
** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available.


JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the functionality of a
mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator program and
much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich information about
the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the map to
better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with Orderchecker so
you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so you can
plan your economy.

Installation instructions:

The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
- the latest
libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
- the User

Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and guide you
through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program released
under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment with or
contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check here or at
the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by Marios

OK, brace yourselves for the questions.

First one: When setting up a game it has a tick box for "new style
xmls". How does one find out if one has new style or old style xmls?


On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:

** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available.


JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the functionality of a
mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator program and
much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich information
the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the map to
better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with Orderchecker so
you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so you can
plan your economy.

Installation instructions:

The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
<> the latest
libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
<> the User

Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and guide you
through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program
under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment with or
contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check here or at
the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by Marios


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date: 22/06/2008 07:52

  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Well chaps, here's my first attempt to import a game:

overseerer error message

Not very informative. Can anyone advise me?


On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:

** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available.


JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the functionality of a
mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator program and
much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich information
the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the map to
better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with Orderchecker so
you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so you can
plan your economy.

Installation instructions:

The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
<> the latest
libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
<> the User

Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and guide you
through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program
under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment with or
contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check here or at
the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by Marios


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date: 22/06/2008 07:52

  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hi Laurence,

Not had that error myself...

On your previous point, we're not using new style xml files in game 78.

If you are trying to import a game in progress, how do you have the
files stored? Joverseer likes you to have a folder for a game and then
within that folder a folder for each turn named something like turn1,
turn2, turn3 etc.

To import a game in progress use 'Import Game Dir Tree' and point it to
the overall game folder rather than a particular turn.

I've just tried to re-import the whole of game 78 (I've been using it
for a few games now) and it worked fine, took around 5 minutes to import
all the turn files.




-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Laurence G. Tilley
Sent: 24 June 2008 10:27
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] JOverseer

Well chaps, here's my first attempt to import a game:

overseerer error message

Not very informative. Can anyone advise me?

On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:
> ** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now
> Http://
> <Http://>
> Description:
> JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the
functionality of
> a mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator
> program and much more. It reads both XML and PDF files,
providing rich
> information about the game. It can be used to write your orders and
> draw them on the map to better visualize your plans. It also comes
> integrated with Orderchecker so you can check your orders. It comes
> with an economy calculator so you can plan your economy.
> Installation instructions:
> <>
> The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
> -
> <> the
> latest version
> -
> > libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
> -
> <> the
> User Guide
> Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get
started and guide
> you through the various functions. JOverseer is an open
source program
> released under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to
> experiment with or contribute. It is written in Java and runs on
> Windows, Linux and MacOS.
> JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so
check here
> or at the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being
> by Marios Skounakis.
> --
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date:
> 22/06/2008 07:52


  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Middle Earth PBM - hit reply to send to everyone To
Website: Yahoo! Groups Links

Hi Jon

On your previous point, we're not using new style xml files in game

OK, that might have caused the problem then because I ticked the box.

If you are trying to import a game in progress, how do you have the
files stored?

All jumbled into the same folder with map files etc. ME Assist and
Archon mapper have no problem with extracting the files they need from
it, so I hoped that this one might be able to as well.

Joverseer likes you to have a folder for a game and then

within that folder a folder for each turn named something like turn1,
turn2, turn3 etc.

OK, I could see from the wiki help and Brad's user guide that that was
used in the examples, but what I could not find was anything definitive
enough to say that they MUST be manually sorted out in that way in order
for the prog to work. (I thought Brad's meticulous filing system may
just be a legacy from Palantir or because he has nothing better to do.
(Only pulling your leg Brad - I can see you've put a lot of time into
the user guide.))

To import a game in progress use 'Import Game Dir Tree' and point it
the overall game folder rather than a particular turn.

OK. Now I have to decide if all that refiling is worth the effort*.
JOverseer certainly looks very smart in terms of the clarity of its
screen layout, but then ME Assist has impressed me thoroughly as well
(apart from its failure to import files where there's a difference in
the accents on character and pop names.)

Looks like a VHS and Betamax war is in the offing. Ho Hum.

*And my PC makes a noise like a claped out hovercraft in the warm
weather. I may go and lie down in a darkened room instead.


On 24/06/2008 Jon Steer wrote:

  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hi Laurence,

OK. Now I have to decide if all that refiling is worth the effort*.
JOverseer certainly looks very smart in terms of the clarity
of its screen layout, but then ME Assist has impressed me
thoroughly as well (apart from its failure to import files
where there's a difference in the accents on character and
pop names.)

Looks like a VHS and Betamax war is in the offing. Ho Hum.

I've been using Joverseer for over a year now so I'm almost certainly
biased but I think it's worth you giving it a go...

You could just separate out files for turn0 and turn1 and import those,
it will give you an idea of how it works and whether the additional
filing is worth it. Of course it's use increases over time, being able
to easily step through turns, run reports on individual characters etc
won't really be that impressive with one turn of data...


It's old until we tell you if it's new. New is for the test games and it's been prepared for that in advance.


OK, brace yourselves for the questions.

First one: When setting up a game it has a tick box for "new style
xmls". How does one find out if one has new style or old style xmls?

> ** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available.
> <Http://>Http://

> <Http://>
> Description:
> JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the functionality of a
> mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator program and
> much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich information
> about
> the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the map to
> better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with Orderchecker so
> you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so you can
> plan your economy.
> Installation instructions:
> <>

> <>
> The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
> - <>

> <> the latest
> version
> -
> <>

> <>
> libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
> - <>

> <> the User
> Guide
> Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and guide you
> through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program
> released
> under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment with or
> contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
> JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check here or at
> the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by Marios
> Skounakis.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date: 22/06/2008 07:52


Laurence G. Tilley <>


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

     Middle Earth Games Ltd

Website: <>

Email: <>

Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)


At 10:08 24/06/08, you wrote:

On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:


Middle Earth Games Ltd

Website: <>

Email: <>

Post: UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP UK
US: ME Games Ltd, 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

Telephone: Phone Times: 10am-6:30pm UK Time (BST); 5am-1.30 (EST)
UK: 029 2091 3359 (029 2062 5665 can be used if main engaged)
(Dial 011 44 29 2091 3359 if in the US)
US Phone: (732) 642-8777 EST

Fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours)

Hi Laurence,

(author of JO here)

- New style XMLs are there for future games. ME Games will let you know when
it will become effective. For now it's there because it's being used for
some test games.

- Regarding importing files: I can see that organizing your files into turns
can be a hassle if you haven't been doing so from the start of the game.
Interestingly enough we've been testing it for nearly a year and no-one came
up with this request. I'll see about adding this functionality for next

If you come into any other problems, posting your log4j.log file (from the
program's directory) here will help me locate any errors and won't reveal
any info about your game. Or you can email me in private.



On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Laurence G. Tilley <> wrote:

  OK, brace yourselves for the questions.

First one: When setting up a game it has a tick box for "new style
xmls". How does one find out if one has new style or old style xmls?

On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:
> ** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available.
> Http://
> <Http://>
> Description:
> JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the functionality of a
> mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator program
> much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich information
> about
> the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the map to
> better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with Orderchecker
> you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so you can
> plan your economy.
> Installation instructions:
> <>
> The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
> -
> <> the latest
> version
> -
> <>
> libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
> -
> <> the User
> Guide
> Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and guide
> through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program
> released
> under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment with
> contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
> JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check here or
> the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by Marios
> Skounakis.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date:
22/06/2008 07:52


Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hi Marios,

Actually, once I set it properly for old style xmls it seemed to
_almost_ cope with my folder. It seemed to generate an error on one
file only, but then the "serious" error message comes up and blots out
that window. It now _seems_ to be running OK. Something ME Assist can
do is show you a summary list of which turn/nations pdfs and xmls have
been successfully imported into the database. Can JOverseer do this,
and if so how do I find the list?


On 24/06/2008 20:30, Marios Skounakis wrote:

Hi Laurence,

(author of JO here)

- New style XMLs are there for future games. ME Games will let you
know when
it will become effective. For now it's there because it's being used for
some test games.

- Regarding importing files: I can see that organizing your files into
can be a hassle if you haven't been doing so from the start of the game.
Interestingly enough we've been testing it for nearly a year and
no-one came
up with this request. I'll see about adding this functionality for next

If you come into any other problems, posting your log4j.log file (from the
program's directory) here will help me locate any errors and won't reveal
any info about your game. Or you can email me in private.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Laurence G. Tilley > < <>> > wrote:

> OK, brace yourselves for the questions.
> First one: When setting up a game it has a tick box for "new style
> xmls". How does one find out if one has new style or old style xmls?
> On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:
> >
> > ** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available.
> >
> > Http://
> > <Http://
> >
> > Description:
> > JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the
functionality of a
> > mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator program
> and
> > much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich information
> > about
> > the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the
map to
> > better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with
> so
> > you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so
you can
> > plan your economy.
> >
> > Installation instructions:
> >
> > <
> >
> > The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
> > -
> > <
<>> the latest
> > version
> > -
> >
> >
> > libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
> > -
> > <
<>> the User
> > Guide
> >
> > Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and guide
> you
> > through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program
> > released
> > under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment
> or
> > contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and
> >
> > JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check
here or
> at
> > the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by
> > Skounakis.
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG.
> > Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date:
> 22/06/2008 07:52
> >
> --
> Laurence G. Tilley
> <>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1515 - Release Date: 23/06/2008 19:16

  Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Like you said it is running ok but not perfectly. Since you have all your
files in one folder, it will read them in semi-random order. If it reads say
turn 9 first, then it will refuse to read turn 8. So it's still best to put
your files into separate folders for each turn. As I said, I'll soon create
a version that can cope with all files thrown into one folder. Truth be
told, unless you put your files into turn folders, the current version won't
work very well.

The info you are looking for is partially covered by the "Player info"
window in JO - you can find it from the "Window" menu, "Show View" -> "Team"
-> "Player Info". It reports the info for each player - so if you see the
info for some player it means the respective file has been imported (at
least the xml). It also gives you some additional info such as the account
no, if you have generated an order file for this nation and what file and
version, and when you sent it (if you used JO to do that) to ME games.



On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 12:40 AM, Laurence G. Tilley <> wrote:

  Hi Marios,

Actually, once I set it properly for old style xmls it seemed to
_almost_ cope with my folder. It seemed to generate an error on one
file only, but then the "serious" error message comes up and blots out
that window. It now _seems_ to be running OK. Something ME Assist can
do is show you a summary list of which turn/nations pdfs and xmls have
been successfully imported into the database. Can JOverseer do this,
and if so how do I find the list?

On 24/06/2008 20:30, Marios Skounakis wrote:
> Hi Laurence,
> (author of JO here)
> - New style XMLs are there for future games. ME Games will let you
> know when
> it will become effective. For now it's there because it's being used for
> some test games.
> - Regarding importing files: I can see that organizing your files into
> turns
> can be a hassle if you haven't been doing so from the start of the game.
> Interestingly enough we've been testing it for nearly a year and
> no-one came
> up with this request. I'll see about adding this functionality for next
> version.
> If you come into any other problems, posting your log4j.log file (from
> program's directory) here will help me locate any errors and won't reveal
> any info about your game. Or you can email me in private.
> Best,
> Marios
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Laurence G. Tilley > > < <> <mailto: > <>>> > > wrote:
> > OK, brace yourselves for the questions.
> >
> > First one: When setting up a game it has a tick box for "new style
> > xmls". How does one find out if one has new style or old style xmls?
> >
> >
> > On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:
> > >
> > > ** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now
> > >
> > > Http://
> <Http://>
> > > <Http://
> <Http://>>
> > >
> > > Description:
> > > JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the
> functionality of a
> > > mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator
> > and
> > > much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich
> > > about
> > > the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the
> map to
> > > better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with
> Orderchecker
> > so
> > > you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so
> you can
> > > plan your economy.
> > >
> > > Installation instructions:
> > >
> <>
> > > <
> <>>
> > >
> > > The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
> > > -
> <>
> > > <
> <>> the
> > > version
> > > -
> > >
> <>
> > >
> <
> <>>
> > > libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
> > > -
> <>
> > > <
> <>> the
> > > Guide
> > >
> > > Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and
> > you
> > > through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program
> > > released
> > > under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment
> with
> > or
> > > contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and
> MacOS.
> > >
> > > JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check
> here or
> > at
> > > the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by
> Marios
> > > Skounakis.
> > >
> > >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > > Checked by AVG.
> > > Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date:
> > 22/06/2008 07:52
> > >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Laurence G. Tilley
> <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > <>
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1515 - Release Date:
23/06/2008 19:16


Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Actually, while I think the dialog generally is good for the community, if
you could keep specifics like file logs either private, or on the YahooGroup
set up for this discussion, I think many people might appreciate it
(although I myself don't mind).



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Marios Skounakis
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] JOverseer

Hi Laurence,

(author of JO here)

- New style XMLs are there for future games. ME Games will let you know when
it will become effective. For now it's there because it's being used for
some test games.

- Regarding importing files: I can see that organizing your files into turns
can be a hassle if you haven't been doing so from the start of the game.
Interestingly enough we've been testing it for nearly a year and no-one came
up with this request. I'll see about adding this functionality for next

If you come into any other problems, posting your log4j.log file (from the
program's directory) here will help me locate any errors and won't reveal
any info about your game. Or you can email me in private.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Laurence G. Tilley <> wrote:

  OK, brace yourselves for the questions.

First one: When setting up a game it has a tick box for "new style
xmls". How does one find out if one has new style or old style xmls?

On 23/06/2008 18:22, ME Games Ltd wrote:
> ** JOverseer - new combined mapping/order input program now available.
> Http://
> <Http://>
> Description:
> JOverseer is an all-in-one program which combines the functionality of a
> mapping program, an order entry program, an economy calculator program
> much more. It reads both XML and PDF files, providing rich information
> about
> the game. It can be used to write your orders and draw them on the map


> better visualize your plans. It also comes integrated with Orderchecker
> you can check your orders. It comes with an economy calculator so you


> plan your economy.
> Installation instructions:
> <>
> The latest files are what you currently see in the downloads page:
> -
> <> the latest
> version
> -
> <>
> libraries - you only need to download once, during first install
> -
> <> the User
> Guide
> Also, check the JOverseer User Guide to help you get started and guide
> through the various functions. JOverseer is an open source program
> released
> under GPL 2. The source code is available for anyone to experiment with
> contribute. It is written in Java and runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
> JOverseer is regularly updated with new functionality, so check here or
> the project web site for updates. JOverseer is being developed by Marios
> Skounakis.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1513 - Release Date:
22/06/2008 07:52


Laurence G. Tilley


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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