Help needed please!!!

I’m trying to get into contact with 2 guys who used to play a lot, they may still be doing so but I’ve not got any contact details.

They are Frank Redmond and Chris Littlejohn. Any of you guys got a contact for either or both of these guys?

Cheers, Alan J.

Alan J.

Frank Redmond has retired.

Send me a private email at and I will forward it to Frank Redmond.

I have just sent him an email asking if he wants to be contacted.

tim huiatt

I do not know Chris Littlejohn.

I have an email address for Chris Littlejohn which I last used a few years ago. I suspect he still uses it. Send me a private message and I will forward his email on to you.

Has Frank retired from ME? This would surprise me, particularly as I played against him at the February FTF 2006.

Hi Alan

Tim sent me a note that you wished to contact me.

My e mail address is

Chris much like myself has called it a day,well for now, I speak to him every week so will let him know you are looking for him.


Cheers Frank. Have sent you an email