Can someone help!?
My DELL died and I got a Mac-----I can’t install JOVERSEER!
Can someone help!?
My DELL died and I got a Mac-----I can’t install JOVERSEER!
It works. I run it on my Mac all the time. What are you having problems with?
I run it on OSX version 10.11.6
java version “1.6.0_65”
Launch command is: java -Xmx384M -jar joverseer.jar
The main thing is just getting the files extracted into a single directory. You can’t just use the .exe file off of MEGames site.
Hi Guys,
We are developing what will hopefully be a smoothing installer for JO on a MAC.
At the moment, the best person with advice experience is Wade Frost if you are in touch with him? He is beta testing the installer. You do have to have the right version(s) of Java on the Mac. If you are still having problems I could put Wade in touch with you if you like?
Will this installer work on Linux as well? Both are using java so…
Thank’s for keep developing it!
I doubt the installer will run on Linux. JO uses Java not the installer. The installers are by their nature OS speciffic.