on t3, dispacthing Gisulf :smiley: . On t10 he took out Bain and gained the Dwarven ROP. Elrond followed on t11 and Elladan on t12. By t20 Carrog was unstoppable. Gothmog tried to threaten 3120. Carrog was there too so he guarded the location. Gothmog failed but Carrog did not! Three CL agents who were trying to learn their trade got fried. Sorry! It was not intentional!

A shame I missed out on the party at the end. When did the game finish?

Hey Rommel;

No problems about the CL agents…it happens even in games where you talk to your teammates! :> I thought it was pretty amusing although it was a setback for the CL…I was going to have my vengeance though…once I knew the DrkLt’s tanked I was tracking Carrog and was gonna take those artis for myself…game ended before I could do it though…

The game ended a few months back I think…


Well I picked up the WK on turn 17 and by that stage Rhudaur were already gone…so not me…me innocent for a change. :slight_smile:


When I picked up Cardolan on T17, Arthedain was already out at the hands of WK and Cardolan was in a bad way, so whoever it was used the time Rhuduar bought them well enough, although I’m sure that doesn’t comfort poor Arfanhil.

What is strange is that the WK then dropped, if they hadn’t I am sure the game would have been done about turn 20 rather then t35.

Good to find out what happened in this game although victory was ineviable from t20+ IMHO.

I’ve scoured my deleted files and found the results for the game. Fletch, Ive given you some recognition in the voting :wink: Hope this squares things up!
