Don’t play Kinstrife so don’t know what the parameters might be, but for ME in general…
A random suggestion – how about changing/fixing some existing encounters so they actually do something useful? For example wild horses, mumakil, and especially fell beasts never seem to be recruitable, or if they are, it is under such circumstances as to almost never come into play.
It would also be interesting to add some army encounter versions of some of the character encounters, and/or vice versa. Just some examples
Wild horses, fell beasts, and mumakil are generally army encounters (whether or not they can ever actually be useful) – but one of Gandalf’s advantages was he got a very nice mount, Shadowfax, somehow, when most needed. Now, Shadowfax is no ordinary horse, but having that mount let him get places faster than one would expect. Character movement (without spells) is normally 12 hexes – a character encounter with wild horses (for FP) or fell beasts (for DS) or mumakil perhaps (for N) where the character manages to tame/recruit one of the creatures and get a mount, which would then allow the character to move more than 12 hexes, would be excellent. A mount could be implemented as an artifact which allows the owner to ‘cast’ an appropriate movement spell – the equivalent of Long Stride, or perhaps a better spell for s flying mount. The game essentially assumes that a character can move pretty fast already – 12 hexes regardless of terrain implies normal mounts, ships, etc. as needed to get across the terrain quickly – but a ‘special’ mount such as a descendant of the mearas like Shadowfax or a fell beast as ridden by the Nazgul ought to be able to let a character move even further. Whether implemented as a spell, an artifact which allowed the casting or a spell, or as a special ability to move a greater distance with a normal 810 or 870 order, it would be a cool encounter to have.
Encounters with sea monsters could result not just in some lost ships but, if a powerful hero with a decent challenge rank (especially if wielding an artifact weapon) is present in the navy, perhaps it could result in a character encounter instead as the hero has a chance to interact with the creature – a slain sea monster which adds food (sea monster steak for dinner!) to a navies baggage while at the same time the hero gains skill from a successful combat.
Still at sea, an encounter with pirates could result in, rather than loss of ships, the opportunity for a character with some emissary skill to persuade some of the pirates to join the fleet in return for a pardon for ships and crews…but if no emissary is there to parlay with the pirates, then the normal navy encounter would take place.
I’m sure there are other existing encounters which could have new encounters built off of them…
– Ernie III
-----Original Message-----
From: [mepbmlist]
To: mepbmlist
Sent: Mon, Aug 11, 2014 4:16 pm
Subject: [mepbmlist] Re: Ideas for New Encounters
Regarding the morale of an army, maybe troops deserting could be implemented in some way, as I’ve seen plenty of player armies mulling about, with a morale of ‘1’. However, losing troops to wandering npcs, is not really a new idea ( as it’s already in the game w/ Ents, Dragons, Eagles, and other groups of human/non-human creature encounters ). And to lose such a great percentage as you propose, vs. the number that could be randomly gained, seems grossly unfair to the Dark Servants.
So with that said, I thought mepbm is looking more for ideas for the encounters themselves ( such as new riddles, somewhat in-depth descriptions of an encounter, etc. ), not suggestions for reworking game mechanics?