JO language question


I’ve just installed the JO.

Is there a place in the Jo to set the language to English?

At the moment, the program has things in Spanish (menus mostly) and some others in English.

I’m Spanish, but prefer to have everything in the same language(it’s a bit messy otherwise). The game is run in English, so I would like to have the whole thing in English :slight_smile:

I think it’s a problem with the OS (which is in Spanish), but not sure. I’m running it on a Windows 7.

If anyone can help that would be great :slight_smile:


There are no settings/preferences in JO. I’m assuming you’re dealing with Windows…

Mmmm… It looks like it’s more than the menus… The orders, the units all looks half translated to Spanish… What a nightmare :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

When Im generatig the orders, the orders are a mix of languages… really need help with this :S

I changed the SO language and… tada… all in English again… Bloody windows…

It’s not the solution, but migth do for a while.

If anyone from ME can ask the JO programmer if I can do something better would be great :slight_smile:

Will do - a set language option seems the way forward.


to set the language

jOverseer.exe -L EN (to set to English, ES to set to Spanish).

if that doesn’t work, then might have to copy to

Thanks Clint :slight_smile:

Good stuff