After 22 turns of play it’s a great pleasure to announce the destruction of the dark side. For the players of this game, the destiny of Saurons minions have long been known, but the real satisfaction was first concluded today, when the last Orc breed of Middle Earth was hanged from the top of the dark gate.
Final standings without VC are as followed:
- Noldo (2000) / Eot (1650) = 1825
- NG (1650) / Duns 1275 = 1463
- SG (1342) / Woodmen (1175) = 1259
- Sinda (1258) / Cardolan (875) = 1067
This was a most enjoyable game, even though it quickly became known that the balance was tipping in favour of the free alliance.
My Noldo nation did not see much military action in this game, and primary focused on artefacts, Curzes and assassins. But what Noldo lacked in military power, Eot surely made up for instead. I made a surprise attack on 3822 with one my HC armies, which was taken and I reached several CL towns before I was finally stopped. Remaining HC armies patrolled and wiped any DS attempt to reach Eot holdings. I did not take long before Eot was strong enough to storm Morannon with a massive amount of warmashines, and IK capital felt shortly after. When I finally reached inner Mordor , it seemed like a meteor swarm had levelled entire Mordor with the ground, as all I saw was burning ruins. I really like to hear the stories of NG and SG as they must have fascinating stuff to tell.
All in all a great game, even though I was a bit disappointed about the lack of resistance from Mordor, but I’m sure they have a different view of this. Anyway I really like to hear from any players who have participated in this game and maybe exchange turns.
Kim Andersen (Noldo/Eot)
Kim Andersen (Noldo/Eot)