Gunboat game 52 just ended

Me games, can you post who played each position.

Personally one of the best gunboat games I have played. I picked up north Gondor eothraim and Northmen on around turn four just after they got special serviced.

What a nightmare the positions were in as northern Gondor recruited ZERO troops the first four turns, but my allies really stepped up and helped me rebuild.

Great job by the free overall, and I though the dark servants played decent as well. Very impressed with just about everyone in the game with my limited knowledge of what was going on throughout the regions

Fun game

Tim Huiatt nation 2 3 and 6

Aargh! I might have guessed that you were running NG/EO/NM if not for the fact of how the position was played those first few turns! Without any intended denigration of your allies, I think you obviously turned this game around.

Kevin and I shared the FK/IK/BS trio and felt the game was very much still in hand even after the DS were down a couple nations…but then the north gate was shattered and we had to recruit so many troops to stem the flow that our market boosting treasury was lost (IK had it), things really never were the same after that. Still, we were only out of step by about two turns…two more turns and our emissary strength was about to do to you what yours instead did to us. The agent assets we had were heavily concentrated in the IK nation, so losing them to bankruptcy was the final mortal blow.

It was a really good game up until it wasn’t and I can’t for the life of me understand why the DS’s voted to continue when we called the first vote. It was obviously over, we were not making headway anywhere, and we were down 4 nations to none.

That’s the end of GB’s and Indy’s for us. We are going to finish up our one last in-progress Quad GB and then we’ll be fresh meat for the Grudge Circuit.



I played the SG, Duns and Harad. Things where going along pretty well for me and around turn 6 even had enough to take the QA capital, but he had a damn dragon on that army – that and the fact that I couldn’t do anything to the Long Rider’s Din and lomelinde – they actually had the harad on the ropes and was just deciding last turn if I should try and save the harad postion.

I have to go back and look over the turns but up till at least around turn 15, I think, i was sending at gold to the Eothraim and Woodman to keep them going, don’t have an exact count but it was in the hundreds of thousands for a finally tally. hope it helped. Then at one point the evils wehre stealing from me and it stopped – guess when that was when the IK bankrupted.

I held onto the South harad for as long as I could and even managed to get some pops back. The FK/BS send an army once to 2730 and used SG to save that and defeated at least two armies QA tried to send to north harad. But man did Din and company keep taking a toll on harad, did manage to get a couple turn break when i doubled them and they moved off to get redoubled back.

Sent all the Duns troops towards Rhudaur as the Noldo trio asked – defeated his big army and send a second wave but by then he had pretty much everything under control so buit up a 5k HC army and sent into Mordor – but as found out, Tim pretty much took care of that so had no problem getting in and with the help of the NG scrying arty, seen an evil icon on the FK capital and went there and burned it to the ground and took the castle down to a tower. Was getting ready to move this army out this turn as I got 4 more characters on it – got three killed on way in.

Sg meantime was bumping his troops and buidling armies – had 5 armies going one all HC (4K so far)to eventually go across bridge – was gonna rebuild it and hit QA, did send my last navy down to old Harad capital and fought Corsairs there this last turn.

Finally, got a curse arty and started the curse company with my 90’s something mages – had 6 in 80’s and 90’s. Thanks to whoever gave me 135 – think it might have been the Noldo – if could have gotten one 15 turns ago could have cursed din and company to death as they sat in harad pops mostly.

Was a good game and fun game. Think a mistake the evils made was not stealing off the SG and harad enough – seen the CL agent stealing off Harad there for awhile and even challenged and killed one CL agent. Send out gold till my treasuries couldn’t handle it.

Mike W.


Your gold was greatly appreciated. I must caution everyone when playing gunboat, you have to play your positions as if you will never get help from your allies. But the influx allowed me to be way more aggressive and keep recruiting troops to the max. You sent way in excess of 100k to me alone, and everytime something showed up it gave me two more turns of safety.

I figure one of my scrying artifacts would be better used by your nation, eventually I lost two of them, but I always had one that I was using.

This game would have ended way sooner, but the dark servants outplayed me on one turn. I showed up at 3120 with over 4k heavy cav, my first major incursion into Mordor, and both the Ice king and Cloud lord agents showed up on 3120 on the same turn. They wiped both armies, both backup commanders and caused me at least a five turn delay of crashing into Mordor. I think I lost a total of 8 characters on that one turn. Not all at 3120, as your assassins were busy elsewhere as well.

The free played pretty good as a team I thought. Again, without the help from everyone, I would never have been able to rebuild.

Those who know me know I will blast anyone’s poor play (including my own). This is probably why my borther hates me posting on the forum. The original Northern Gondor player named a mage on turn one with Northern Gondor. Ummm, can’t really see any advantage to a mage as your first name charater for Northern Gondor. EVER. Add to it he didn’t recruit one troop in the first four turns from Northern Gondor, The Eothraim or Northmen, and you can imagine the stress I was under from turn 4 to 10.

I hate picking up games as you usually have to recover from starts that you don’t like. But I also know games end because of drops, and figured I would pick up one to try and keep it alive.

By far one of my more enjoyable games.

Well played by all. If the dark servants could have coordinated buyouts, this game could have probably gone quite a few more turns. Once the Dragon Lord and Dark Lieutenants were eliminated, I felt we had the game in hand.

Thanks for a gun game for all who played.



Just went back over the first 10 turn of each nation and by turn 10 i had given 140k in gold to the woodman and 170k in gold to the Eothraim – gave him 70k on turn 2 before you took over with the harad. If my attack around turn 6 or 7 would have worked on the QA’s capital (he had a damn dragon in that army and I bounced off walls and even got rid of the castle with war machines, I think i could have given a better show in the south. Although thanks to the Noldo (hid the Harad capital) – I only lost my capital to there emissaries last turn before last and still held all pops but one on the north side, although some where now villages. Just couldn’t get past Din and his company was why i was begging for a curse arty throughout game.


I hear you on the curse arty, the dark servants dumped e mere vardo into the blind sorcerer pond which really restricted us.

Amazingly, I named 7 characters with stealth in this game. I had a decent agent company by the end although I didn’t have any agent artifacts but I was still able to pop a couple of characters.


The Sinda had a pretty effective group of agents including his starting stealth artifacts and Curufin were doing some effective work in Mordor for the last 10 turns of the game. Our curse companies kept nibbling at them, but I think he still had some effectives at game end.

The Northmen (I think) emissary company was really brutal though. I don’t want to count how many towns, MT’s and Cities I lost to them.

Northmen economically were a monster. I had four pages of pop centers, so even in winter I was producing outstanding amounts of materials. I only had two emmys each for Northern Gondor and Eothraim, but I think I had 7 plus Northmen emmys.

Had you managed to get your emmy company up and running northern gondor would have been in trouble, all his loyalties were in the 20’s for my towns. I actually had to flip some of his towns to keep them from the dark servants.

You still played well Doug. Just not much you could do once the Dragon lord and Dark Lieutenants were eliminated.


I feel better about the loss seeing you and Mike on the other side :slight_smile:

Anyone know who played the Dog lord. I wanted to compare a couple of turns with him.

Also Doug, did you recruit Hoarmaruth the turn before I challenged him out?


Yes, we had recruited him with the BS and were in complete risk taking mode (it was SOOOO over already). In hindsight though, the only reason for your mage to be in the hex was as a challenger and we should have refused with Hoarmy anyway.


I played Corsairs, Long Rider and Quiet Avenger in the game. Still had very strong positions at the end of the game although Long Rider was weak in terms of pop centres. Spent most of the game fighting in South Harad. In the end I had all his centres but it took a while due to the South Gondor presence. His capital stuck out for ages as it got hidden mid game and it took 3 attempts to reveal and then another 3 turns or so to flip. The assault on North Harad mainly with emissaries continued to the end with most of his towns flipping back and forth at least once each.
Didn’t help that I forgot about the allowed diplos every 5? turns on every occasion,
Once we were down by 5 the game was lost even though my positions were still strong. Corsairs got a bit of a drubbing in the last few turns. The Noldo agent company had sepent about 8 turns knocking down commanders and walls and the 3 turns before the end a huge navy carrying HC landed with war machines and took out 3 of my cities.
I did have strong agents centred round 3 Long Rider killers with Quiet Avenger scouts that wrought havoc on the Harad.
Overall a good game.
If anyone wants to swap turns e-mail me at


Good point about my mage. He had to be there for a challenge. As you saw, we had Gandalfs artifact which is why I wanted to risk him. As you said the game was over anyway, which is really the only reason I risked my mage. Info gathering is so critical in gunboat games that losing a 70+ mage is hard to replace.

Mike S, obviously down five positions the game was over. My attention was about to be directed at your positions. I was starting to track your agents and I was hoping you would eventually scout and follow one of my armies so I could go after your agents.

You played well, you gave more than you got from Southern Gondors posts.


And i didn’t get one character with stealth at all, Yea, I seen that about that curse arty as I did a LAT on it. Got a couple kills myself, had an agent/emissary company going around also.

Well you sending that army of the FK and BS to 2730, helped the QA,Corsairs momentum, that navy of SG was slated to help in the South harad and sent it to 2730 at last minute to help defeat your two combined armies. mOur side actually had a vote called also – right around the turn Rhudaur got knocked out, as I picked that up in world spy and let everyone know and asked everyone not to drop – don’t know who called the vote on the freep side as the only nation really getting pounded was my harad.


You did an awsome job – the Lucky turn for your trio was when you got that dragon on the QA capital rmy or his capital would have been mine – had over 40 war-machines in that army – almost slammed it on your capital a second turn – but went camp hopping. If would have gotten the QA capital might have lasted longer but – boy talk about a headache – Din and company – I was begging for an curse arty for most of the game – If would have gotten one earlier Din would have been no more – had 1/3 curse company already in two turn – and if waited longer would have had 100 mages – Duns where 89 and 93, with SG haveing three high 80’s also. Oh and this last turn I landed my emmy squad on your MT - 3429 and would have taken that – think it showed you had 70’s loylaty and was gonna move agent in to 3329 to clear that army out.

But man was Din a real Pain in the arse.

Would Like to know who played the Noldo trio – he did a suberb job up north, and from what I hear from you one down south – seen him destroy just one of your Pops – didn’t know he did two more !!


The reason we sent those armies down there was to destroy something before we disbanded them. The BS did not want to be in the army game. The armies were begging to be destroyed.

We were about 2 turns from winning the game. The BS was developing a second curse squad when the North gate fell. I had 2 operating curse squads for the last few turns of the game.

Well it helped the QA,Corsairs,LR get the south faster with those troops could have probably held onto 2535 a little longer, not that I still wouldn’t with Din and company running around.


Thanks for the kudo MIke – that would be me playing the Noldo trio. A very enjoyable game, many thanks to the Duns for making the difference early on with Rhudaur.

In addition to my naval invasion of Corsairs as Noldo, I had 5000+ HC as Cardolan inside Mordor at 3423 at the end, looking for targets.

Yes, I gave the Duns #123 for cursing, sorry it took so long!

Well, it’s always more fun when you win, but this was a fun game and the DS played very well I thought, as did the FP.

At the end my agents were in Umbar, the LR agent company with Din kept guessing wrong where my army went, and I was covering it with my agents so I never got to clash mano-a-mano (or elfo-a-orco) which would have been fun. I got a decent amount of stealth in this game.

My one regret, never caught up with Bibelo who had Pectoral and was 525’ing about the western Dwarven holdings.

Great game!

If anyone wants my final turns, send request to