I think non-human armies should now and then suffer from rebellion and intern conflicts. Because no matter how good moral they may have there will be conflicts. Of course rebellions will be put down , but it cost blood. Lets say 20-40 pc of the troops. To balanse this I think non-human armies regulary will encounter that groups of non-human join them just for the fun of it. Mixed troops with medium to poor equipment, but poor training. Lets say 5-15% increase each time.
T-Mobile. America’s First Nationwide 4G Network.
------ Original message ------
**From: **Sverre Rusten [mepb…
**Date: **8/10/2014 1:49 PM
**To: **;
Subject:[mepbmlist] Re: Ideas for New Encounters
Alright …but then have “other than non-human” armies given a percentage chance of contracting illness or disease every turn, which would then reduce their combat effectiveness, and run the risk of having troops die off as a result. To offset this, wandering peasants with no weapons/armor/food and minimum training attach themselves to these armies. I figure if you’re looking to hinder the non-humans with your insurrection proposition then you would not object to the “other than non-humans” being afflicted in a like fashion.
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‘whitmalcooper’ [mepbmlist];
Sverre Rusten [mepb…;
Re: [mepbmlist] Re: Ideas for New Encounters
Mon, Aug 11, 2014 12:31:38 AM
T-Mobile. America’s First Nationwide 4G Network.
------ Original message ------
**From: **Sverre Rusten [mepb…
**Date: **8/10/2014 1:49 PM
**To: **;
Subject:[mepbmlist] Re: Ideas for New Encounters
I think non-human armies should now and then suffer from rebellion and intern conflicts. Because no matter how good moral they may have there will be conflicts. Of course rebellions will be put down , but it cost blood. Lets say 20-40 pc of the troops. To balanse this I think non-human armies regulary will encounter that groups of non-human join them just for the fun of it. Mixed troops with medium to poor equipment, but poor training. Lets say 5-15% increase each time.