Gunboat questions - Dead or not/505 order

Hi Guys

  1. First question: What is sufficient proof for a nation to be dead to start 525 his pops (if an allied). I guess perceive secrets must be the ultimate proof, or if I am able to recruit his characters, but is there more ways to be sure? I guess info gained through uncover secrets is not sufficient?

  2. Is it legal for me to locate an artifact from a nation, which I am pretty sure is dead (and I have got “The nation if XXXX is dead” numerous times through uncover secrets) and then go to the hex and try to 505 recruit the character (and the artifact)?

  • Jeppe Skytte Spicker

PS. Clint, I know I could have writen you to ask, but I thought sharing it here would be better. Is that OK or do you prefer questions to be send to ME ?

Hey Jeppe;

I believe an uncover secrets will tell you if a nation has folded. It will say … has collapsed and is no longer active. In which case the nation is dead.

I am pretty sure if the nation is dead its artis and characters are fame game.

That’s what I figure as well. I’ve managed to recruit characters from dead nations w/o a problem, artifacts and all.

  • Ben
    Gunboat 229, 237

But what if that is a false rumor???

I agree with Goldschlager. But ME seems to be of another opponion. Rumours is sufficient…

  • Jeppe