Gunboat Game 53 finally ended

The free people conceeded. If anyone that was still playing the game checks in I will write up a synopsis of the game from the Cloud Lord/Rhudaur viewpoint. I played the game with my brother playing Rhudaur and I played the Cloud Lord (I know Drew and Dave, what a surprise). I think we were processing turn 37 today.

Unfortunately I think the game was decided more by drops then anything else. Noldo/Harad and Southern Gondor/Eothraim looked like they just up an quit.

Great job by my allies that stayed in and stayed with it even after losing the Ice king on turn 7 (?). I think the QA/Fire King eliminated his nations prior to turn 15 as well. Dragon Lord/Corsairs played the whole game.

Dragon Lord, Sorry we reversed the pop center you took from us last turn, but we were using the Southern Gondor capital as our recruiting base and needed the army and supplies.

Witch King, great job of reading the game in the first five turns and moving in with your help against the Dwarves. I hope the gold we sent you was usefull.

Tim Huiatt
Gunboat game 53
Cloud Lord

I played Sinda/Cardolan. I wanted to keep playing, but it was the second time a vote to concede was called, and even though I was having a blast, I just didn’t think we could hold out in the long run. :frowning:

Rhu/CL was a pain in my rear for a long time, but then you left me alone for the rest of the game, maybe you had more pressing needs elsewhere? Also, I was planning on popping into 3122 to pay Rhu another visit, but oh well.

Good job on the part of the DS, coming back from the loss of IK, FK, and QA. I hated to give it up, but I felt it was the best thing to do.

Hi Darrell,

Where you Cardolan/Sinda the whole game. We were very active in the North until my brother got special serviced. He lost ten characters in two turns. I think two the turn he special serviced and then eight the next turn. That eliminated our attack in the Northwest and we simply needed the help down South after that anyway. That left the Witch King more or less alone up north and all we could do is funnel him some money. However, that was after turn 20 so we were happy how long we stayed alive up North. Again, the Witch King I thought played pretty well to help support us with timely army movements.

Really interested in who played the Dragon Lord/Corsairs and Harad/Noldo to find out how the fight down south went. We gave mild Cloud Lord support against Harad but probably not enough to really help him out all that much.

I think we probably held some Cardolan characters more or less the whole game with Cloud Lord kidnaps. Part of the game I guess.

What artifacts did you hold? I think you assassinated as many characters as we did.

Not sure this is the proper thread but Tony and I think the Cloud Lord should be tied back to a mordor nation.

Congrats Tony & Tim!
I wasn’t in this one, but you guys did good if you kept Rhu & CL alive the whole game.


I played Eothraim and Southern Gondor for most of the game. I had a blast to about turn 22…thats when real life hit me and I missed alot of turns. I found it very difficult to get turns done and sent in from an offshore drilling rig…let alone getting the turns printed an emailed in. I like to see who played the Harad because he basically took out the south after the Corsairs and myself desroyed each others navies on turn 2! I rebuilt mine and kept landing troops there to find them already taken by the Harad. The Eothraim kept holding its own and fending off the DS attacks but with this scenario its impossible to coordinate and I never noticed any significant push by other Freeps to get into Mordor. Not saying it did not happen but I did not see it. It’s been several weeks so my memory is hazy on 53. What did me in with both positions was missing several turns and of course the agent activity that came during it and afterwards. Well played by the DS towards the end…I tried a final push into Mordor (and come to think of it) North GOndor was involved in that as well. I think that was the high water mark of the Freep down south. Again, I had fun and “thought” I did well but I failed in getting my tuns in towards the end and then dropped after turn 28. I have not picked up an ME game since due to the crazy schedule work has thrust on me. What turn did it end at?

Southern Gondor still was not eliminated until this turn (I think turn 37).

Dave, The Cloud Lord lost all but one of his starting pop centers. Harad showed up when we were playing with Southern Gondor and our agents were out of position to defend. He pretty much steam rolled all our pop centers. But you know us, we had plenty of emmissaries and we almost had to have RHUDAUR transfer the Cloud Lord a backup major town. That would have been ironic. In typical fashion, I probably sent more than 500k to Tony the bottomless pit until we finally got the market high enough to not need to worry about money.

Tony and I were bored with the game after Southern Gondor had to drop but we played on for our allies sake. Not sure why Harad/Noldo quit other than he lost Cirdan with Tinculin and Elrodn’s ring which probably eliminated his curse squad.

Again, good job by the Witch King, Dog Lord and Corsair factions, as they stayed in all the way to the end. Also the Long rider continued to play the whole game even though the Ice King was lost on turn 7.


Greetings Allies and Dark servants alike.

Mike Johncock here and I played NG/Dun. I really enjoyed this game, probably the most entertaining gunboat game I’ve played and lost in.

I called for game end on both occasions knowing that if one ally wished to continue the game would still run. I feared my teammates were not in the game with the exception of Sinda who I encountered in the NW. I made a few errors at the end as my interest waned. This coincided with the realisation we had inactive DW and Noldo allies.

Here is summary of my exploits shown in 10 turn blocks. It is reasonably general but gives a fairly clear view of my expliots.

As Gondor my plan was to block up allied troops in the ithil pass and to push 3000HC under Mordor. To that end my Romenost (3116) cavalry moved to Calmirie (2421) and then onto Pelargir (2927) recruiting more cavalry as I went. The blocks in Ithil worked well as did a couple of camp assaults on the vulnerable IK economy. At one stage I left the DkLt army at Osgiliath (3024) and moved to take Barad Perras (3123). This seemed a decisive move as the DkLt retired the Osgiliath army (I think) the IK army costs saw him bankrupt. The remains of the cavalry which no longer had the food to go under Mordor engaged at Bar-en Tinnen (3026) vs 4 enemies. I lost my arties and my army here, but the BS nazghul died on my walls.

As Dunlending I massed 7000 troops, but saw the WK coming and went around Fennas Drunin (1910). I did not know the Dwarf came west (expected 2409 assault) as I slipped around that battle. I then overran some defenders and burned out Penmorva (2007). I then came back and burned out Nothva Rhaglaw (1908) before running out of firepower. I named 1 agent to get an Agent 40 for T6 naming and the rest as campers to build economy while denying the Daek too many camps. Mages start with 1 RA of use and I was beaten to RoC by Sinda.

Gondor marched back up the eastern side of the Anduin and captures Barad Ungol (3224) resulting in a dead FK. Many camps posted and a few created by emmies sees the NG pop roster reach 25. A second wave of troops prepare and move to burn Dol Goldor (2715). I decided not to head for a another push up the road around turn 20 as I thought it too obvious and would attract assassins. I also move under Mordor with a camp buster who was soon kidnapped by the evil CL. I busted some QA camps too, but not sure if this had much effect.

As Dunlendings I push up through Harnalda (2010), Tirthon (2109) and onto Elnost (2208) while hitting 4 DS camps in the Misty Mountains. Agents pop in stealing from the occasional DS, but mainly train at NG camps. Their 1st succesful action is finding 3 quality BS emmies at Bar-en Tinnen. They join their dearly departed Nazghul lord and their graves lie untended. Happy with their efforts I move the agents back north to help with the spiteful Rhu who just won’t go away.

Gondor push into the face of Mordor and get to Morrannon (3221) with SG where it is captured. We are quickly repulsed however. Elsewhere Dol Goldor falls to a mixed force of Gondorians and the cavalry head to Goblin Gate (2409) and then through to Imladris (2209) where we meat and fight a worm travelling with Rhu HC in steel armour. Rhu win the battle. Campers and posting camps continue. My push into Mordor through Ithil is met with deadly intent, but I only send a small force of expendable troops.

I kill 4 or 5 Rhu commanders at his capital. Finally the Rhu capital falls, but my ally captures it with a C10. WK retake it with threat it not long after. I go and get it back. More mountain camps are burned out, Goblin Gate falls to Dun emmies just before NG arrives. I run into Sinda companies at Imladris. I give him a cbt arty by accident and then the Palantiri I intially intended to hand off a few turns later at 1905. This allows him to locate major towns of the enemy more easily.

Emmies are now up north. I recruit an Arth E60, C70 and C30 (thefts can’t stop that). C73/A30 looses PC to Angulion at Mt Gram (2006) while emmies take Baraketta (1106). Armies moving to Carvarad (3621) mess up 1 hex of movement (Grrr) and some slimey assassin kills my commander. The subbie head north with 2780HC (unfed) and arrives to retake the Eoplex. Emmies move into the area too, but it’s all too late. I miss the enemy, but caputre to Eoth warlords for later release and bribery to recruit them. Army with Throkmow retakes Linhir (2527) and moves across the bridge, but is assassinated. I loose 5 characters to assassination over this time
We take Mt Gundabad (2305) with emmies, Mt Gram with armies and Carn Dum (1804) is burned. Lots more camps and villages taken. Agents miss any major engagements and I kill only the odd character of the WK. I loose a guy to assination also.

General comments
-Tracked RoW (noldo), Tinc (Noldo) and RoC (Sinda) as FP items (good work allies)
-Claimed Ancaruin to add to PC
-N Harad barely touched S Harad looked strong with Palantiri scry/s (Good work P10/22)
-Great defence in the NW my enemies (credit where it is due)
-Never saw an ally in the Ithil pass, NG did it solo…

I think the WK/Rhu combo proved the decisive difference as they teamed well. I also believe leaving the Woodmen to fight DrLd and WK was suicidal as they are the only vulnerable FP nation early.

I’m happy to elaborate to anyone interested. A well earned victory to the DS


Most of the Credit for the Northwest has to go to the Witch King. I still do not know who played that pairing. He had two or three extremely valuable army arrivals. The Dwarves original starting army moved to 1910 on turn three. Tony and I thought we were toast but the Witch King must have determined what was happening and he arrived on 1910 at the same time allowing us to win the battle and go on the offense immediately.

Like always, Rhudaur was strapped for cash from the beginning. We made the decision to try and stay alive as Rhudaur so we only named two emmissaries for Rhudaur and the rest commanders. Rhudaur recruited as much as possible the whole game. This required four emmissaries from the Cloud lord instead of a ton of agents. Cloud Lord retired three starting characters and replaced them with 40 point agents. We also elected to keep Shoglic alive for the mage later in the game. Cloud lord constantly fed cash to Rhudaur, sent a sum of cash to the Dragon Lord early and then tried to keep funding the Witch King as well. We hope the money was needed and useful as we felt the Witch King defense of the Northwest was extremely well played.

Ji Indur the loser missed on stealing a palantir from Northern Gondor on turn one. He died early in the game to assissination I think to a character named Finarfin. That slowed the defense of the North a lot.

By game end the Cloud Lord had plenty of capable agents. We managed to pick up an agent artifact (dog lords I do believe) and collohwesta (sp?) through assassinations. One major coup was Cirdan landing on our pop center where we had a stud agent. We picked up Tinculin and Elronds ring with that kill. I think this led to the Noldo dropping.

Unfortunately, I still think the drops determined this game. Not sure what happened to the Fire King and QA, Noldo/harad and the Dwarves/Northmen.

The game was a blast until Tony special serviced and the Duns managed to kill all those characters. Then we continued on from about turn 22+ as I don’t like dropping games. Slowly but surely the free nations kept being eliminated so the final outcome was all but determined.

Mike, you were about to get the full attention of the Cloud Lord with our agents and our curse squad.

Tim Huiatt

Well a great game for me considering I lost 2715 so early and was out of characters with command skill. Still I hunkered down and made the most of it with my newly created agents and emissaries. Would like to have had some character bonuses with command skill though.

Concerning the Corsairs, now that was entertaining. Moved navies out early and met SG. Thus Harad plowed into me. At one point I only had a few camps up north and my capital (2039). Noldo navies moved in and it looked grim. Fortunately every turn I was able to get a dragon into my small capital army and keep moving east to destroy every Free which came at me. Eventually I was able to make it out and now own most of the south.

Congrats to the Free for a good game and especially to the DS. Long Live Sauron!!!:smiley:

Sure was. Enjoyed it immensely, too. I was the one who killed Ji Indur, boy did that feel good, even though I’m sure it wasn’t a terrible blow to you. Killing all those Rhu chars in two turns was sort of an accidental team-up between me and the Duns.

I am actually curious about how many assassinations and kidnaps I had, I will look over my turns and find out the number.

For artifacts I had, I have attached my final turns…

I think the Sinda had more agents than the cloud lord. Holy Cow.


Gunboat really allows you to have your two nations specialize. After the Dragon Lord was kicked out of Mirkwood, the need for Sinda armies was reduced dramatically, and with Cardie’s hire for free, it just made sense to do all armies with Cardolan, and all agents with Sinda. Besides, I really like the agent game. In hindsight, I probably should have had fewer agents and tried to help out around Mordor with armies, but you can’t get a stealth bonus unless you name a character, and that might as well be an agent! :wink:

Never played in one – are you allowed to talk to one another/share games turns (sounds Like answer is no )-- or is there no communication at all – or can just send out 50 word message to teammates ?? After reading these posting – makes me want to sign up in next gunboat !!


Some Gunboat games allow 50-word diplos every 5 turns. This one allowed no communication whatsoever.

The great thing about Gunboat is the fact you are almost entirely relying on yourself. No communication to teammates (depending of course on the type of gunboat game) which is a plus when you are short on time and do not have the spare minutes as in a normal ME game. This is my problem currently which I am sure affects other players who are regularly communicating with their news and strategies. I will continue to play in Gunboats only as I have purely myself to blame for any wrongdoings with my nations. Would heartily recommend the Dragon Lord/ Corsairs position to anyone looking for a challenge.:bash:


I prefer to name commander/agents with the stealth nations. If they come with stealth they are agents, if not they are commanders.

Northern Gondor needed the sinda to send troops towards mordor.

The dark servants in my opinion are defeated not by the Gondors, Northmen and Eothraim but by the mirkwood and Northwest nations. If they do not send troops before turn 20, the dark servant characters will win most games.

that is just my opinion.


Tim, you’re right of course. I think my hesitation to do this came from a couple of places:

First, the elimination of the Woodmen put me in a defensive posture. Second, WK was effective at running around making a nuisance of himself in Cardo’s backfield. As a result, I was solidly focused on the Northwest and Mirkwood for the entire game, to the detriment of NG, it seems.

It sounds like keeping Rhuduar alive for as long as we did benefited the Mordor nations then.

And yes, I understand how losing the Woodmen does change things dramatically.


Sorry about this – but Gunboat has kind of got my interest right now !!

Just two more questions – where do I find a complete list of nation that are paired up with one another ??

and second one is – I did go to top of page here and under the post :: GUNBOATS – listed by Clint and found some pairings there – but I noticed in alot of those games there are dead nations or some nations listed with no pairing – why ??

Thanks in advance and sorry to be a burden !!

First question: The nation pairings and much more info about Gunboat games can be found in the official Gunboat Rules from the MEGames website. Here is a link to the PDF:

Second question: The “GB Combos” thread shows the dead nations and current nation pairings of current, on-going games. If someone only has one nation, it’s because the other nation in the pair was eliminated.