How do spirit encounters at ruins function?

How do spirit encounters at ruins function?

It is my understanding that a character moves to a ruins hex, and may or may not trigger the local spirits to either give him a gold reward or attack him. I also understand that this encounter has no “reaction order”; either the character interacts with them or not - no react order is necessary.

But I am curious about the result function of this event. I know that some of these questions may be difficult to discern from “outside” the computer coding, but I would appreciate any knowledge anyone might share.

First, is the spririt encounter a character-only event, or can army commanders activate it as well? Could a company commander activate it?

Second, does the spirit event happen only once, or can it be tripped more than once by a character?

Third, if two characters moved to the hex at the same time, could they both trigger the spirit encounter, thus potentially both getting gold or attacked? Or is there “one and ONLY one” encounter in total, and the character who gets there first gets the first test to activate?

Fourth, if there is “one and ONLY one” encounter and the character fails the coding test to activate it, is the encounter then spent and gone from the ruins? Or does it wait until it is activated before being spent?

Does the test to activate occur more than once per turn, wherein the first arriving character fails but others ariving later could succeed? {Theory; test could be tied to order 810…but what about order 870?}

Is there any neutral vs alliegiance etiquitte for visiting ruins?

And last, does placing a camp eliminate the spirit encounter at that ruins?

My thanks in advance to any who are willing to share your knowledge. :slight_smile:

My first reaction is that you want to overanalyze a fairly minor issue. :slight_smile:

Kidding aside, my experience has been that this encounter happens only once regardless of result. I don’t recall seeing a co cmdr or member trip it, but my understanding of encounters makes me think it would be possible, while characters with armies could not trigger. I’m farily certain but not 100% that I’ve seen multiple characters arrive the same turn and that only one got the encounter.

and now it’s time to go back and see if the initial failure washes away and we have a chance at gold yet again… :wink:

I think they re-set after a number of turns (maybe 5?) as long as there is no camp there. But since starting pop centres get double production, people usually have them camped by the time you get round to re-ckecking for hidden treasure.