Hall of Fame

We’ve got a New Hall of Fame section of the website:


It’s only for the present, recently ended games.

Check it out if you get time.


v. interesting… are you planning to just show the winners?

When you get a chance, it would be good to see the 1650 games split into sub section… Inividual, Grudge and Gunboat.


1650 game 69, how does one get a “Shared” victory? thought it would be DS or FREEP.


Might it be of more value to show a complete history listing? Click on me and get a nice little table of all my games/positions/results in chronological order?

Similarly all games listed as such. And I would concur that the vanquished team be listed there also.


You get shared victory if when a game ends , for example – one of the freeps still has Victory point total/adding up more then second or third place finish by evils or visa versa , if one side conceeds game !! Pulled off a second place finish with the Noldo when I was last nation left of freeps and conceeded the game to the evils and my point total was more then the second and third place total for the evils !!

This was the all Nuetral game… So niether the DS or FP was considered in the game and all the aligned artifacts was useless… Hope this help explain it.

Updating the Hof: Yes we’ll work on that as time allows. If there’s a player interested in updating it for us then we can probably let them at it but right now we’re just starting from present games and adding content as we get it.

In/Gru/GB/Other - I’ll look at that to see if we can get that sorted. I’ll see if we can get the extra “click on you” and get the entire shebang but ideally we need a volunteer to get the information from our storage to that (each is done individually at present).


I think it would also be good to see how many turns were played in each game…

Does anyone read the stats that come with the end of game message… highest ranks, most kills, etc etc… this could be interesting to read too.

…although I’m conscious that I’m opening up a whole new “it would be nice to have…” debate on something that is an added extra rather than core to the game.



Just realised it gives the turn number once you click into the game… if it could be lifted to the summary, that would make it easier to compare :slight_smile: