JOverseer Windows Batch File Error Solved 9/7/13
Reported Error: On some versions of windows, after installing JOverseer, the Windows batch file, JOverseer.bat, which you are told to execute to run the program, starts up a window and closes down immediately. Often executing the the JOverseer.jar file directly does run the program.
Quick Fix
- WINDOWS + Pause Break (like doing CNRL-Z etc…)
- –> Advanced --> Environment Variables -->PATH
- Add directory containing Java to PATH, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin
Detailed Explanation
The problem is that JOverseer is run using Java. Windows, and hence the BATCH file, on some versions of Windows, has not saved the path to the Java program. We need to find out where the Java program is and tell windows about it.
Look in C:\Program Files
If you have Java installed there will be a Java directory (if not install Java or JOverseer will never run!)
Look in C:\Program Files\Java
There will be directories in there that reflect the versions off Java you have installed. At the time of writing this I could see jre6 and jre7. Version 7 was the latest version so we go there.
Look in C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
In there, there should be a ‘bin’ directory, short for BINARY, which is the format of an actual program that the computer can run.
Look in C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin
In there is there should be the Java.exe program and “C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin” is the PATH to the program and we now have to tell Windows about this, we have to add this to the all the PATHS that windows checks for programs. Here is how we do that using the Windows variable editor, to add this into the PATH variable.
Hold down the WINDOWS key (the one that pulls up the start menu) and whilst that is held push the “Pause Break” key.
i.e. WINDOWS + Pause Break (like doing CNRL-Z etc…)
This pulls up the windows Control panel system settings window. On here, select the Advanced System Settings Link. If you have user account control on it make ask for your permission to proceed, say yes, and another smaller window with buttons and tabs pops up.
Click the Environment Variable button. (PATH is a Windows enviroment variable)
Another window pops up, goto to the System Variable pane and scroll down until you see the PATH variable. Click on it to select it with the mouse in that pane and then his the EDIT button.
An even smaller window pops up with:
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: “lots of text of directory paths separated by semi colons”
Click on the text in the Variable vlaue window, go right to the end of the text (Right arow or END key), type a semi colon and then add in the path to our Java program, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin
Click OK until the windows all close. Now your JOveseer .bat file should work!
This addition to the PATH remains after reboot, so its a change to make once. Tested on Vista Home Premium.