Help with Balrog Encounter


I have the following encounter in Moria with the Balrog in an Untold War Game, at a Dark Servant Mage character. Any idea which response to make (apart from FLEE) that might be positive?

It was a long descent into the bowels of the mountain. First the vent had led into a narrow stone corridor
leading farther and farther down. Then there were the almost unscalable walls and finally the maze of
confusing and intersecting chambers and caverns. And the heat! It had become hotter and hotter! There looked
to be even more chambers. And the doors were so small. Almost as if they had been built by Dwarves. Perhaps
treasure could be found as well? Suddenly, all thoughts of treasure leapt from his mind as a giant black
fiery being strode into view carrying a burning whip and a sword of red fire. The Balrog of Moria!! Should
Mention SAURON’s name and use it to get the Balrog’s obedience
APOLOGIZE for the intrusion and try to leave
ATTACK the Balrog and take whatever treasure he can find
Tell a STORY about how he got lost and how it won’t ever happen again
OFFER the Balrog money or artifacts to let him go
BOW down before the Balrog and acknowledge his awesome presence

Cheers, Stephen

Would that be 201, :slight_smile: