Has anyone else had issues with JO and Windows 10? Specifically when I enter JO, the map size is EXTREMELY small, as well as the icons on the top and bottom of the program.
Thanks for your help.
Has anyone else had issues with JO and Windows 10? Specifically when I enter JO, the map size is EXTREMELY small, as well as the icons on the top and bottom of the program.
Thanks for your help.
CTRL and Mouse roller in and out to zoom in and out on the map.
Clint, thanks for the help. That only partially corrected the problem as the hexes are still too small to read the numbers. I believe the issue lies with my new monitor, which is a 4k screen. Even at maximum resolution the map remains too small to read clearly. The icons are also very small at the top of JOverseer, too small to read without using the computer’s magnifier. Any suggestions?
Hi, this is a semi known problem although a full solution is tricky for the programmer who currently does not have a 4k screen to test on.
So, here is the current state of advice:
make sure you are on the current lates version of JO, 1.16.0 from here http://middleearthgames.com/soov.html
The user’s workaround was to reduce resolution to 1980x1080 and use extra large icons (150%) in the windows settings.
In JOverseer, tools->preferences, window display tab on the left… lets you get into a real mess in messing with the default sizes of text… not perfect, but may make it usable…
The problem basically seems to be this:
So the solution SHOULD be to execute JOverseer from the RUN prompt (right click on the start button, select RUN) like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\JOverseer\jOverseer.exe -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false
The extra paramaters on the command should let Windows scale JO onto your high rez monitor. If you try this please feedback to us whether it works!
looks like workaround B may be bugged for java 8.
If so…
Try this for windows 10:
run joverseer as usual.
start task manager (right mouse on the background of the toolbar and select task manager)
find java in the list of processes…
right mouse click, open file location.
right mouse click on the selected java executable…probably javaw.exe,…and select properties.
then select Compatibilty tab, and check ‘Disable display scaling on high DPI settings’
and apply.
close joverseer.
log out of windows and log in again…
see if joverseer is still the same.
Again, if you try this workaround please feedback on success/performance.
Happy Gaming,
Workaround A:
I can make everything larger by changing the resolution, but when you go into JO and click on the Window display and up the numbers, I do not see any change at all. Everything is still squished together, even after rebooting JO.
Workaround B:
When I type in that pathway as you have written above, it deletes everything after the space. If I take the space out, it comes up with a windows error.
Workaround C:
I was able to look in task manager, but Java isn’t one of the running processes. I do have the latest version of Java and JO. Is there another way to get to the Java options? The only options I see when I actually open Java, do not contain any of the steps you have mentioned above.
Right now I am at a loss, I am going to continue looking and I will let you know if I find anything that works. Thanks for all your help!
Why does Help-About still show 1.14.1? I have a feeling it was updated recently and after installing from the link now, I uninstalled and did it again - still 1.14.1.
Ok this is hard for me to check as I’m am testing things on a Win8.1 machine. When I do this typing into the Run command popup window its fine. Cutting and pasting the whole command into the Run prompt window also works. Try copying (select and then CNTRL-C) the command text from above and pasting into the Run command. If you are typing, ensure you have the minus “-” sign before the ‘Dsun’ parameter as that tells Java that a parameter is coming.
Workaround C:
I was able to look in task manager, but Java isn’t one of the running processes. I do have the latest version of Java and JO. Is there another way to get to the Java options? The only options I see when I actually open Java, do not contain any of the steps you have mentioned above.
OK, I had this error when first checking Workaround C but that was beacause I had not followed the instructions and had not start JOverseer before going to the taskmanager and looking for Java. Unless its needed by something Java will not load up and run explicitly. So if you made that same error, go run JO and look for Java again.
Once I did this “Java™ Platform SE Binary” appeared as one of the main Apps running near the top of the ‘Processes’ tab in Task manager.
You can actually right-click on it there, properties and go straight to the Compatability tab to set the scaling option.
Openning the file location on my machine found the program here: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\bin
You can go straight to that directory (if its the same on yours), right click on the javaw.exe file there and set the options.
Hope this gets you it one way or the other.
Right now I am at a loss, I am going to continue looking and I will let you know if I find anything that works. Thanks for all your help!
- Bob N
Hope some of that helps, again let us know any progress.
I was a little confused as to what you meant initially Brad, and was looking on the webpage for a help-about link that was still giving the old 1.14 version, but now I realise that you mean going to the help menu, then about, In JOverseer, where it reports the version you are running. I can confirm that I recently upgraded JO on my machine in 2 different locations and the help-about changed from 1.14 to 1.16 and the website for development now points at Github.
Soooooo, I suspect that you have JO installed in more than one place on your machine and the upgrade is putting the new version in the default location (here: C:\Program Files (x86)\JOverseer I believe). However, if you have an old desktop/taskbar icon pointing to version 1.14 install in another directory, clicking on that will run the old version and the help-about will show version 1.14 and make it look like no updrade has happened.
Let me know if this was the case for you.
If so open your old game files in the new version of JO, make your icon point at the new version of JO, and you should be good to go.
To make the Icons point at the right place, right click on the icon, select properties.
In the pop up window set
Target to “C:\Program Files (x86)\JOverseer\jOverseer.exe” copy and paste including quote marks
start in “C:\Program Files (x86)\JOverseer” copy and paste including quote marks
Dean, I finally figured out how to pull up java in the task manager. I went into properties and followed your steps that you have listed, and no changes. I tried this with all the java applications in that folder as well just to see what would happen, and still no changes.
I had tried Workaround B again, and now it’s bringing up a webpage that says “not sure what you are looking for”
We may just have to wait until Java updates unfortunately. I’ll still keep an eye out for solutions and update if I find anything new.
This process is complicated by using both Windows 10 and the 4k monitor and I am new to both. Thanks again for your help.
OK we will watch this space
That is the problem. I tried to install it over top my existing, where I have a custom JOverseer folder - but it went ahead and took my starting point, and created a new JOverseer folder within the original… Shortcut icon replaced, all good…