It's Winter! Merry Christmas!!!

Hail Wun Tooth and All!!

I would like to wish a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All MEPBM’ers!

DS/FP/Neutral I raise a Pint to Ye:D


we wish you the same!

… let’s open a barrel of beer to survive Christmas with …

Have Fun!


Most of the US should have a white Christmas :). Merry Christmas everyone.

Certainly the right side of the US… Unhappily, I’ve been white for a couple weeks already… :frowning:

But certainly for all, do enjoy the season of excess. I’m taking a few moments with a glass of something good to appreciate what we have here that allows us to use these electronic machines to play this silly game whilst many others haven’t such luxuries. Lots of work yet to do out there. In the meantime, I wish the DS in Game 6, the DS in Game 30, and whoever you are in Game 75 the most miserable and unfortunate ME Holiday Season possible~! :smiley:


Hi Mike,
we had snow and sibirian cold at Berlin … but it looks like shortly before the celebration it will melt away.

Must say white Christmas would be fine, but if it’s combined with temperatures beyond -10° C, I really can spare the snow!

Mike, next year we should start in a game together and not as enemies!

Have Fun!


I know - join the 1 week game~! Take 2 nations each and demand to be on the same allegiance~!


Ho, Ho, Ho!

… looking on game 6.

Have Fun!


To all those suffering the ravages of winter you have my sympathies.

Spare a thought for us in Australia though.

Adelaide which is my city of residence is expecting 42 degrees celcius. That is 107 farhenheit for the uninitiated. I’m not sure what -10 to -20 celsius is like, but the heat is really stressful.

Merry xmas all.


No worries, Blue!:wink:

Of course the sun down there doesn’t Castrate Brass Monkey’s:cool:

Hey Gixxx, would like to one day – not playing that many regular games anymore – am into the Gunboats though, kind of burnt on the regular and grudge. Hopeing Brad’s game doesn’t turn out like the one weekers.


LOL – nope the weather down here would rot the brass monkey, should see what it did to my Grandmother’s brass bed.