Dang, not easy getting access to this forum, sorry for the delay.
Played the BS+FK+IK combo, and took over CL at some point, and lost Ice King to stupid gold transfer mistake. You all know the story.
Two turns ago I took out Elrond with a challenge from a Fire King commander (who had dwarven and arthedain command package), and Cirdan with curses. Last turn I took out NM capital with emissaries and can see that it was his last MT. Woodmen was probably close to follow, had my agents camping his capital basically, and he still had no backups.
At this point in the game, the agents were starting to move on Sinda, while I had an agent team and a curse team hunting his agents and other curse/sickness team in Mordor. I admit I was focussing on the noldo/sinda player, cause his agents and curse teams were the biggest danger to me. I hardly ever saw anything to arthedain/cardolan/dwarves/dunlendings, and locating on an agent artefact dunlendings were carrying showed him moving around in his own popcenters… not sure why—but not dangerous.
It was great knowing that the south was under control, I was pondering on heading into SG land or Mirkwood, but the messages I got from you guys got me moving Mirkwood (apart from camping SG and Harad (new) capital with agents from time to time).
Early in the game I thought we were goners as SG and NG had tons and tons of troops coming in through the gates, and Ice King capital fell without much I could do about it (I handed over BS backup to Ice King 1 turn before Noldo hid it as I could see it was coming–though good attempt by Noldo). NG seriously could have taken out the Fire King capital with that force without breaking much sweat. And the agents FAILED in taking out his army commanders. Apparently it must have stretched his economy too far, for at some point they just stopped and stood still looking without doing anything. I think the fact that Cloud Lord (not played by me at the time) didn’t help in the defence of Ice King capital with his starter army might have thrown off the NG economy calculation, for to be honest not attacking the NG army by Cloud Lord made little sense there as it might have saved Morannon (he may have thought that he would auto defend his allied popcenter). Perhaps the NG player can chip in on this at some point.
Dark servants in gunboat games definitely have a hard time guarding the gates due to the precise coordination needed there. I was for instance hoping that DkL would come and threaten minas ithil, but I guess Jeremy couldn’t read my mind.
Not a lot of armies came to Mordor after the NG fall, a few that was handled fairly easy with agents, but no major threats.
The blind sorcerer starter army went crossed the mountain and went for NM capital, and got it, but then got nuked by agents. A second army later came out and took Dilgul, after LR had cleared the FP armies in the area. Dilgul was his capital at the time, and was camped by a few agents.