Gunboat Three player Team Game 16 Ended

Cloud Lord/Rhuduar/Witch King checking in.

If you know us, Tony obviously played the Witch King/Rhuduar while I played the CLoud Lord.

Great job by the dark servants overall. Only disappointment was the Dog Lord trio only checked in twice on diplo’s. You really hurt your team if you don’t communicate at all.

More detailed report coming later, but I really enjoyed the game. Looking to see if anyone else wants to get another three player game going and if the pairings need to be tweaked at all.

In particular, how tough is it to play Northern Gondor/Eothraim/Northmen.

Who else played what pairings.

Sorry we did not remove the bridge at Osgiliath. But we needed to takeout Yezmin by turn 5 as it was the only army defending the North for Harad. At one time, we had 16 Harad/SG/Dun hostages. That had to make the game no fun for that trio.

Tim Huiatt

Lost to the Huiatts! The humiliation! :smiley:

Well I shared the SG/Har/Dun trio with Marty and obviously I am quite disappointed by the FP performance.
I think we had a good start against Cor/QA/LR, but when CL attacked North Harad it was clear that we had been hopelessly outnumbered. Still I hoped that CL agent absence from other theatres would give some other FP an advantage. Also I hoped that the character engagement of LR would give the NM a chance to develop, but I never have seen any impact of that.
I never tried to hold NHarad but rather took the offensive to the south. Took the QA capital quite early to avoid a two fronts war. Din & co. have been relatively unsuccessful against my commanders, but my assault was stopped by some dragons in the right moment.I had eliminated the whole Corsair/QA fleet with relatively few losses (thx Sinda for the ships) and burned three Corsair MTs and I think that trio wasn’t doing so well, but then the DS character superiority hit home. Har was relocated at 2223 and SG was attacked at his homeland. From t 15 or so it was a slow way down, with many chars held hostage as Tim said. We fought on stubbornly but to no avail.

I must say that it took far too long to remove the northern DS to be any help for us. NO DS nation eliminated by turn 12 usually means the game is lost for the FP. No exception here.
While in the normal GB games, the FP seem to have an edge, the trio game seems to favor the DS, because it allows for a good amount of cooperation and combining of strengths.
Nevertheless, the FP should have been able to exert a bit more pressure on the DS in this game than they actually did. Communication was bad in the first diplos, getting better when it was already too late.
Well played by the DS!

I started the game with NG, EO, NM and asked Kevin (Thavius) to take over the NM early on.

It was a very interesting game for the first 20 turns.

The first sabotage of the Osgiliath bridge (by Ji Indur I assume since he was glowing in the hex) may very well have been the most pivotal moment in the game. The Duns army that ended up sacking Morannon four turns later was set to cross the bridge that turn along with a huge host of NG troops. I think we had the meat to get inside and do bad things, but alas not.

My thanks to the SG/Duns/Harad player for assisting against Mordor - I realize you were hard pressed in the south.

I am curious how or why the northern FP thought we could stand against Mordor past turn 20 without any troops from your nations. For most of the first 20 turns even one or two thousand troops would have made the difference between containment and breaking into the interior.

Hats off to the Dark Servants. Once you got your characters up to speed it turned really ugly, really fast. I was down to 5 characters with one nation and 6 with another. The NM were still going strong but then you turned the Eye on them as well… Quite impressive to see Huge Rhudaur armies and WK cities in the south. While you may not have seen the impact of the NM in Harad/Corsair land, they were the one nation of the trio that had any substantial character development and had the capacity to take PC’s with emissaries as well as to harry the DS’s in the south and into the back door, or at least that was the plan.

The strategy for the NG/EO/NM was merely to contain the DS in Mordor until help arrived from the north. That succeeded for 20 turns as well as harrassing their economic development outside of Mordor and on the walls. Unfortunately, that was a fatally flawed plan in the absence of support from the northern FP.

I think that the trio is viable, but either they have to try to knock someone out early (and allow the DS’s to flow out into the plains or up to Mirkwood - which is what the Dog Lord tried to do, your welcome - or the FP have to exercise a little better game theory next time.

I might try the tri-nation GB again at some point, but would like to play a one-week game first.



Hi All

Arth/Card signing in. My friend Martin played Noldo.

I was happy with most of my/our play, but was resigned to the DS winning in the end. As mentioned if the DS don’t loose a nation early then they are unlikely to loose. I suspect the FK/IK/BS nation kept large economies to spike the market and that also played a part in keeping the DS rich.

Arth went emmies early, Card a mixture of emmies and coms and Noldo agent and emmies. WK split his cav from foot and marched at Card back lines. We blocked him and captured him from memory, but he chewed up 2 armies 1st. Noldo attacked from Imladris and sent his capital forces east also. His guards captured multiple CL agents trying to hurt my coms. We also had an excellent challenge where I moved com arts to Bondan the lowly C30. He got pc’d by a WK big army com, we won the pc and disbanded the DS army. We took 1910 after that and Rhu were broken beyond repair in the NW by turn 10. We did receive DW and Sinda reserves which were useful in ensuring a rapid death.

Noldo spotted RoW 3018 turn 1 and we were reluctant to send characters so close to Mordor. Tinc was at 3618 so we went for that as we would not ignore our 2 early LaTs. We got tinc, tracked RoW to see who collected it and it was still on the ground turn 5. We moved in and got it just before Gaurhir arrived. Used it a bit in the WK area, but were cautious as the CL had to be given consideration.

The WK was next on the list and he was driven from Angmar by around turn 15. From here Arth cavalry went over the top of the misties and assaulted WK. Took a couple of withered heath pops in the process 2802/2904. The Sinda/NM were active in helping clear out area also.

We dropped a curse learning item and a palantiri off at 2413, but only the curse item was ever collected. Our curse company came on line about turn 14as we moved to reveal 2809. Sinda was already their. Our 1st real character assault was on 4215 which we revealed. Agents cleared the place and with Arth/Noldo emmies it took 3 turns to capture it. From there we moved south. Arth emmies took 3624 and 3422, Card 3724.

Card 1st landing of 3000 toops in N Harad was a disaster. Lack of intel means I run in to a large CL force and get repulsed.

Agents visited a quiet 3622, found some capital characters at 3329 and then went to 2227 to offer SG some respite. We also hid Harad 2223 capital. Someone tried to steal mantle on way out, but Noldo guards killed him. At 2227 Findulas was captured, but Noldo got one of the DS killers and we gave SG some respite.

We cursed Ji and killed heaps of Cors coms. Naval blocks ensured corsairs were kept to minimal late naval activity. We cursed a navy landing and even overran one navy. Card second landing took 2730, 2630 and 2732. The army had just been assassinated though.

Noldo used his secondary agent force to defend vs a Cors/QA minor assault on in the NW. He lost a MT, but we retook it. He killed a DS agent, wounded another and got art 53 from the encounter.

Card had 3400HC, ents and a C155 lead the assault on Mordor. We defeated IK/FK armies and bypassed any block to reach Morannon. From here we captured 3221, bypassed 3222 fort, 2000IK troops and likely a horde of agents. At 3323 we were cursed 2 times. The BS mage killed by the Dun saved me from the expected 3rd cursing. We split and left ents at 3323 with a small army. 2500HC rolled in to 3423 and that is where we ended it. The arts were taken to 2734 where we intened to hire a new army.

Arth had 2700 cavaly come down from the withered heath and fight he BS at 3116. we cleared him and moved to 2320, but were engaged by WK who had taken more NG lands. We had his measure, but he game was now ending

3232 was the new WK capital and but for the hostage situation would have cleared that place. Critical WK coms survived because of our auto kidnap failure. We took 2534 from WK, 2734 was rebelious and we were still here. Noldo curses were back to take 2535. Our hostage count was at 8 when game ended.

2500HI were also at 1615 about to move through the endangered Dun capital

That is a brief summary of my/our game from my perspective.

I was/am saddened by my allies comments. We hid 2223, moved through 2227to protect it, sent some money to our allies, took Tol Burath, Ostigurth, retook Morrannon and offered to build a company with Harad to give him “unlimited pops” as I put it. We moved ws fleets to battle Corsairs and also moved navies down south. For NG we did less, but expected revealing 4215 would help him. We offered to hunt for hostages if names were provided.

In a GB game where CL/WK/Rhu are one player to have cleared the NW by turn 15 vs the highly compitent Huiatt’s was I thought a good result. We also took 3 other DS capitals and several MTs besides. Last game with me as WK and Martin as DkLt we smashed Arth and Card, that without the Rhu/CL on the same page.

Look forward to hearing from others. I have reiterated some points, but that is because they are relevent to my defence of a reasonable game. Happy to swap turns with anyone/everyone who wishes to scrutinse my efforts.


I played Noldo, along side Mike as Arth/Card.

Was an interesting game, but like someone mentioned, not knocking out a DS early, spells disaster in the end.

One thing that struck us quite early (turn 1-2), was that in 3 nation games FP are seriously hindered when it comes to artifacts.
In 2-nation GB’s you compete against DL, Dog/BS and WK/DarkLt, to some extend IK. But none of these comboes can hurt Noldo chars.
In 3 nations, we came to the conclusion that DarkLt/DL/DogLord combo could infact assasinate our chars, AND spot them with scouting. WK/CL combo could kill us as well, and LR/QA/Cor combo could also play a role, and be in a position to seriously hurt us.
So we had to play a lot more conservative, and be very cautious.
Getting Tinc/RoW was, to us, a big win (not enough win to win though…).

Regarding armies, then we decided that Noldo were to focus on chars (camping did not go well for Noldo, so few ressources), while Arth/Card went armies. Seems natural…
Arth was decided to continue to fight the fight against WK/Rhu in the northen mountains. While Card build up to assault Mordor.
It took us a while to bring down Rhudaur/WK, so it wasn’t till turn 10’ish that we could really start building up for Mordor. And even then we still had to watch our finances. When we finally hit Harad it was to late, and same for Mordor…

Regarding chars it went very well, but we did make some poor decisions, like hitting 4215, because at that time we should have hit Mordor instead, and gambled, so we could remove preasure from Gondor/EO.

Anyway I had a fun game, and we learned a few things for another game :slight_smile:

Was fun with the small skirmish with QA up north, me spotting Meriot at my capital saved me a LOT of PC deaths!

i took up control of 12/13 and 20 found three nations quite difficult to run they take up so much time

first congratulations DS

concerning communication i tried to send false infomation once to the free and another i am afraid computer was down and i couldnt get online i was SS this turn. then i asked all along for a curse arty, i started with sickness and weakness spells but desperately needed the arty to be of any use. early on it cost me severly as i had to commit to many important characters for little gain. but thought one would be arriving soon it didn`t.

i started out with the plan of moving on the woodmen quickly but some good moves from mirkwood free and bad timing from me to move up the road from black gate cost me dearly.

the free played a good game all i could do was try to be a pain in the ass as they took capital after capital. in the end you would have knocked at least two of my nations out in the next couple of turns.

but i had just located the one ring my only chance 

overall it wasnt a bad game but felt i could of used a little more support from other DS (curse arty desperatly needed should of got message across) couldnt locate one as all mages had moved to weakness activity.

thanks all for a good game 

paul roberts

Arth went emmies early, Card a mixture of emmies and coms and Noldo agent and emmies. WK split his cav from foot and marched at Card back lines. We blocked him and captured him from memory, but he chewed up 2 armies 1st. Noldo attacked from Imladris and sent his capital forces east also. His guards captured multiple CL agents trying to hurt my coms. We also had an excellent challenge where I moved com arts to Bondan the lowly C30. He got pc’d by a WK big army com, we won the pc and disbanded the DS army. We took 1910 after that and Rhu were broken beyond repair in the NW by turn 10. We did receive DW and Sinda reserves which were useful in ensuring a rapid death.

I had to comment on this. Great move by you, but we knew(ok, highly suspected) you had the command artifacts on Bondan when you did not refuse challenge the turn before with your cav. Since you had played so well up to that point, we also felt the only way we could survive past turn eight was to win the challenge or get multiple dragons. Not only did we lose the challenge, our dragons didn’t show until way to late. Great job your trio did in my opinion.


BS/IK/FK checking in.

Must say this game shifted many times.

From turn 0-7 I struggled hard to juggle defending 3221 and Ithil pass.
No bridge being torn down, meant I had to work double hard!

Turn 5 was the turning point when my mages picked up #175, #135, #44 at the same time, which I was then able to send to IK agents who landed on 3024 turn 7, and tore bridge down turn 8 (apparently not one turn to late!!!).

Turn 5 I tried to hold 3221, but shifted attention to Ithil pass (3221 was lost, didn’t want to loose FK capital), so on turn 7 I had NG troops at 3224, but was able to win it, and at the same time land IK troops on 3024 which retook it.

Getting NG command arts at 3224 helped me immensely afterwards.

Turn 10 3221 was still standing, and I was able to send a dragon army there to save the day again. But at this point I think DogLord was kinda inactive, so felt it was a lost cause.

Turn 13 or so Dun broke through, but once again a dragon saved Mordor at 3222, and after that it would take 10’ish turns before Mordor was in danger again.

I broke up my focus as in IK having agents, FK having armies/Emmis and BS having mages/emmis.
Btw, I turned over #189 to Herud (DarkLt turn 15), but guess he lost it again.

My emmis proved quite strong, and having NM commanders doubled helped me find his City down in the SE.

Agents got a lot of killings done, but the most fun moment was the “epic” fight at 3929 !!!
I had spotted Dunlands agent names when he hit 3224, and had tracked #4/#45, so I guess he would hit IK capital next and positioned my cursers to kill one agent (my agents were down in SE hitting NM City).
Next turn we all meet at 3929 (I had killed one agent by then), but I forgot to have Hoarm and Gauhir join agent company again (they were scouting NM camp buster army).
So I had no scout!!!
Luckily I had the names from earlier (and some from LA’s), and was able to kill/curse most of them. Lost one curse mage (who had most of the curse arts). Got #45 though.
Then next turn I got all my agents gathered and scouted, but failed to find Duns last agent!!!
He then killed Gaurhir, and I now thought I had lost #175 AND my mage arts.
But apparently he couldn’t carry more, so #175 was still on the ground :slight_smile:

Had Dunland had more agents, or had Noldo hit me there as well, I would have lost most of my agents, and arts I think.

I actually thought FP were winning, but guessing NG/EO/NM combo was to crippled to do much.

Think FP did well enough. They allmost broke through Ithil pass, and allmost broke through 3221 turn 7 or so.
Fun game :slight_smile:

Well it looks like this game was a lot closer than I expected. Seems the FP have lost due to a combination of bad coordination and bad luck. That shows how biased your perception can be with only part of the information.
I would like to hear from Sin/DW/WM. I am particularly interested where the DW starting troops from the Iron Hills were sent to.

I split the QA/LR/Cor trio with two of my friends, Darrel and Chad. We are working on a write-up to put on the board. But, with three heads it takes 10 times as long.

Without comment on the actual write up to come, this format was a blast. Splitting a trio allowed us to have the fellowship of being on a team and able to discuss the game. Yet, it was small enough to not require the time devotion to (and often times headahces from) communication required for a grudge game.

Further, couple this with the gunboat format and it’s concomitant fog of war, this game was great.

I have asked the GM to set another game of this format. I hope others will join us.

Mike Bel…

Sounds like the game was a lot closer than I thought it was as the damage our trio cl/wk/rh plus long rider trio was doing to sg and harad could have been overcome.

My vote to the dark servants best player is the fm/bs/ik player as he basically held murder by himself. Most our attention was focused down south against harad.

We made one mistake of thinking the dog lord with his agent artifacts would remove the osgilaith bridge and should done that after the long rider was kind enough to give us a 20 agent artifact.

Sorry about the limited help we provided as you didn’t get as much help as you should have.

I am up for another game unless I can get a good grudge game going.


Hi guys upt you. I followed this game a little to see how it would all pan out. I’m still not convinced the triplets are correct but if you guys are happy then I won’t stand in your way.


Clint, what modifications would you suggest that would still be consistent with the more or less regional groupings?


I played the Sinda/Woodmen/Dwarf trio and although made an early mistake which cost me the Woodman back-up, recovered reasonably quickly only to have a horrible piece of luck when the Sauron encounter disbanded 2000HI with war machines just as they stepped up to take a defenceless Gundabad on turn 4. It did not fall until turn 9 (the same turn the Dwarves took the Rhudaur capital) but that held up resolution of the North considerably. A Dragon saved Mt. Gram on turn 11, with the WK capital falling to the Arthedain on turn 13 but Mt. Gram only fell to the Dwarves on 16. With hindsight after I failed on turn 11 I should have let the Arthedain/Cardolan finish off the WK and immediately concentrate on Mordor, when we finally took it, we were definitely mob-handed.

I sent the Iron Hills army west to Mirkwood and the Dwarf capital troops to DG, as a result I took DG on 5 and Goblin Gate on 6 - the same turn I re-took 2711 ending DrL resistance in Mirkwood (except for some cat and mouse with a series of new armies from Sarn Goriwing which finally fell on 16 without causing me to lose any PCs).

WK did a good job of harrassing from 2904 and 3002 but these were eventually snuffed out too.

I focussed on coms for the dwarves and sent a large amount of infantry towards Mordor, eventually snuffing out the 10k+ of troops that exited the black gate and finished with significant Sinda and Dwarf armies ready to assault.

Maybe the troops were coming in too late but I definitely think that we gave up too early. I voted no and was shocked by the decision, particularly given that two of the diplos seemed upbeat. I appreciate that the front-line nations bore the brunt but I finished the game with 14 hostages and significant agent and scouting power.

I also had a sick/weakness squad ready to go in a few turns. Gutted not to be playing on.

Would be interested to look at the overall position to see how close it really was please send your turns to mikehornung -at- hotmail -dot- com, I will be happy to distribute back everything that I get.

I would be interested in playing again.



I can see that a lot of small things amounted to facts why the help did not come earlier. But I definetely think that the Iron Hill Dwarves should have been directed to Mordor. GG, DG and Gundabad can be handled by the local forces. That could have made the difference.

I understand that you are disappointed that the game ended before you could unfold your full potential. I have made the same experience in several games. But even if some DS nations have been pressed, they were not as close to extermination as the frontline nations were. Harad was, in fact, already out in the last turn.
We have missed the chance of taking out some DS early. There is no way to make up for this in the later game, when the character machinery is running. Alone the fact of how much faster they can replace agents gives them enough edge to win the game.
So yes, the game would have been running for a lot more turns, and probably some successful and interesting turns for your trio, but no, the FP would not have been able to win this.

Looks like this is filling fast with a rumour that Clint is aiming to play too, so if you are thinking of playing again, I suggest that you get an e-mail in to MEGames to reserve your place and then let’s discuss whether we are happy with the current trios or wish to make changes.



Bernd - you could well be correct and aside from the question of the IH Dwarves, this game did not feature my best play. Another factor in the delay was my ruthless extermination of the Misties camps - I felt at the time that the effort was worthwhile but that is another reason why I would like to see the full picture to assess the impact of this.


Hi guys

Been looking at this and I’m definitely personally interested in playing. Can I put up a proposal for FP change of nations?

DS are fine (IMO)

FP suggestion
Nol/Car/Art (as b4)
SG/Har/Sind OR Dun (Excepting NG Sind are a natural choice for the south)
Ng/Dw/Sind OR Dun (Sind are a good regional set-up)
Nm/Eo/Wo (better regional IMO)

I’d probably go with

A 3rd option which is okay with me as well but I think strengthens the FP somewhat

I think this addresses two of my main concerns

  1. Nm/Eo/NG - all the “army” nations in one nation and suspectable to Agents and particularly full on aggression by the DS, including economic pressure.
  2. Better variety of nations
  3. Somewhat improved regional placement as well, not key.

Any thoughts? Note I’ve not got any vested interest in any nation trios, as any of you know, I’ll play anything… :o So I’ll play regardless but feel that the above are worthy of discussion.

Clint (player)

Any thoughts?

Rob’s asking me as a GM if there are going to be any changes to the format. As a player I’ll play any of the 3 nation formats, but was curious to know if others had feedback.

Clint (player and GM here)

I think we should play the current nations one more time before changing it up. If the FP lose again, I think your third option would be a good solution.