I.C.E. license?


What is the staus with I.C.E.? Since this game is based more on the the old MERP game than the actual books, I was wondering what more we might expect (or not) from the that material if and when you acquire the game from GSI?


Chris Guerra

ICE are now up and running without the Tolkien licence. We recently got their roleplaying game through - HARP and it looked very nice.

As to what to expect - that’s upto you guys - what would you want?

I’ve got some ideas but I wouldn’t want to go into the “this is what we’d do” without a lot of discussion with players as mentioned in earlier posts.



I was a huge fan of the MERP and Rolemaster systems, so anything else you incorporate from them is fine by me. MERP had the entirety of Middle-Earth mapped out, as well as a brief history of various cultures outside of what Tolkien wrote about. Could you use those?

I think it would be great to expand the map a bit, perhaps Tolkien “purists” who play MEPBM would disagree. I don’t see how though, since seven of the Nine Nazgul names come from MERP!

Just my two cents,

Chris G

I think that different maps would be very interesting . . .


Different maps is potentially possible.
