Gunboat game 136 ends with DS victory !!!

I feel obliged to support Clint on this issue. In a normal team you more or less know how the allies are doing, but GB is special and I wanted to make sure that we were not fighting a loosing game which is no fun for either side. After turn 30 I strongly suspected that the FP were on the loose and a lot weaker that they seemed on paper. As I said I led the FP VP list with a mere 1000 - 1200 points for a while and since I had not achieved too much that made me nervous. So I contacted Clint and openly asked him what he thought of our chances. He said that he would give it up and informed the other players - thus the bug hunt was avoided. I think this is a very fair thing to do, regarding the fact that it cuts harly’s income.
I appreciate Clint as a good, helpful and trustworthy GM. Accusing him of “fiddling with games” is absolute rubbish, IMHO.

BTW where are the other FP players, would like to get a report from the Noldo/EO player.

Originally posted by Mormegil
[I appreciate Clint as a good, helpful and trustworthy GM. Accusing him of “fiddling with games” is absolute rubbish, IMHO. from the Noldo/EO player. [/b]


I’m not accusing Clint of anything. I think as well that he and his company is the best GM I have experienced.

My point was just that I think information should be shared. If you tell one side, then I feel the side should be told as well.


I agree in principle about sharing of information. But what other information would you have wanted? Reading that you have won the game in an e-mail of Clint instead of reading it on your turnsheet?? Or would you have wanted to take part in a discussion if the FP should play on or not? I don’t think so.
The only problem IMHO was that there was this one last turn where some (me at least) of the FP were already inactive, but since this turn gave most of the DS some benefits I doubt that you regret it. Since the information we are talking about gave neither side any in-game-advantage or disadvantage, I think this discussion is obsolete.

Originally posted by Mormegil
I agree in principle about sharing of information. But what other information would you have wanted? Reading that you have won the game in an e-mail of Clint instead of reading it on your turnsheet?? Or would you have wanted to take part in a discussion if the FP should play on or not? I don’t think so.
The only problem IMHO was that there was this one last turn where some (me at least) of the FP were already inactive, but since this turn gave most of the DS some benefits I doubt that you regret it. Since the information we are talking about gave neither side any in-game-advantage or disadvantage, I think this discussion is obsolete.

All I wanted was some sort of knowledge within these last 3-4 turns that the game was close of ending. Normally I should know this through the “dead nations list”, but somehow this was not updated even though it should be every two turns.

I’m not saying such knowledge would have changed anyting, but it would still have been nice to know, instaed of living in an “illusion” that the game was almost even balanced and would probably last untill turn 50.


It was probably my rather poor writing that led to this confusion.

Harley did nothing wrong - they wrote to tell me that the game was nearly over because there was only one other FP nation active and asked whether I wanted to continue.

I replied that in that case I would probably like to finish the game and after confirming I would drop asked who the other nation was still going just out of interest. Only then when the game finished did he tell me it was the Dunlendings.

In these circumstances I’m extremely grateful Harley do this and give the players the option to end the game. I would always stick around if there were other team members willing to go on but in GB you simply don’t know and my masochistic streak had taken sufficient excercising already from WiK and BS to continue alone.

Kim - I was following your Curse team and the Xorus/Bane agent squad, also had Xorus (for a while) and Dancu doubled. Little good it did me apart from predict who you would kill next turn.

Ian Card/Sinda

now that this is sorted out there is just only one open question: why were there so many inactive FP nations which were not mentioned as out of play on the gamesheet? three options:

  1. they were inactive but not actually dead, i.e. could have been taken over as standby
  2. they were dead but not for two turns
  3. harly has changed the politics to announce dead nations after some protesting here on the messageboard that this info would give the enemy side advantages

maybe Clint could make a final statement

Ian did you as Sinda have a curses squad and agents? I never got any clues about that

Originally posted by Unferth
I’ve gone ahead and created a Yahoo group, “me136”. I don’t have email addresses for most people to send out the automatic invitations, but it should be publically listed and open for anyone to join.

Thats really great !!!
I will upload all my WiK/BlS turns within the next few days, and hope everyone - especially Card/Sinda - will do the same. There are so many things I will love to see in those Card/Sinda turns :slight_smile:

For those who cant find it, the link is:

I think the space limit is 20 MB on Yahoo. I see that 34 turns zipped take around 1.3 MB space, so there should be space for around 15 nations.


OK, but how can you then explain that only three FP nations were listed as dead for the last 10 turns. I thought this list was supposed to be updated every two turns.

Yes it was updated. Then we got a few nations dead. As Bernd mentions there’s a difference between inactive and dead nations (and they were inbetween the 2 turns update period). I only give out information on dead nations for the players as a whole.

In this situation having contacted players I got some drop out. (In another GB game I’ve done something similar and they’ve decided to stick with it - which is fine).

As for contacting both sides - there’s two different aims here. One is to make sure that player boredom is minimised so that you don’t have to play “hunt the single player”. I do not want the “winning” side (or any side) to gain an advantage though from this information and I think this is the best compromise.

Clint (GM)

Originally posted by Woody
Kim - I was following your Curse team and the Xorus/Bane agent squad, also had Xorus (for a while) and Dancu doubled. Little good it did me apart from predict who you would kill next turn.

Ian Card/Sinda [/b]

Impressive, how many locates did you have each turn ? I thought you were low on mages, but aparantly you had made quite a few.

Regarding the curze artifacts, I gave it high priority to get as many as possible from start, especially the FP alligned.
I managed to aquire and hold all curze artifacts, except one FP and one DS alligned. The third and last FP alligned were napped right from my nose by Noldo turn 8… :frowning:
So I knew that only Noldo (and DrL/Cors) were able to make curze squads besides me.

I have just uploaded my WiK and BlS turns to the yahoo group. I would VERY muck like to see your turns. Can you please upload them as well ?


We are still a bit short of FP reports. Here again is a list of all players and how they are identified so far:

Kevin Ingram
Glenn Godard
Ed Lane (GM)
Ricard Pitarque
Bernd Luhrsen (Art/Har)
Ian Wood (Sin/Car)
Mike Barber (DrgL/Cor)
Kim Andersen (WK/BlS)
Peter deGlopper (QA/Dog)
Colin Forbes
Chris Wolf (IK/LR)
Scott Moyes (CL/FK)

Please answer if anybody is on this board, Colin I know you are here ;o)

Originally posted by Mormegil
[b]We are still a bit short of FP reports. Here again is a list of all players and how they are identified so far:

Kevin Ingram
Glenn Godard
Ed Lane (GM)
Ricard Pitarque
Bernd Luhrsen (Art/Har)
Ian Wood (Sin/Car)
Mike Barber (DrgL/Cor)
Kim Andersen (WK/BlS)
Peter deGlopper (QA/Dog)
Colin Forbes
Chris Wolf (IK/LR)
Scott Moyes (CL/FK)

Please answer if anybody is on this board, Colin I know you are here ;o) [/b]

Well, from the email Clint sent out, we can see that 6. place was Colin Forbes with DaL and Rhd.

I really like to know how DaL died and why so early.


Sounds like 136 was a great GB game! Congratulations to all of you who played in it.

Any chance one or more of you would be willing to write an after-action report for the News From Bree? I’d love to read about your strategies, your successes and your failures – as well as your insights on how the GB rules affected gameplay.

Read the newest issue of “News from Bree” for more info about the FP players. Looks as if most had a good start but then suffered from bad luck and/or lack of motivation. The only one missing now is Noldo/Eothraim - can it be Ed Lane? Hey, as a GM he should feel responsible for sharing his info with us ;o)

PS Man what I would have given to have had such an easy time as the Harad in GB game 84… ;o)

Originally posted by Nimdraug
[b]Sounds like 136 was a great GB game! Congratulations to all of you who played in it.

Any chance one or more of you would be willing to write an after-action report for the News From Bree? I’d love to read about your strategies, your successes and your failures – as well as your insights on how the GB rules affected gameplay. [/b]


Thanks. I like to write game report, but as I’m writing a huge school assignment as well at the moment, it could take some time.

I will let you know when it’s finished.

Kim Andersen (WiK/BlS)

Originally posted by Mormegil
[b]Read the newest issue of “News from Bree” for more info about the FP players. Looks as if most had a good start but then suffered from bad luck and/or lack of motivation. The only one missing now is Noldo/Eothraim - can it be Ed Lane? Hey, as a GM he should feel responsible for sharing his info with us ;o)

PS Man what I would have given to have had such an easy time as the Harad in GB game 84… ;o) [/b]

What newest issue ? Have you recieved a new issue ?
I have not recieved anything, and the newest issue on Harlequins homepage is from August 03.

Yes, we need to hear from Ed lane. He cant ignore us just because he is a GM :slight_smile:


It’s gone out to active players. If you’re not playing in any games then you don’t get it… :slight_smile:

Feel free to download it from the website if you want.

Clint (GM)

Originally posted by Clint
[b]It’s gone out to active players. If you’re not playing in any games then you don’t get it… :slight_smile:

Feel free to download it from the website if you want.

Clint (GM) [/b]

hehehehehe…point taken :slight_smile:
I have just downloaded it from your home side. Thanks.


Mormegil, I just finished reading the reports in the latest News from Bree. Thanks for alerting me to them. I really enjoyed them.

Kim, whenever you get around to your game report, us Gunboat fans will be eager to read it.

I love the Gunboat variant and I’m greatly pleased to see game reports starting to surface. That’s one of the exciting things about Gunboat: wondering who was playing what positions in the game and why they did what they did, etc. All my GB games are still active; but I am looking forward to swapping war stories with my allies and enemies when it’a all over.

Best wishes to all Gunboat players.

Nimdraug - sweet tagline - Minsc rocks.

Chris, thanks. I liked Minsc alot, too. But to be honest, that line occurred to me even though I couldn’t think where I heard it before. But, of course, it’s Minsc! And it fits the Gunboat game perfectly, I think.

By the way, I liked your game report in News from Bree.