Gunboat game 136 ends with DS victory !!!


To my great surprise I just recieved my Gunboat game 136 WiK/BlS turns today (turn 34), with the message : Game Won !!!

This was extremely unexpected, as last turn only three of the FP were listed as dead. Also I have to admit that at first I was quite annoyed, as I had just started some major campaigns, with the goal to finish off the Arthedain and Cardolan players once and for all.

Throughout the entire game I have been batling Arthedain/Cardolan/Sinda/Noldo, so I was looking forward for some real pay back time, wiping out these “unbelievers” for the damage they dealt me early on. But I guess this will have to wait for another game :frowning:

This has been a REALLY great game and I really like to talk to anyone who has participated. If anyone is interested I like to create a yahoo group and share all turns.

Anyway for those who are interested the final combined standings are as followed:

  1. WiK (1575) / BlS (1550) = 3125
  2. IcK (1617) / LoR (1400) = 3017
  3. QA (1700) / DoL (1217) = 2917
  • I guess I need to thank the CL player for sending me 25k gold the final turn :slight_smile:

Yours Kim Andersen

Hi Kim,

rest assured that you did enough damage to me to count it as “payback”, one time I lost 4000 hi to your curses because I mucked up a transfer command order…
The next thing I wanted to do was head over the north XX03 road to burn 2004, I had 4000 armored hc with 28.000 food and 25 WM, but that would not have hurt you too much, I think, and my army would probably have been disbanded before I could do any more…see the other thread for more details. Congrats again!

Originally posted by Mormegil
[b]Hi Kim,

rest assured that you did enough damage to me to count it as “payback”, one time I lost 4000 hi to your curses because I mucked up a transfer command order…
The next thing I wanted to do was head over the north XX03 road to burn 2004, I had 4000 armored hc with 28.000 food and 25 WM, but that would not have hurt you too much, I think, and my army would probably have been disbanded before I could do any more…see the other thread for more details. Congrats again! [/b]

Dear Mormegil,

Well I had Morwen doubled for the last 15 turns, so I knew what you were up to. I knew you were comming with a whole lot of HC, why I blocked you at 1704, together with 3 killer agents (including a 130 scout), a curze squad and a Sickness squad.
Well I needed to be sure to finish that powerful army off :slight_smile:
I expected a lot of backup commanders with that final assult of yours, but there were only the armycommander ???

Anyway I think you played wery well as Arthedain, your burning of my capital REALLY frustrated me, as I was about to launch a simular HC surprise attack on your capital, you just attacked first.

well I suspected you had doubled some of my chars and I lacked the agents to do any counter espionage - I moved Morwen out of the army to sabfort at 2005 so that I might have had a chance to break through to 2006, a very small chance… I was really short on characters due to constant assassinations and so I had only one more commander I intended to send into the army when it reached 2004 - if you knew about my recruiting I wonder why you did not send agents or cursers to 1106 and 1109, would have been easy for you to finish me off there.

Hi all

I played Dragonlord / Corsairs and boy was it fun! The first 8 turns was a race against time - Corsairs needed to beat the South Harad while supporting the Dragonlord but with a 90% tax rate I had to do it quick - and only just got there.

Kim - glad you were on my side and not on theirs !

SG / Woodmen - I think you let me off the hook. Your agent squad frightened me to death on t15 and then it never came back!

QA - thanks for sending in your Vamag army to battle so quick - a BIG help. But I wished you had pulled your harbour down at 2135 !! I think I fought all the starting FP navies (incl. Sinda, Noldo and Cardolan) off the coast of Haradwaith !!!

Yahoogroup a great idea Kim

CL/FK here,

I really enjoyed this game! Didn’t know that it was going to end so soon (obviously, sent out 75K gold the last turn!)

The free had me worried for quite awhile when they had armies inside of Mordor, but we finally got rid of them.

One of the free nations (can’t remember who) took out all the FK commanders and the FK played an agent/emmie game for the last 10-15 turns while I used the CL to field armies.

Again, I must say, good game and I hope to see all my teammates again in another game. By the way, who were my teammates?

Scott Moyes

Cardolan / Sinda

Clint told me after last turn that there was only these 2 nations plus the Dunlendings playing, so NG at least was knocked out the SG/Wo & Nol/Eo must have dropped recently.

Extremely well played by the WK/BS - like Arthedain I think we made the tactical error of rolling over Rhuduar and letting Witchy get his Curse squad and agents up and running. Also made the error of sending troops down to Mordor too soon which meant we were stretched on all fronts, burnt 3324 with SG though.

Threw absolutely everything at Witchy but made no dent, never come across so many Dragons in one game. I think WK was helped by Dwarves and Dunlendings being dormant for a while, they certainly both had large armies in Rhudaur that didn’t move.

Cardolan was pretty miserable by game end but Sinda still strong and Mirkwood untouched apart from the Eoplex.

Kept LAT on E Mere Vardo, know the Noldo had it, but couldn’t get hold of it.

Really enjoyable game but my guess is that there were a lot of dormant nations at one time or another.


QA/Dog Lord here.

I enjoyed the game quite a bit. The Quiet Avenger is a fun position when you know you have the Corsairs on your side. Hard luck for Harad, though - that’s a tough position.

I’m glad to hear the Vamag army was useful; I knew the Corsairs can’t quite take on Harad without whatever help the QA can provide, or at least it’s a lot harder.

I don’t remember whether or not I even considered removing the Vamag port; I know I was still launching some naval attacks against Harad from there until fairly close to Harad was eliminated, but I don’t know whether I did enough damage to justify leaving the coast partly open. Certainly I should have torn it down at some point; I didn’t really use my remaining navy after Harad was eliminated. 2337 would still have been open, but at least there’d have been only one landing spot.

The QA was filthy rich at the game end, which is part of why I had so many victory points. Some of that was a fluke - the Ice King kindly sent me 25k on the last turn, and I was able to steal around 32k from the Arthedain capital with one agent. I should have been supporting other nations more with the gold, though - I was sending out cavalry armies from Lugarlur and recruiting at Pelargir, but still had more gold than I really needed.

The Dog Lord came out strong, capturing or threatening 3116, burning 3612 and 4015, then threatening 3716 and 3316, but suffered a bit of a turnaround when - after absorbing one major attack at 3116 - I got overrun and lost Bulrakur. After that we were on the defensive in and around Mordor for a while, especially with the Dark Lieutenants eliminated. I wasn’t really able to feel like I was doing my job with the Dog Lord again until a little after turn 20, when I was able to eliminate some FP armies inside Mordor by personal challenge and then move back to the offensive.

I’d be happy to share .pdfs or further commentary.

-Peter DeGlopper

I’ll send out contact details shortly so that players can chat to each other Vote on the Council and trade PDFs. (Note you can Vote now).

Clint (GM)

IK/LR here.

This was my first Gunboat game and it was so enjoyable, I now play GB exclusively. I have to say, I loved having the (selfish) freedom to simply plan my nations’ orders, send them in, and watch the game unfold, as opposed to feeling the need to worry about all 12 members on my team and repsond to 100+ emails per turn. I really enjoyed having to extrapolate my allies’ plans from their movements on the map and then help where I could.

This game was dicey for the LR from the start, with the EO/NM/DW coming in the backdoor and burning my rear pops. Finally killed off a couple big armies with agent power. BS did a stellar job of shoring up the backdoor defenses and appeared to deal with the rest of the forces that got through. DinO managed to kidnap Mahrcared very early, and then proceeded to fail nearly every agent action for the next year. LR eventually took over most the Rhun area and helped the IK take out the Eoplex. Thx to the DogL and BS for sending armies into the fray in Rhovanion as well.

IK lost 3123 via threat early, forcing me to build up a backup cap inside Mordor. Eventually took 3123 back and got the agent co. and recruiting centers up and running. Built up pops in the Southern Misties and sent forces into Fangorn toward the end. Finally took the Eoplex and Minas Anor in the final turns of the game. Would have rebuilt the 2924-3024 bridge given another turn, but… c’est la vie. Got lucky when I found the hidden City at 3112. Was able to then reveal and land an IK army on it a couple turns later. Sinda and WM - was working my way toward you when this ended. Would have enjoyed the battles in Mirkwood.

Kudos to the Noldo/EO for putting up such a fight to save the Eo. Would love to hear from this player. Your Curses/agent squads took out at least 3 uber-assassins and several other characters.

NM/DW - what was the final straw that made you drop?

GG, all.

Chris Wolf
136 IK/LR

Actually Peter it was the FK that sent you the 25K gold:) Didn’t know that the game was ending and I had all this gold. Didn’t know if everyone was solvent or not, so I sent three different 25K shipments.

Scott Moyes

Heh. Apologies for giving credit to the wrong King, then - I don’t have the .pdf in front of me.
Between that, my windfall gold theft from Arthedain, and a high market tolerance for my food sale the QA had something like 230K in the bank at the end of the turn. I was running armies, but evidently not enough. Had the game not been ending I probably would have shipped some to the Dog Lord to upgrade Morannan, and to cover the 25k+ deficit I was running there.

Apologies to the Dragon Lord/Corsairs for the turn 33 gold thefts and sabotage at Dol Amroth - I had no idea you had a sickness squad sufficient to take out the SG army. Maybe that helps explain why there were so few SG armies to interfere with my emissary squad.

I’ve gone ahead and created a Yahoo group, “me136”. I don’t have email addresses for most people to send out the automatic invitations, but it should be publically listed and open for anyone to join.

I don’t know if we have enough disk space in a typical Yahoo group to put up all the .pdfs. I’ll be putting a zipped file with all the ones I have on hand up, but I’ll probably take it down later and just put up some of the more interesting ones.

Originally posted by Mormegil
well I suspected you had doubled some of my chars and I lacked the agents to do any counter espionage - I moved Morwen out of the army to sabfort at 2005 so that I might have had a chance to break through to 2006, a very small chance… I was really short on characters due to constant assassinations and so I had only one more commander I intended to send into the army when it reached 2004 - if you knew about my recruiting I wonder why you did not send agents or cursers to 1106 and 1109, would have been easy for you to finish me off there.

I was busy “cleaning” some heavy invasions by Card/Sinda. By the time that threat was over, I moved the curze squad next to 1109 where Morwen was recruiting HC. But the timing was awful (or maybe I just got lucky…) because you had then moved on to 1106. I then moved my curze boys there, but then I saw that you transfered command to Sarkar and moved to 1304 just outside my map. From here it was not difficult to guess that I was dealing with a huge HC army and that your goal was 2004 (maybe via 2204 ?). Luckily I had armies just around, so I set up a trap at 1704 as i knew exactly what phases you would be arriving here !!!

My luck was that if I had nailed Morwen earlier, then I would not have had any clue of this attack of yours, but of course it would also only have been half the army :slight_smile:

By the way, your two palantirs were a real “gift”. Once they were transfered to my curze mages, I used them every turn :slight_smile:

It was only this final turn I discovered that your capital was relocated to 2322, by interrigating one of your hostage characters.


Originally posted by SMoyes
[b]CL/FK here,

One of the free nations (can’t remember who) took out all the FK commanders and the FK played an agent/emmie game for the last 10-15 turns while I used the CL to field armies.

Scott Moyes
CL/FK [/b]

The SG/Woodmen had a quite powerful agent squad going. Two-trolls (with RoI most of the game) ended with 100 in natural agent rank. They visited 3627 early on (I guess to check wether it was transfered to WiK) and killed a BlS mage. They then returned three turns from the final turn, and stayed without doing anything. So I finally realised that SG/Woodmen had dropped and send in an agent and stole RoI the final turn.

This nearly completed my agent artifact list. I must say myself that I’m a little proud with the artifacts I collected and held. I never expected that I would get all the major artifacts myself, but I of course also had a lot of mages:

#1, +40
#175, +35
#4, +25

#44, +30
#45, +35
#55, +10
#64, +25

#13, +50
#7, +35
#15, +40
#42, +30
#123, +15
#48, +35

#37, +15
#157, +25

#52, +10
#59, +25
#66, +15
#47, +20
#67, +35
#124, +10

#31 and #33

Originally posted by Woody
Cardolan / Sinda

>Clint told me after last turn that there was only these 2 nations >plus the Dunlendings playing, so NG at least was knocked out >the SG/Wo & Nol/Eo must have dropped recently."

I dont understand how Clint can give you such knowledge, without telling the rest of us…

>Extremely well played by the WK/BS - like Arthedain I think we >made the tactical error of rolling over Rhuduar and letting >Witchy get his Curse squad and agents up and running. Also >made the error of sending troops down to Mordor too soon >which meant we were stretched on all fronts, burnt 3324 with >SG though."

I think that this was a very good opening strategy for the FP. I can tell you that I have never before seen so many nations attack first poor Rhudaur and then me. One should think you were coordinating :slight_smile:

I battled armies of Arthedain, Cardolan, Sinda, Eothraim, Noldo, Duns, Woodmen, Northmen and Dwarves within the first 10 turns.
What you achieved was to knock out Rhudaur very fast even though I tried to save him. And aparantly he did the error of trying to save Rhd with DaL, which only meant that they both collapsed. It was quite a setback for me and the DS to lose both DaL and Rhd by turn 6. Are we sure Clint was not playing this pair under cover of Ed Lane :slight_smile:

If you had not knocked out Rhd early, I think he would have survived in the long term, meaning that you would have had to battle two nations in this region instead of one.

>Threw absolutely everything at Witchy but made no dent, never >come across so many Dragons in one game. I think WK was >helped by Dwarves and Dunlendings being dormant for a while, >they certainly both had large armies in Rhudaur that didn’t move.

I knew from the very beginning that the survival of WiK, very much depended on the number of dragons I could recruit. So I maximized the camp placement in the misties and switched commanders all the time to recruit dragons in as many armies as possible. Well, you know yourself how many times those dragons saved my ass…:slight_smile:

As for Dwa/NM, I helped LR with the destruction of NM by wiping 3105, 3108 and 3109, whereafter he collapsed. I was REALLY happy that he thereafter decided to drop out, as Dwarves by that time had targeted WiK with some REALLY large armies.

>Cardolan was pretty miserable by game end but Sinda still >strong and Mirkwood untouched apart from the Eoplex.

Yes, the BlS HC sneak attack on Cardolan was planned 8 turns ahead. As the WiK armies were in the defensive throughout nearly the entire game, I needed the help of BlS to change the tide. BlS build a city in the Misty and started recruiting HC, whereafter he raided your homeland with 3500 HC st/st and agent support :slight_smile: That was quite fun…

>Kept LAT on E Mere Vardo, know the Noldo had it, but couldn’t >get hold of it.

I thought you located on my curzeteam every turn, didnt you ?

>Really enjoyable game but my guess is that there were a lot of >dormant nations at one time or another.

Yes, extremely enjoyable. Have to play more Gunboat…:slight_smile:


[QUOTE]Originally posted by kim
[b]>Clint told me after last turn that there was only these 2 nations >plus the Dunlendings playing, so NG at least was knocked out >the SG/Wo & Nol/Eo must have dropped recently."

I dont understand how Clint can give you such knowledge, without telling the rest of us…

I have noticed that Clint seems to have a compulsion to fiddle in games. Harley can be intrusive at times.

When a game is virtually over I give the opportunity for players to be aware of the situation and start up again. It’s always the players call for them to stop playing if they want but with 4:1 (12 DS and 3 FP nations alive I recall) odds at that point I felt that the FP had no real chance so informed them that the game was very likely coming to a conclusion.

Players, as a whole, hate playing “hunt the last player” and although there is a small vocal minority that do like to stick it out generally players are more happy if they are made aware of the circumstances they are in and then able to make a decision. If they want to stick it out, more power to them, if they want to quit that’s fine as well.

Clint (GM)

I agree having played a year in real time hunting one player, in the very first games of ME, it is not a game of enjoyment at that point.


Originally posted by Clint
[b]When a game is virtually over I give the opportunity for players to be aware of the situation and start up again. It’s always the players call for them to stop playing if they want but with 4:1 (12 DS and 3 FP nations alive I recall) odds at that point I felt that the FP had no real chance so informed them that the game was very likely coming to a conclusion.

Players, as a whole, hate playing “hunt the last player” and although there is a small vocal minority that do like to stick it out generally players are more happy if they are made aware of the circumstances they are in and then able to make a decision. If they want to stick it out, more power to them, if they want to quit that’s fine as well.
Clint (GM) [/b]

Dear Clint,

OK, but how can you then explain that only three FP nations were listed as dead for the last 10 turns. I thought this list was supposed to be updated every two turns.

It might be that you told the remaining FP side that the game was vertually over, but the DS in general did not have a clue. With two dead DS and three dead FP, some DS might have thought the game was completely open.

I dont know what the rest of you think, but I think that if you tell one side, then you should also tell the other side that the game is close of ending, even though its a gunboat game.