I’ve separated this from the wish list thread as I guess this will prompt a number of responses.
Here are some of my ideas for new SNAs in FA 1000
Cartography - This allows a nation to move a their map three hexes rather than one in the direction specified.
Guardian - Guard character and guard pop order for the nation is doubly effective.
Loyal Citizenry - Nation loses one less loyalty on a pop centre when the tax rate causes it to fall or an enemy emissary attempts to influence the pop centres.
Artefact Creation - Mages can learn a new spell list that will enable the mage to transform mithril into new artefacts (say 100 Mi will make a 500pt Combat artefact, 250 Mi will make a 1000 pt and 500 Mi will make a 1500 pt).
Small Boats - The ability to make small boats (carrying 50 Hi each) that can travel up minor rivers.
Cute, more would be interesting guys. Note I would plan to use these sort of thing, SCA (Special Character Abilities) and possibly SPA (Special PopCentre abilities) in KS - ie test out some new stuff there.
SCA: Akhorahil casts all Spells @+10% or at 2 extra range.
SPA: Double production, Chance to Increase size by (Loyalty%-50)/30 per turn (note only for a specific PC these, otherwise they’d come under SNAs).
SNA: +10% versus Kidnap/Assassinate, LI are +2/+2, Name Character @ nought cost, characters can move 14 movement.
you 'da man! Those are all very interesting SNAs. If SNAs are to be messed with, can we change the "rules* of 4th age such that the amount a nation has to spend on SNAs defines how many they can have instead of a hard limit of 4? That would make a lot of the lower cost SNAs much more interesting to consider.
re: small boats
If this is enacted, a small boat “navy” should be stopped by an army in addition to fortifications. Should small boats be “single use?” Or persistent?
re: Guardian
Maybe instead of x2, this should be +20 to agent guard skills (x2 may be too good) I already am one of the few who believes that “common wisdom” of the ineffectiveness of guarding is just flat out wrong.
New ideas (or another way to deal with the 4 SNA limit):
Engineering (men and dwarves only): nation may build roads, bridges, ports, harbors, & fortifications for 1/2 timber & gold cost.
Mariner (elves & men only): ships may be built at 1/2 timber cost; warships have 5 combat value; navies never get “lost at sea” (SNAs 34, 32, 17, bundled)
Warrior Nation (any race): Armies lose no morale on force march; all new troops start at training 20; New armies start at morale 40; (SNAs 6, 13, 20 bundled)
Magical Combat (any race): +20 casting rank to combat spells (i.e. every mage of that nation has an innate +M20 artifact for the purposes of casting combat spells); (Dark Servants) includes ability to learn Fearful hearts, fanaticism and summon storms (SNAs 27, 28, 29 bundled)
Yes they would be stopped by armies and fortifications. The boats would be persistant but perhaps you couldn’t have more that 6 small boats together. The idea would be to have small raiding forces for taking out villages and camps.
I’m fine with the +20 guard. As long as it seems balanced that’s the thing.
I think I’d prefer the 4 SNA limit to be removed. Frequently I find I want 5 SNAs and have to make a choice - usually it is the minor ones that suffer.
[i]1) How’bout teleporting companies, or better yet armies.
Cast a spell where you can control an enemies character for a turn[/i]
We had one idea which was ranged remove character orders. I think that and the above are nation killers. I do like the direction that you’re going though.
Imagine - Mind Control Elrond - he challenges Cirdan and 740s… nasty.
Or Army gets teleported across the map removing all the strategy of such things. Yuk. Sorry to be negative here…
I’ve suggested the following before, pertaining to character hiring:
Any character can be hired for 5000 gold, using the Name Character order.
Characters of up to 40 total points can be hired using the Name Character order.
These two could obviously combo together, but they’d be at least 8000 gold SNAs, so doing this combo would use up most of the gold for SNAs. They’d be good with other SNAs, too, like stealth, for instance.
Weakness is in 1000, but Sickness and Curses is not. Personally, I don’t think it would be too unbalancing to have a 10000-12000 SNA allowing all mages to learn all Spirit Mastery spells. It would be powerful, but it should also be expensive, so it isn’t overly so,
These are both intriguing. The 2nd one needs to be more expensive than 8k. It combines SNAs: 9,10,11,12 (total cost now of 21k) without the 5k cost. But it’s way more flexible, and a lot of times paying 10k for a new character is not a handicap. Getting that extra +10 is darn nice. Maybe the combination of your #1 and #2 should be 20k total cost. So #1 should cost 8k and #2 should cost 12k.
Hmmm. I think it’d be more interesting to put Spirit Mastery back into the artifacts than to add an SNA that allows the full tree. Then it would show up in the mid-late game as a weapon, not the early game.