Happy New Year

Well since we in Aussie tend to be the first to celebrate it, let me be the first to wish all the MEPBM hordes a very Happy New Year. May 2008 be all you want it to be.

Regards Herman

P.S yes I am well toasted!!!:smiley:

Weā€™ll drink to that!


My Lagavulin is empty, so thereā€™s only beer to raise the glass.

Happy new Year to you Aussies and donā€™t forget to give some greetings to Ditto, Rob, Tony and Stags!

Have Fun!


Happy New year everyoneā€¦ You to Herman!

Happy New Year to all, May 2008 be better than 2007 :hug:

I see no reason to celebrate an arbitrary calendar event. ā€“ Dilbert

Happy New Year everyone !!! :slight_smile:

Pagan tradition Drew - we be drinkinā€™ for thousands of years around now. Solstice, Christmas, New Years, whatever else others call it. Itā€™s cold in enough of the world, the harvest is in, the daylight is gone, letā€™s stay indoors an chill broā€™. Arbitrary calender event? I think notā€¦!

Maybe in your part of the world but Boxing day in Perth Westerm Australia was 44.3Deg C or 112F for your non metric types. Down the beach, in the pool or drinking ice cold beer in front of te Telly watching the Cricket.

Regards herman

Youā€™re right, tradition from a time long past when the only ā€œcivilizedā€ Aussies were guards, waiting until their blessed term of service ended and they got to go homeā€¦ :smiley:

Good convict stock has given us as a nation a great irreverence for authority, an intuitive nous for getting things done by improvisation, a love of all things sport and a dry laconic wit. The Poms got their gaurds back and the Yanks got the Puritansā€¦ I think we got the far better deal!!! :smiley:

Regards Herman

Happy New Year allā€¦ hicā€¦:stuck_out_tongue:


Happy new year@!!

Well, if its Poms vs Yanks, then yeah, you got the windfallā€¦ Iā€™ll shiver with me glass here in Canada, where at least our beer is comparable! Cheers!

Happy New Year,
now the new year is about 4 hours old and it starts with a riddle.

Canadian beer is comparable with ā€¦?

German beer? I donā€™t think so!

So whatā€™s the answer?

Have Fun!


Itā€™s only important to find a reason, the rest is fun!

Have Some!


Drinking American beer is just like making love near a riverā€¦ itā€™s F@cking near water. :stuck_out_tongue:

Regards Herman

hiya Herman, America now has undergone a revolution in beer in the past decade or so. We have lots of microbreweries and some great new brands. Many of them are great beer.

Try Sierra Nevada Pale Ale if you get a chance and perhaps your opinion of American beer will change.

Happy New Year all!

Yes it has been a few years since I was there (2004 last visit) I must admit they wernā€™t all badā€¦ just most of them! :wink:

Regards Herman